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It's NEVER Too Late

It's NEVER Too Late

Sylvia M


A young poor orphan girl who has never known anything different has just about given up hope. She believes her future is already arranged, to marry one of her abusers. Adopted by a secret society of lustful men who disguise themselves as highly successful business men . Stephanie continues to follow their rules hoping that she can have an easier life until he arrives. A man who intends to change her life from torture and chains to freedom and love. Will she let him?

Chapter 1 My Hell

'Ouch!' I screamed, half asleep, pain surging through my ribs. 'Get up!' he shouted. He was wearing his boots today, I didn't see them, I just knew from my wake up call, my aching ribs. I scrambled as quick as I could to my feet and grabbed my over sized t-shirt and quickly slid it over my head. It would be easier to sleep with it on but that's not allowed. I could hear most of them talking in the hall, I couldn't make out any words, but I could tell from the different tones. I used a match to get the fire going, hoping it would heat the water up quickly.

All but one was up when I got to the hall. I placed the hot water in the center, ready to fill their cups. They continued talking like I wasn't there, relief washed over me but I knew it would be short lived. I managed to get to the fifth cup before Michael walked over, he had an evil smirk across his face and an empty cup in his hand. He was a tall slender man with dark hair, he towered over me, and he knew it. He held his cup out towards me, prompting me to fill it. I didn't want to, but I knew better than to refuse.

The instant the boiling hot water went down my legs I began to scream, all of them looked at me, not a hint of sympathy in any of their eyes, but possible a hint of pleasure, sexual pleasure. They casually began carrying on with their conversations when I stopped screaming, like they had enjoyed the show, but it was back to business now. At least he had tipped it before I had filled it to the brim. Michael had a devouring look in his eyes, I had seen it before. He knew I would react, and he knew he could now punish me for it. We were not to make a sound unless directed to. I was directed to continue serving and head to Michael's quarters at lunch time. I finished filling the cups as quickly as possible, I desperately wanted to dry my legs and apply something cool to the already forming blisters.

Anita began serving breakfast, I only knew her name, nothing else. I knew a few of the girls names, only from them talking about us. We weren't allowed to socialize, we would be punished for just making eye contact. I quickly put a rag under the cold tap and rested it on my legs, it was an instant relief. I sat for a few minutes but I knew I had to get on with the morning jobs. I began filling the mop bucket and got to work, I had to make sure everything was spotless.

I finished just before lunch, I looked at the old wooden clock with dread. I got to his door and lingered outside a couple of minutes before knocking. He didn't initially answer but then 'Come in' came from the other side, his voice clear and firm, as usual.

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