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The Forced Bride: A Marriage Of Deception

The Forced Bride: A Marriage Of Deception

Siwa Rose


Forced to marry a stranger to save her father's business, June McDonnel finds herself stuck in a loveless marriage with Mason Tucker. On their wedding night, Mason leaves her alone, preferring to spend his time with his girlfriend. Feigning indifference, June tries to accept her fate, but as time goes on, she realizes that there might be more to her husband than meets the eye. As the two of them begin to understand each other, June and Mason start to develop a connection that neither of them saw coming. Slowly but surely, they find themselves falling in love in ways they never thought possible. But just when things seem to be falling into place, a sudden revelation threatens to tear them apart once and for all. In this tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption, June and Mason must fight to stay together in a world that seems determined to tear them apart. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way? Or will their love prove to be just another casualty of a world that values money and power above all else?

Chapter 1 Lies and heart break

"Let's break up" His voice echoed through the room.

June McDonnel could feel her heart sinking to her chest. She had feared this daring moment and it was finally here. She knew it was going to happen sooner or later but it felt too soon. She stared at him in disbelief wondering how he could do this to her on their one year anniversary dinner.

"You wanna break up?" She asked, her words heavy with meaning as she tried to stare into his eyes but his gaze was fixated on the dinner candle on the table. He didn't budge.

"I'm really sorry, JuneBug. I think it's finally time we go our separate ways" He said as he got on his feet."I'm really sorry, lol June"

June stared in disbelief as he walked out of the restaurant leaving her all alone on their reserved dinner for two. She had been looking forward to it all week and it was here, but with a dramatic twist.

She had been secretly dating Link Turner, her driver's son, for a year now and for someone like June, who in those past months, had experienced the highest highs and lowest lows imaginable just to keep their relationship a secret, it felt like a stab in the back.

She had never loved anyone the way she loved Link, not like she had ever gotten the chance to because somehow, she had always ended up dating someone her father didn't approve of and somehow, her father had always found a way to break them up.

None of her relationships had ever lasted for a year which was why this one year anniversary felt like a great feat for her. She loved Link, he was kind, gentle and funny and to think that he broke up with her without a valid reason meant one thing; Her father was behind it. Her father was always behind anything that brought misery to her. She had always thought her father never wanted her to be happy.

Being the only daughter of Noah McDonnel, a rich conglomerate, had always been a huge disadvantage for her, she was never allowed to make decisions on her own even though she was 23 years old.

June's hands clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She grabbed her keys and stormed out of the restaurant.




" Dad!" June's voice echoed through the hallways as she made her way to the study room and just as she had thought, her father was their, enjoying his evening after he had successfully ruined hers.

She slammed the door behind her as she entered, fuming with anger. Her eyes blazed with resentment towards him, the corners tinged with red. She could no longer tolerate his cruelty towards her. Not anymore, he had successfully ruined all her relationships in the past few years but Link really meant a lot to her and she wasn't going to let go of him.

"What did you do to Link?!"She snapped, her voice hanging in the air.

Noah McDonnel didn't give her a reply, instead he dropped his cup of coffe on the table and motioned her to seat. Reluctantly, June took her seat still filled with resentment towards her father.

Noah cleared his throat, "JuneBug, I'm really sorry this had to happen, but it was the only way" He stopped waiting for June's response.

June stared at him in annoyance, she had thought that this time, he would come up with a better excuse, something to justify his actions but no, he was giving her the "it was the only way" shit all over again.

June began slowly, "Do you hate me that much? Why can't you just leave me alone to be happy with whoever I choose?" She asked slowly tearing up.

Noah slowly reached for her hand. "Trust me, I was going to leave you guys be. You think I didn't know you guys were dating? I knew all about it from the very start and I had decided to let you have this one thing that gave you joy but..." he suddenly stopped.

"But what?" June asked hesitatively after being able to find her words.

"The business empire has been facing a bit of a crisis, it's going to crumple soon. The stock prices has depreciated and we need a quick remedy"

June was shocked, her father never told her anything about the business running down.

"I'm really sorry, Dad. I had no idea you were facing so much" she said with a tone of remorse even though she still wasn't sure how her father's business was linked with her break up.

"A friend of mine is willing to help though, but..." Noah stopped, hesitating for a moment. "He wants you as his son's wife"

June's heart sank to her stomach. She cocked her eyebrows, she wasn't sure she heard right because it didn't make any sense. Marriage? That wasn't on her list, even in the next five years.

"What do you mean?" She asked hoping he could change what he said.

"It's not up to you to decide JuneBug, I just wanted you know. We'll set up a meeting with him soon" Noah said with a tone of finality as he stood up and walked out of the study room.

June felt a sudden ache in her chest. Her eyes welled up with tears as she stared down at her feet. Her lower lips trembled as she struggled to blink back the tears before they dripped down her cheeks. She clenched her fists, quickly drawing in breaths, hoping the feeling would pass. She slowly rubbed her chest, trying to ease the ache in her heart and gulped in air once again. It was so hard for her to breathe. She tried to clear her throat but the twisted lump remained drawing her voice together.

She got on her feet, lowering her head in her palm as she fought back the grief.

Devastated and angry, June retreated to her room and refused to come out. The hours ticked by quickly as she laid in bed agonizing over what had happened, hoping that her father would have a change of mind and cancel the wedding.

A whole day went by, and she didn't hear anything from her father, and at that moment, she really wished her mother was alive. She had died when June was six and she was the only one her father ever listened to.

But then, in the early evening, there was a soft knock at her door. She felt thrilled hoping it was her father.

"Cupcake," her grandmother said, poking her head into the room. "Are you okay?"

June shooked her head in disappointment, tears welling up in her eyes. "No, granny," she said. "I'm not okay. Dad wants me to get married. To someone I don't know."

Her grandmother sighed, walking over to the bed and sitting down beside June. "I know, my child," she said. "But you can't let this defeat you. You're too strong for that."

June wiped her eyes, listening as her grandmother tell her stories about her own struggles when she was a young woman.

"Maybe you're right, granny," she said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Maybe I shouldn't let this defeat me."

Her grandmother smiled, patting her on the back. "That's my girl," she said. "Now come on, let's go out and enjoy the rest of the day. There's so much to see and do."

June hesitated for a moment, still feeling a sense of anger and disappointment. She had a plan, a good one.

"I'll be right there in a sec" she lied as her grandmother walked out of the room.

June jumped on her feet, she couldn't imagine living without Link, and she was ready to do anything for him, which included running away with him.

She parked her bags in a hurry and patiently waited for it to be dark outside before she finally snuck out through the window.

After three unsuccessful attempts to get her car out of the garage without attracting any attention, she resolved to cease her efforts. With a cautious movement, she snuck out of the big house.

Hailing a cab, she climbed in with her big suit case and drove off into the night, leaving the chaos of her life behind.




The cab halted in front of Cafe Min, the place Link worked. As June got out of the cab, she could see the inside of the cafe due to the transparent glass it had, and as she was about to tilt the door open, her eyes caught something.

June's heart sank to her stomach when she saw him kissing another woman. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she watched her boyfriend, Link, cuddling and kissing the woman he was with.

How is it possible, June thought, that the entirety of her affection had been towards a guy who was already spoken for?

Watching them together shattered June's heart into a million pieces, feelings she had been holding onto tightly slipping away like a handful of sand in her palm. It felt like a weight had been placed on her chest, and no matter how much she tried to push it away, her heart felt heavy and burdened.

All the moments, and memories she had created with Link, vanished, like a distant dream. The love that she had given him now felt like utter foolishness, like she had been a silly little girl daydreaming about something that was never going to happen.

As June slowly retreated from the coffee shop, she walked down the street dragging her suit case along. She couldn't help but wonder what she had done wrong. Was she not pretty enough or smart enough? She wished she had never developed feelings for him in the first place, wishing she could shake off the heartbreak like a bad dream. But the reality was still there, and it stung her deeply.

Seeing Link happy with his new girlfriend made June feel like an outsider looking in. So stupid of her to think she could run away with him. She wished she could turn back time, and not be standing under the twinkling stars, feeling more alone than she ever had.

As she walked down the poorly lit street, lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the car approaching until the headlights illuminated her face. The driver slammed on the brakes and skidded to a halt just a few inches away from her. The near miss shook her to the core, and she realized just how much she had let her thoughts consume her.

For a few brief moments, she stood frozen, the adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Eventually, she took a shaky step forward onto the sidewalk, and the driver pulled up beside her. "Are you okay?" the driver asked, concern etched on his face.

June nodded, still in shock, and the driver handed her a bottle of water. As she sipped on the cool liquid, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had almost lost control of her life because of a low life who didn't deserve her, but this moment had given her the wake-up call she needed.

She slowly fished her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number.

"Dad, I think I'm ready to meet him" Her voice echoed over the phone.

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Other books by Siwa Rose

Taming Mr Arrogant

Taming Mr Arrogant



Her laughter cascaded through the air, a seductive melody that intertwined with her mischievous gaze. "You underestimate yourself, Nathan. Behind that haughty mask lies a man consumed by desires he can't control." His eyes smoldered with a mixture of longing and determination, stepping closer, he drew her into his embrace, their bodies pulsating with an electric current. His voice, a velvet caress, dripped with untamed sensuality. "You're playing with fire, Brixlee. But know this, I always emerge victorious." . . Nathan Grey is a powerful and wealthy businessman known for his commanding presence. When Brixlee, a humble country girl, embarrasses him at a fancy party, Nathan's wounded pride fuels a strong desire for revenge. Little does he know that seeking vengeance won't be straightforward. Determined to make Brixlee pay for her audacity, Nathan devises a clever plan. With the support of his friends Lucas and Thor, he proposes a bet that requires him to get close to the mysterious Brixlee. As the stakes rise, Nathan embarks on a journey filled with unexpected challenges and surprising discoveries. As the story unfolds, Nathan finds himself caught in a tangle of love and passion, where the rules of the game blur and desires become entwined. Balancing his quest for revenge with growing emotions he can't deny, he must confront a startling truth ā€“ sometimes, winning the game means losing what truly matters. In the midst of this dangerous game of love, where trust is fragile and hearts are vulnerable, Nathan and Brixlee must navigate a treacherous path. Will they surrender to the irresistible connection between them? Or will their hidden secrets and unfulfilled desires bring them crashing down, leaving them both vulnerable and broken? "Taming Mr. Arrogant" is a captivating tale of passion, redemption, and the tumultuous dance between two souls who must confront their vulnerabilities to find genuine happiness. Brace yourself for a captivating story that challenges conventional notions of love and leaves you yearning for more.

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