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The Gangleader

Gaberella "Ella" Stevens had to very rough she lost her mom in a car crash when her mom was on her way home from a drunk driver. Now Gaberella lives with her dad and her stepmom who abused her till Shane Williams The Gangleader from The Breakers. ENJOY

Chapter 1 Welcome Chapter 1

This story is from my account on Wattpad.

Wattpad: Wildflower5SOS97

So Enjoy the story!

Here we go!


Chapter 1


Hey everyone I'm Gabriella Stevens but for short Ella, I'm 18 years old, I'm a senior in high school and can't go to college that's far away from my parents they just love to hurt me so badly and told me that when I finish I have to go into work finish paying the bills and they love to see me suffer. I have no money for myself cuz they love to use it on themselves.

I work at Starbucks, I hate it so much but it's money it puts food on the table and pays the bills, Every time I try to quite my dad Brett Steven or my stepmom Sarah Diamond find out about it I get beat for it. So I can't quite this job or go to my dream school that my real mom and I have always dreamt about and where she went to.

I got out of my bed got dress in my clothes after a nice relaxing shower in 5 minutes if its longer you guess correct I get beating up badly for taking to long it sucks!

They also said that stinky sluts like me don't need showers, sleep outside in a broken garage, small amount of clothes and shoes and I can hardly eat. I have one friend at the café her name is Demi. We have meet at Starbucks and she knows about the things that happen at my house and she told her father who is attorney and they have been secretly working on papers to get me the hell out of there.

My real mom if your wondering she passed away in a car crash, she was coming home from work and getting food. She was at a red stop light and this drunk driver comes out of nowhere and head on crash into my mom, her dying at the scene that's when I was 12 years old and what's fishy there was another girl in the car with the guy who hit my mom and they both made it I try asking the cops but they were forced not to tell me the whole story about that night.


Fuck he's in a mood!

I went downstairs to see him and Sarah at the table glaring at me.

"Can't you do anything right Gabriella or do we have to do your chores for!!!" This time Sarah yelled at me.

"I-I-I-I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again" I told them stuttreding

" Your right it won't happen again cuz your getting your dose of beating" my dad said getting up out of his chair coming over to me.

I kept slowly moving back and that pissed him off even more so him and Sarah they both came running up to me pushed me on the ground started kicking me in the stomach, slapping my face and stepping on my feet probably breaking some of my bones and they kept abused me in every way that you can think of.

Once they were done they went off laughing there asses off of the work that they have done to me. I carefully got up holding the table did my chores at home, took some painkillers and went to work. Once I got there I was late again and guess what I got hit again for it by the boss.

I went to the back of the room put my head down cried my eyes out, I looked up in the mirror I'm just so ugly and that nobody will love me they will probably just run way from me. I put foundation on to cover up the bruised that I have and went to take peoples orders who kept giving me pity.

Ugh I hate when people do that, there not sorry and never will be they just feel bad that they don't have to go through that or that they are sorry cuz they heard what happened to my mom.

Gosh I miss her so much!

Demi came up to me hugged me tightly making me hiss in pain from the beating here at work and home, she kept saying sorry with tears in her eyes. She wants to help me but she knows that she can't cuz if people found out I could get in trouble or my father could go way to far and hurt me with his slut of a wife Sarah.

" Ella I need you to take orders of the family in the middle" Demi told me and I nodded my head in agreement and went over to there table.

" Hi I'm Gabriella what can I get you guys today?" I asked them.

" Yes I would love to have a chocolate chip cookie with Blonde Chestnut Praline Latte" A girl around my age said to me nicely.

"Same expect no cookies got it good!" I guess her mom said to me but this time rudely.

"Daddy can I get hot chocolate and brownie" A little girl asked her dad with the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Sure anything for my princesses" the dad told his two girls and they both cheered sticking there tongue out at there mother who just glared at them.

"I will be back with the orders" I told them and went to hand it to Demi but the next thing I know I'm pushed to ground by my boss/manger Alex he smacked me cross the face and started yelling at me about how the order I took the mother came to him and started bitching at him about how I was being rude to them.

What was more embarrassing that Alex pushed me down right in front of everyone, the dad and the two daughters got up and pulled Alex off of me and the dad cuff him.

"Sir you have the right to be silent whatever you say will be hold against you! Zoey watch your sister" the dad said to his daughter.

"Ok dad" She told him picking up the little girl and then came up to me.

" Are you ok?" she said looking at my name tagged "Gabriella?"

I nodded my head yes and looked down at the ground so that way she wouldn't have to look at the bruised that are on my face.

"I'm Zoey Williams and this is my little sister Danielle Williams" She told me.

I put my head went up so high that it got dizzy little bit no they can't be the most fear and badass group all out of Ireland.

The Breaker's, there's like 300 people in that group and the most dangerous and heartthrob one in the group is Shane Williams. If you don't listen or show respect to Shane then it's going to be someone's ass.

" Hi I'm Demi Garcia and this is my best friend Gabriella Stevens" Demi said to them cuz I'm lost at words.

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