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The Missed Chance

The Missed Chance



Book 1 of the Chances Trilogy: In a world haunted by the weight of missed opportunities, a secretive society promises a second chance at life. "The Missed Chance," the captivating first installment of the Chances Trilogy, explores the lives of individuals who have witnessed miraculous turnarounds, only to be confronted with a profound choice that could alter their destinies forever. Amidst a backdrop of personal struggles and setbacks, our diverse group of protagonists, each carrying the burden of a missed chance, stumbles upon the enigmatic secret society. Led by a charismatic figure known only as "The Guardian," this clandestine group offers a tantalizing proposition: a chance to rewrite their narratives and embark on a path untarnished by past mistakes. "The Missed Chance" sets the stage for a riveting trilogy, exploring themes of sacrifice, trust, and the complex nature of second chances. With its gripping narrative, unforgettable characters, and a web of secrets waiting to be unraveled, this book captivates readers, leaving them eagerly anticipating the subsequent installments of the Chances Trilogy. Prepare to embark on a journey where the past collides with the present, where trust is tested, and where the line between redemption and damnation blurs. The Missed Chance is a spellbinding tale that challenges our perceptions of fate, offering a glimpse into a world where the opportunity to rewrite one's story comes at an extraordinary price.

Chapter 1 1

As the storm clouds unleashed their fury upon the world, raindrops cascaded from the heavens, saturating the desolate night. Amidst the deluge, a solitary figure materialized on the desolate road, standing just beyond the reaches of a local casino in town. Clad in tattered garments that offered scant protection, a tall and emaciated young man shivered uncontrollably, his frail frame tormented by the biting cold. His gaze, heavy with desolation, remained fixed upon the casino's resplendent facade, a vivid reminder of his recent folly that had squandered his meager savings.

Bereft of hope and with no desire to return to the shelter of his abode, a deep sense of anxiety gnawed at his core, forcing him to confront the uncertainties that lay ahead. Stripped of his livelihood long ago, he now found himself bereft of his modest fortunes, lost within the sinister clutches of the gambling den.

Suddenly, a resonant voice shattered the ominous air, jolting the thin man from his reverie. Startled, his eyes darted towards the source-a figure of imposing stature, standing twice his height. "Do I know you?" the young man inquired, his voice trembling with trepidation.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Matt," the towering stranger replied, his tone laced with genuine concern. "I beseech you, my friend, avert your gaze. Let us seek refuge in a warmer haven, where we may find solace in conversation." With a compassionate gesture, Matt extended a protective umbrella. The thin man remained transfixed, his gaze locked upon this enigmatic presence.

"And that carriage... does it belong to you?" the thin man eventually ventured, directing his attention towards the sleek vehicle stationed behind Matt. The towering stranger nodded, silently affirming his ownership.

"Then I shall assume the role of the driver," the thin man declared, a flicker of determination igniting in his eyes. Matt, in response, bestowed a reassuring smile upon him. "By all means, step inside," he beckoned, and the two men swiftly found themselves ensconced within the vehicle's comforting embrace. Settling behind the wheel, the thin man adjusted his seat and dutifully fastened his seatbelt.

"You possess the skills of a capable driver," Matt observed, his voice laced with admiration.

"I strive to be just that," the thin man, now known as Ethan, affirmed. "Incidentally, my name is Ethan."

"I am well aware," Matt interjected mysteriously, momentarily perplexing Ethan.

"Pardon?" Ethan stammered, seeking clarification.

"Take us to the nearest eatery, my friend. Ravishing hunger consumes me," Matt declared, his earnest expression driving home his need.

"I, too, suffer from the pangs of hunger," Ethan confessed hesitantly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "However..."

"However, what?" Matt interjected, urgency etching his words.

"I find myself penniless," Ethan admitted, a blush of embarrassment staining his cheeks.

"All your fortunes vanquished within the confines of the casino?" Matt inquired, his countenance now one of deep concern.

"I prefer not to dwell on it," Ethan muttered, averting his gaze.

"Very well," Matt conceded. "I shall graciously cover the cost of our sustenance, but in return, you must unburden your soul."

"Whatever," Ethan acquiesced, his foot pressing down on the accelerator.

"Excellent," Matt murmured, visibly relieved, as Ethan propelled them into the dark embrace of the night, their destination shrouded in mystery.

The relentless rain had finally subsided as Ethan parked the car outside a modest restaurant nestled on the outskirts of town. He stepped out of the vehicle, but to his surprise, Matt remained seated, a curious hesitation in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Ethan asked, perplexed by Matt's reluctance.

"Are you certain about dining here?" Matt inquired, his voice tinged with caution.

"What's wrong with this place?" Ethan questioned, puzzled by Matt's reservations. "We could have chosen any restaurant. The treat is on me."

"This establishment... it doesn't feel right. There's an air of unease about it," Matt admitted, his concern evident. "But we're not just here to eat, are we?" Ethan winked mischievously, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. A smile crept across Matt's face, and he finally stepped out of the car.

They entered the restaurant with an air of quiet determination, Ethan selecting a secluded table tucked away in the corner. The atmosphere was subdued, with only a handful of occupied tables scattered about. As a waitress approached, Ethan turned his attention to the menu.

"What would you like?" Ethan asked, casting a glance at Matt.

"A cheeseburger and some French fries," Matt replied, his choice made with unwavering certainty.

"Excellent. Two cheeseburgers and French fries," Ethan relayed to the waitress, who jotted down the order before retreating to the kitchen. Matt's gaze lingered on the waitress for a fleeting moment, her presence casting a warm glow amidst the somber ambiance of the restaurant.

"Now, tell me," Ethan began, his curiosity burning. "Why have you brought me here, and how did you come to know who I am? Have you been following me?"

Matt frowned, sensing Ethan's eagerness. "Relax. I'll answer all your questions in due time. Let's wait for the food to arrive. It'll make things easier," he reassured.

"Fine," Ethan reluctantly agreed, his gaze drifting away.

After a brief wait, their order arrived, and Ethan wasted no time sinking his teeth into the delectable burger before him. "Yummy," he exclaimed, savoring each bite.

"Have you been here before?" Matt inquired, dabbing his burger with a touch of sauce.

"A few times. Their cheeseburgers are simply the best in town," Ethan replied, a hint of pride in his voice.

"I see," Matt responded, a thoughtful glimmer in his eyes as Ethan polished off his burger.

"You could have another one if you'd like," Matt suggested, offering a generous gesture.

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" Ethan asked, surprise and gratitude intertwining in his words. Matt smiled and turned to call the waitress.

"Do you need something?" the waitress inquired as she approached their table.

"Another cheeseburger, please," Matt requested, causing Ethan to blush with embarrassment.

"Okay. Now, let me unveil who I truly am and why I've been observing you," Matt announced, leaning closer to Ethan. "I am one of the esteemed members of the Guardians, a secret society entrusted with the power to guide those in need towards a miraculous transformation in their lives."

"Is that so?" Ethan responded, his intrigue piqued. "And how does that work?"

"We offer you an opportunity to partake in a program designed to unlock your potential and reshape your destiny," Matt explained, his voice brimming with conviction.

"But how can I trust you? I don't even know you," Ethan voiced his concerns, a hint of skepticism lingering.

"You speak as if you possess a choice, but envision the life awaiting you if you spurn my offer and retreat to the familiarity of your home," Matt declared, his voice resonating with a touch of authority. Ethan's gaze dropped to the table, contemplating the weight of Matt's words. He allowed a moment of introspection to envelop him, delving into the depths of his own desires.

"Fine," Ethan conceded, his voice laced with reluctant acceptance. "But I lack the means to enroll in any program at this moment."

"You are correct. The program does require certain fees," Matt acknowledged, understanding Ethan's concerns.

"I knew it! This is just another trap," Ethan retorted, frustration seeping into his voice as his hand slapped the table in frustration.

"Do not fret. When I speak of fees, I do not refer to money, which you currently lack," Matt chuckled, attempting to ease Ethan's apprehension.

"What then?" Ethan inquired, a mix of curiosity and caution flickering in his eyes.

"I will request but one thing from you," Matt continued, his gaze unwavering. "You must vow never to set foot in that or any other casino for the remainder of your days. Should you break this condition, you will find yourself plummeting back to the very depths from which we now seek to rescue you. Trust me when I say that I have an offer that will captivate your spirit, promising you a new existence beyond your wildest imaginings. However, should you betray this condition, all will unravel. Do you comprehend the gravity of my words?"

Ethan's brow furrowed as he considered the implications, his mind grappling with the enormity of the decision before him. "What does this program entail, and when does it commence?" he finally inquired, seeking clarity before embarking on this enigmatic journey.

"The intricacies of the program shall be revealed only once you affirm your enrollment," Matt responded, leaving Ethan with a sense of tantalizing mystery.

"I require some time," Ethan requested, his gaze wandering towards the bustling kitchen. As if on cue, the waitress approached their table, tray in hand, and gently set it down before him. Ethan's hands reached out instinctively, gripping the burger that awaited him. Bite after bite, he savored the flavors that mingled upon his tongue, a symphony of tastes orchestrating a moment of contemplation.

"You have until you finish your second burger," Matt allowed, understanding Ethan's need for deliberation. As Ethan's eyes flickered towards the kitchen, he sensed the weight of his decision bearing down upon him. The seconds ticked away, the aroma of the burger filling the air around him. With each bite, a newfound resolve grew within him, eclipsing his reservations.

"Let's do it," Ethan finally uttered, his voice tinged with determination.

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Other books by atulmohite

Magic and Darkness

Magic and Darkness



Although the female mage in the air was forced to retreat, although it was only a momentary thing, but as a philosopher said: "The momentary hesitation will also become a permanent regret." With this momentary breathing effort, Alice, who was hit by surprise Si has recovered. Her voice of chanting mantras became more and more rapid and high, and every stress should make everyone's heart beat in the small square. The black flame was desperately drilled out of her gown like life, condensed into one flame ball after another, and several flame balls were further combined into a black shield, flying around Elysses, The vicious demon head is faintly visible on the shield. In the gale, Alisis flew her hair up, revealing a black crystal in the shape of a water drop in the forehead. Along with the completion of the spell, the crystal flashed, and a faint black spherical shield covered Elysses. In the dark night, a black mage's robe set off the skin of Alice's skin. In the eyes of everyone, she rose from the ground and slowly rose into the air, her coat fluttering and her style was unique. It is the symbol of the fourteenth-level wizard to float up in the air with his own magic power. Seeing that Elysses also rose to the sky, the female magician in the air seemed to be a little panicked, the wand's light shone, and a flash of lightning crossed the space of hundreds of meters and split towards Elysses. However, most of these lightnings were intercepted by the black flame ball or blocked by the black flame shield. A few lightnings hit the light black shield of Elysses, splashing countless gorgeous electric fires, but they couldn't help it. Elysses went up in the air with an incredibly gorgeous magic light. As soon as rose into the air, Elysses condensed into three dark lances, stabbing at the female mage one after another, forcing her to be in a hurry. Elysses groaned, and the moon suddenly waved like water, causing the shadow of the tree house to shake. The three shadows suddenly rose from the ground, and drifted away to the witch if there was nothing. These three shadows turned into a blurry monster outline in the air, slender limbs, you can feel the sharpness of the minions vaguely. After Elysses fully rose into the sky, the sound of chanting mantras resounded through the audience once again, like an exciting battle song!

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