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It's all about a girl who had never had it well with love, given from her parents background. She was very successful but still love never came her way not untill one day....


Mirabel thought she had it all under control with Jeremy her boyfriend. But, it wasn't so cause not all that glitters is actually gold.

Jeremy only had one thing he needed from her, good sex and her black card. To him she wasn't worth more than that.

Mirabel Georgiana the owner of Georgiana industry a multi-million dollar industry. A pretty, smart and intelligent young lady but love never actually went her way. The first guy Mirabel dated was ceaser, ceaser was a nice guy and all but he was a cheat. He was Mirabel's first love and she gave him a huge part in her heart. But he ended sleeping with a maid, at that point Mirabel was devastated that she housed him out of her life. And now after so many failed attempts of the thing called love, she met Jeremy. Jeremy jones on the other hand jeremy was more worst but hid his monster self from her.

Jeremy had two girlfriends, and one sugar babe aside from Mirabel and she was oblivious of it. Mirabel was just busy taking good care of him, theres nothing he would want that Mirabel won't provide. He sucked her dry, in sex and in money. But all this stopped on a rainy day.

It was the 5th August 2022, and Mirabel decided to take a stroll and this was unlike her. You know the ways of the weather can never be predicted immediately she went to the coffee shop to get a coffee for herself and then there was an heavy downpour. She sat at the coffee shop, then she saw someone who looks just like jeremy. She didn't believe because he was with a lady and holding her seductively. She decided to get a closer look at that person, lo and behold it really was jeremy. She didn't say a word, she quickly followed them as they went outside of the coffee shop even in the rain. As she was trailing then, she saw jeremy pin the lady to the wall was kissing her passionately. she brought out her phone and immediately took a picture and also videoed them so jeremy will have no way to deny this. She quickly went home sobbing inside the rain now all her hope has been crushed to nothing.

She become a workaholic, just so she could forget everything like love really isn't going her way maybe she should lay low for a bit she said to her self. While in her thought, she heard her phone rang it was her mum.

The call:

Her mom: " Mira, how are you? Have you found a man to get married to you? You know you're getting old I want to see my little grand children before I pass on"

Mirable: " Mom you're not going anywhere anytime and besides I don't want to make mistakes like you did" then she hanged up.

Mirable's mom is a single parent her dad left when she was 5 yrs old and mirable would never forget that day it her life.but even amidst all when she was older she decided to give love a trier and jeremy messed with her. "That jerk" as she usually addresses him now.

Time lapse

3 months later....

" Hey!! How dare you bump into my car like it's all yours, you think every girl is the same" mirable shouted addressing a driver of a car.

The driver was about coming out of the car when a Tall, handsome, and well built man stepped out of the back seat. "I'm sorry ma'am that my car almost hit yours,but I don't get why you're ranting like why stress your self over nothing" he asked rather unpolite

"What do you mean by that word " ranting" how dear you" she got angry and left though with her feeling bitter.

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