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A high and mighty person who never shows his inner personality to everyone. Even they call him a ruthless who punishes everyone who makes mistakes, a biased man, is possessive, aggressive and most especially a sex maniac. That makes everyone think that he is a scandalous person. And that reason alone makes him of having a bad impression on the public. But he doesn't care whatever they are talking about behind his back. Because he knows himself better than anyone. He is Bryce Luther Mondragon. A young man yet a billionaire with an aristocratic figure. At the age of thirty, he became the CEO of MONDRAGON'S EMPIRE. The eldest grandson of the owner of Mondragon's Empire. A huge company that has branches in most of the major cities in the country. Not only that but there are also a few branches in some parts of America and Europe where they originally came from.

Chapter 1 ONE


"SIR! Sir! Wait---"

But the poor woman didn't finish what she wants to say. Because the boss himself faced her with a furious look.

"Miss, did you ever think where you are?"

"S-sir, I-am sorry."

"Sorry? Do you think that word can change the fact that you are acting like a barbarian? If you forget the proper etiquette of a lady who belongs to this empire, I will remind you again!"

"Sir, please forgive me for my behaviour---"

Again the poor woman didn't have a chance to finish what she was saying. But not because of him. Instead, his bodyguards hold her side by side.

"Woman, you know the policy of the company. So, if you are not ready to comply, go away and never show up in my sight again. Do you understand what I am telling you?!"

Right after he said those words to the woman who is acting like she was in the public market, he holds his breath as he continued his way to his office.

"F*CK! What a scandalous person she is! Who is she by the way to stand in my way? Tsk! Tsk! Indeed crazy!" He is clenching his palm as he goes along his way.


"Well, well, well. The youngest billionaire in town is here. But what's on that look, my dearest grandson?"

"What are you doing here, Grandpa?" Instead, he answered with a question too.

But he was awakened from his manner when the laughter of the old man in front of him echoed within the four corners of the room.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. That b! tch ruined my day. But by the way, I'll ask you again. What's on this sudden visit of yours?" he asked as he pay respect to him.

"It's alright, my dearest grandson. That's our trademark by the way. Each of you has that temper. About your question, there's no reason. I just miss the place where I spent most of my life before I passed to you. So be at ease now. Hold your breath because I know that you will be very again the whole day."

By the explanation of his grandfather, he let go a deep sigh before he continued to talk. He knows himself very well. If he is pissed off, his whole day is ruined too. So, instead of working, he guided him to the place where he stays most of the time to calm down himself.

The underground place of the empire where they have a firing range and a wide space for car racing. But that place is exclusively for him and his grandfather.

"DADDY!" Abigail Eunice exclaimed in surprise as she cherished her face.

She can't think of a reason to be punished as she reached their abode. But the more shocking is even her sister grabbed her long black hair.

"You are disgusting! A simple job but you can't perform very well! You're such a nuisance in our family!" she shouted.

By that word, she can understand the reason why they are acting strangely again. It's not new by the way. She's so sure that they already know about what happened in Montenegro Empire.

"I already warned you, Abigail! Once you cannot convince him personally to invest in our company, you will not inherit any single penny from me. Do you think that an editor in such a company can give you more money than ours?"

It's cold and most importantly, it hurts her. Even if they will not say out loud what they want to say, she knows it already.

"Why, Daddy? Why you are pushing me to convince that heartless and shameless man? Are you that desperate to merge with him?" she bitterly answered.


"Shut up! Do you still have the guts to answer our father after your shameless actions? How dare you, Abigail!" Laura, her second sister even shouted at her louder.

They are three siblings and she's the youngest among them. But what she can't understand is they hate her so much. And that thought gives the option to answer once again without thinking.

"You and Laurice finished your degrees at a famous university. Even if you're too busy working with Dad. So, why you are pushing me like this? Can't you do it by yourselves? You're always telling me that I am the dumbest creature while you are both the most successful. Again, why do you want me to do this unbelievable thing?"

She really cannot find a way to understand them. They are a family which supposedly works together. But her own family wants her to convince the scariest person alive. From what she witnessed, Bryce Luther Mondragon is not a human. Instead, he is a beast and fearful creature.


Another couple of slaps once again landed on her white and soft cheeks.

"Damn you, crazy woman! Okay fine! Since you failed to do your part in this matter, I'll not give you another chance! Whether you like it or not, I'll pick a man with whom you will spend the rest of your life! I didn't raise you without any reason! That's why you need to face the consequences of what you have done!" Mr angrily walks away.

"Id! ot! Do you think that you can skip from our father's punishment!?"

"You are a pitiful person! We will see what that editor company can do for you. Damn bastard!"

Her two sisters insulted her by saying those words barely in front of her as they both walked out. As soon as they are not in her sight, she gathered her strength to go to her room. Her mind is fully occupied with a lot of things that she can't even understand why she has a family like them. With that thought, she throws and buried herself in her bed as sobs continuously.

"WHAT? Are you sure about this, Grandpa?"

"Yes, of course, my dearest grandson. Did I ever lied to you since birth?"

"That's not what I mean, Grandpa. Is it real that--- are you testing right now?"

"No, Bryce. I'm not because there's no reason for me to do that. Again, did you ever think whose that woman was a while ago? Did you recognise her?"

"Wait a minute, Grandpa. Are you insinuating that she came in purposely? What I mean is did she disguise herself just to reach out?"

"Exactly, Bryce my dear. There are a lot of them, I mean those women under this company but you know it all, right? Again, that woman is new to you. Who do you think is the most in need of our investment?"

By the explanation of the old man in front of him or his grandfather, he slowly stands up and a vicious smile covered his entire face. He got what his Abuelo is talking about. That reason alone makes him smile as a plan popped up in his mind.

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Other books by SHERYL FEE RABUYA





LUTHER BARTOLOME = He is a very masculine man and his masculinity makes him more handsome. In just one look, you will fall for him. With his curly black hair, he even became more handsome in the eyes of those ladies. He has sharp and narrow eyes that make his image like a bad boy. He is tall and white complexion but because he works hard his colours become brown. He is a bad boy in the eyes of the beholder. He even goes in and out in the jail. But nobody knows about the secret except his friends and unknown Bosses. People even don't know that at the age of twenty, he graduated with flying colours in Saint Louis University in Baguio City together with his friend. While he is in Left Wing Jail, a young woman came and asked him to be part of their shooting inside the facility. MARIZ KAYE MONDRAGON. MARIZ KAYE MONDRAGON= She is sexy paired by her shoulder level blond hair. She's a jolly person who always wears a sweet smile on her red heart shaped kissable lips. She is already tall in her 5'4 height. Her eyes are brown with her long and thick eyelashes and eyebrows and she is white like American. At the age of twenty-two she finished her studies and successfully passed her examination for engineers. She is a theatrical engineer. Unlike her twin sister, she is patient. If she can handle a situation in a very comfortable way she will do it. Her lifelong dream is to be wed to a farmer for a reason that if she will marry a farmer, she doesn't need to worry about her healthy foods. And if she will marry a rich man, she will be having a lot of rivals and headaches. On her way, she will meet Luther Bartolome in Left Wing Jail. A man who captured her heart on their very first meeting.

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Chapter 1 ONE
