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He is black, she is pure white. Ever since he met her, he thought he couldn't let her escape, this is a kind of attachment. Philosophy, to define it this way, when a person is too focused on one thing, after a long time will be immersed in some emotion, then the feeling will become tangible, making him bound. And he, having the concept, also has the ability to implement the concept. So in the end, he took action, broke her wings with his own hands, and kept her imprisoned by his side from now on. Simply put, it's a love story about a black gang master who values ​​a decent and kind girl......

Chapter 1 Cruel

Late at night, cold as water.Outside on the balcony where the wind was blowing, a man was leaning against the railing. Dressed in simple clothes, a classic one-color Cenci shirt, three buttons wide open from the collar, the collarbone showing every kiss mark. The delicate design of the sleeves showed off his strong, long arms, the moonlight shining down, vaguely visible on his arms were the marks of women's nails.

Since he was a child, he had an extremely beautiful face, but now he has just emerged from the whirlwind of sex, unable to disperse a sexy body, outsiders only feel even more loved.Behind the man were several subordinates and a butler, both of whom annually served at this private mansion. The head butler defended: "Mr. Edward, we didn't mean to...... We just felt that the young lady had been sitting in the house for too long, so I wanted to take her out for a while...... Not think to bring you such great trouble......"

He just listened, didn't answer. Holding a long small cigarette, the smoke rose, hiding his expression. The fog hovered behind, only revealing the pale blue-white color on the extremely handsome face. It's so cold, it just makes people feel very eerie.The feeling of oppression was too strong, the housekeeper was afraid to speak in confusion, just said a few excuses in front of him, but his face was frozen and pale, listening to the feeling of being completely helpless."Butler Li." Suddenly the man opened his mouth, impolitely interrupted the butler's defense, his tone was cold: "How long have you been in the Tang family?"The housekeeper was startled and lowered his head, "One, one year."He suddenly smiled, an arrogant smile, exuding cold air, making people shiver without being cold.

"Very well, a year." The corners of his lips moved, and he sarcastically resolutely said, "......It's only been a year, but it has brought me such great trouble!"His aura was too sharp, he was too used to violent tricks, whether using techniques or force, to drive others to death.The housekeeper was so scared that he immediately knelt down.Everyone didn't say anything, just felt a fear rising in their hearts."My rules, you should know." The man turned around, raised his hand to knock on the marble railing, his mouth threatened: "I don't want to touch my hands today, before I change my mind, take your people... Get out!"

**** **** ****

In the bedroom.

As a private doctor of the Lewis family, Matt feels that he was born to dedicate his life to the Lewis family. If the power of the gangsters can be calculated in specific numbers, then if Asia accounts for ten parts, the Lewis family is certainly up to seven parts. Such a huge force, of course, killing intent is not small.But today's patient is special, not an effective subordinate of the Lewis family, but a weak girl with no threat.She is not particularly beautiful, and standing next to such a charming and handsome man, she looks even more calm.But, can't use ordinary words to describe.

Matt looked at the patient on the bed, looked at her delicate face, for some reason, inside he felt so calm and quiet, like wherever she was, that place could be separated from the world.The sharp needle pierced the vein of the right hand, the careful technique made the long small syringe immediately spurt out a drop of bright red blood, the pain suddenly came to make the person who was in a coma on the bed awake three times.Completely different from her husband, she does not bring a sense of threat to others, even a simple look can calm one's mind, making one's mind as quiet as water.

"Doctor Matt......?""It's me." Matt gave her a reassuring smile, stroking her forehead a little: "You have a fever, but it's okay, at least you have to believe me, right?"She smiled, smiling, but still unbearably tired, but did not show a hint of resentment."Thank you."Matt gave her a reassuring smile, turned around to ask her caregivers a few questions, important to the patient's attention for the next few days, and then walked out of the bedroom.Before leaving, he couldn't help but turn his head to glance at the person lying on the bed. Under the soft moonlight, her brows furrowed. He could see that she was sleeping really restlessly, her eyes were still closed, but she didn't say a word 'No'.

Matt was suddenly a little sad.Such a good girl, how could she meet such a lovely man as Edward, with his knowledge of Edward, knowing that from now on, this girl will have her wings broken by that man. .Outside the bedroom door, the most effective assistant of the current owner of the Lewis family was standing there. Seeing Matt come out, Thoms handed him a glass of water, "Hard work."Matt couldn't help but get emotional: "Midnight like this, are his nerves short? Turning a weak girl into a half-dead figure like that."

"You can understand Sir Edward's personality." Thoms smiled wryly: "Although we rarely show our true appearance, once our tempers rise, we all inevitably get hurt."Seeing Edward's angry expression just now, it was clear that he wanted everyone in the house to be at peace.Matt raised his hand, took a sip of his beverage, and asked suspiciously, "What happened?""Intimidation." Thoms said casually, "There is a small force on Lewis that is not pleasing to the eyes of the Lewis family, intends to kill the young lady, the result is still unsuccessful, Edward missed a bullet to the head. ."

"Ah......" The pacifist Dr. Matt let out an emotionless cry.Pausing for a moment, Thoms continued: "The problem is that Edward missed and reminded the young lady yesterday, there is no need to go out of the house, unfortunately she can't hear much......" Thoms was really annoyed. : "She hasn't known Mr. Edward for a long time, doesn't understand him at all, seeing that he always talks in such a soft voice, she probably doesn't think it's true, she doesn't know Mr. Edward at all, but she is angry. If you're angry, your appearance...""Can't blame her." Matt was full of sympathy but agreed: "The kind of pervert like Edward, even we can't understand what's going on in his heart.""I'm the one with the most headaches." Thoms raised his hand, waved the document in his hand: "There are many more documents to show him, but now who dares to come near..."

Matt 'Um' an hour later, half a day later, he still saw Thoms looking at him with an expectant face, unable to bear his eyes turning black: "Don't you want me to go?""Dr. Matt," Thoms handed him the document, smiling meanly: "Saving lives is a doctor's job."Matt said nothing, having a career of being bullied like this is annoying.

**** **** ****

Walking slowly behind him, Matt couldn't help but stand still for a moment, looking at his figure a bit thoughtfully.Edward.This name represents a huge force that is not trivial, in the hands of this man there is too much power, can easily change the world the way he wants.Rarely did he get really angry, as the great young master of the Lewis family, from a young age he learned to disguise himself perfectly. The last time he was so angry that he was purple in the face was two years ago, when the owner of the Lewis family, his father, was murdered to death, he was a great young master of the Lewis family, trapped deep in the center. whirlpool of deception and tricks, he has to deal with the forces that are moving within the Lewis family and wants to avenge his father.

When Matt thought about that time of Edward, his heart could only raise four words: Unmeasurable depth.

He was very young, but also very cruel.

In the end, there was no doubt that he won. Asia has ten parts of power, he holds seven parts in his hand until the other side of the ocean. As for the process? Four general words: Great opening of the world.

But today, two years later, he was angry again. But the difference is, this time, he's for a girl. And this girl, since meeting him until now, only short three months.

Matt coughed.

Edward leaned over slightly, his eyes darting to see him, and turned back nonchalantly.

"Okay, I know you're very angry right now, but when you're angry, also listen to the doctor I have to say a few words."

Matt meant well, silently looking at the man in front of him, oblivious to his existence, but he still wanted to do his part.

"I tell you, you have to be a little bit more restrained, right? You see for yourself, what kind of a good girl has been turned into by you...." Matt said to him extremely annoyed: "I think all the girls in this world are easy to forgive. something like your wife? If it were Harry, I wouldn't have to say, Harry if he dared to treat her like that, well, try it, don't make him run away to avoid guns, avoid bombs like trains like during the revolution... ..."Edward suddenly interrupted him, his voice devoid of any emotion: "How is she?""How could this be?" Matt said coldly: "The first night she was forcefully forced by someone while having a fever of 38 degrees 6, how do you say she can be?"

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