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The Wolf's Strange Companion

The Wolf's Strange Companion

Lily Holly


Zara, a lone and imposing fox, dominates the forest with her intimidating presence and mystical powers. Growing up amid danger, she learned to protect herself from hunters and became a formidable sorceress. In her rage, she cursed the northern mountain, stoking the fear of the rest of the species. Lowell, an ambitious wolf who yearns to become a renowned warrior, sets out in search of his conquests, determined to capture the legendary fox, Zara. However, he was not prepared for the whirlwind of emotions he would experience when he met the fox up close. Against all expectations, Lowell finds himself deeply in love with Zara. As they grow closer, he discovers an unexpected side to the fox: an innocent, loving, and, surprisingly, sexy being. The duality between her strength and vulnerability leaves Lowell spellbound, challenging everything he believed he knew about her. As Lowell gives himself over to love, he wonders if Zara will match his feelings. Is she able to find room in his lonely heart and accept the love Lowell has to offer? Amidst a struggle against adversity and the tethers of their destinies, the two are confronted with the transformative power of love and acceptance. "The Wolf's Strange Companion" is a story of love and redemption, where a wild fox and a wolf in search of recognition must face their emotional barriers to find happiness together.

Chapter 1 I

The northern mountain, also known as Raven Mountain, was cursed years ago. At least, that's what everyone in Baileyi Village believed.

Climbing the mountain was impossible. No man could get close without getting hurt, and the rumor was that the cause of this was a fox. A fox so powerful, capable of cursing an entire mountain... Lowell, as a strong, dominant wolf, deeply feared a wizard being that was able to do something so serious and scare off anyone who tried to approach his territory.

He looked to the north, seeing the great green peak next to other immense mountains. There was absolutely nothing in the landscape that was frightening. He hadn't heard of any deaths either, but he saw firsthand, two months ago, three warriors returning traumatized from there. They were not injured; however, they were so frightened that they became ill until the healer's treatment helped them.

Lowell wanted one day to have the opportunity to face the demonic fox that protected those lands and find out what was so important there to prevent anyone from getting close.

He finished wrapping the ropes and handed them to Daire, his best friend, who was on top of the wagon, tying the sacks of wheat that would be leaving soon to be marketed in the nearest village.

"Do you believe that the mountain is cursed?" He asked his friend. Daire stopped what he was doing to look toward the north.

"Before, I thought it was just a myth. But after what happened to those men, I don't ever want to go anywhere near that place. As long as the fox doesn't attack us, we'll be fine."

"She won't do that." Lowell said. At least he didn't think so; if after years, it never happened, why would it happen now? Besides, if a whole mountain was enough to curse, why would it need her village too?

"You never know; suddenly that wizard fox might discover our riches and try to steal from us."

Lowell shook his head in disbelief. Many thieves have tried to peek into their lands before, but they never managed to take anything. The treasures of their ancestors were very well guarded and protected by divine power.

"I don't think so. Whoever the wizard is, he could never defeat our god."

Daire agreed.

"Are you finished?" An older man asked, climbing into the wagon. They nodded, so his friend climbed down to meet him.

"See you guys tonight." He nodded, indicating the horses should follow, carrying the goods.

"I'm tired." Lowell yawned and stretched his arms up as they both walked through the village. "Would you like to have dinner at my brother's house tonight?" Daire shook his head.

"Sorry, I have a date." A silly smile appeared on his face. "Kayle, the most beautiful lupine in the village, finally accepted my invitation."

"Another one for your list?" Lowell twitched his frown. "There have been how many this month? Four, five?"

"Three, Lowell, just three." He held up three fingers. "But none of them were good enough; Kayle will be the best, I'm sure." He rolled his eyes.

"You always say the same thing."

"I have to enjoy my youth." Daire laughed. "And you should be doing the same. I've never seen you with any lupine or dominant, and invitations are in short supply."

Lowell twitched his nose this time.

If there was one thing he didn't agree with Daire on, it was his talk of "enjoying youth" and getting into bed with any woman. Lowell wasn't like that; in fact, he thought he was the weirdest dominant of them all. A few lupines ventured to confess their feelings to him; he even felt the stares sometimes, but he never cared. He had his tiny quota of kisses early in his teens, but since he didn't like anyone, he stopped that, and Lowell had dreams. Lots of them.

The ones where he was a total romantic, finding his interlocutor, marrying her, and having lots of kids.

Someone like Olivia.

His eyes sparkled, and his reveries were broken when he stumbled, and Daire laughed hysterically at him.

"What was that? Distracted again?"

"Shut up." Lowell grimaced but soon smiled. He couldn't help himself.

He was sure that the gods had separated the ideal lupine to be his interconnected one, just as his brother, the Alpha Ishmael, had found him: Olivia, the most amazing lupine in Baileyi.

Lowell said prayers every night in silence, asking that it wouldn't take too long to find the one he wanted. His hopes were getting higher and higher, and he had even built his own house, made especially for when they started a family. Even Daire was envious of him.

"Daire, you know I'm not like you." Lowell replied with a quiet tone. "I have my plans and goals in life. I am not interested in getting involved with just anyone for simple fun."

Daire laughed and patted Lowell on the back.

"Ah, my friend, you are missing out on the best parts of life! But I respect your choice. Everyone has their path to follow."

As they walked through the streets of Baileyi, Lowell spotted one of the village elders, who was sitting in front of the herb store. His name was Yan, a healer who had always intrigued Lowell.

"Daire, I'm going to the herb store to talk to Yan" Lowell said, looking away in the man's direction.

Daire raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I don't even want to imagine what you're up to, but good luck!"

Lowell smiled enigmatically and approached the healer.

"Good afternoon, Mister Yan. May I sit here with you?"

Yan looked surprised at Lowell but nodded softly. "Of course, Lowell. What brings you here today, boy?"

"I was wondering. Do you know any stories about the northern mountain? "What about the mysterious fox they say is there?" asked Lowell, curious to know if the healer had any knowledge beyond the village rumors.

Yan frowned slightly. "Raven Mountain is indeed a peculiar place. It is said to be cursed, but I believe there is more to it than meets the eye. Many people have tried to unlock its secrets, and all have failed."

"Do you believe these stories? In the wizard fox?" Lowell inquired, looking directly at the elder.

"I believe there is something powerful about that mountain, something beyond human comprehension." Answered Yan with a thoughtful expression. "But I don't think it's just a fox. There are deeper mysteries involving the mountain and its guardian."

Lowell felt a chill run down his spine as he heard Yan's words.

After this, Lowell says goodbye and walks to his brother's house, but all along the way, the strange conversation he had with the healer haunts him.

After a few minutes, Lowell arrives at the alpha's house and enters; immediately, his nephew Mayar runs to hug him. The boy was no more than four years old and was an exact copy of Ishmael. He had dark skin and coal-colored hair, straight down to his shoulders, and was the cutest thing Lowell had ever seen.

She lifted him onto her lap, stroking the child's hair. The child laughed openly at her caresses.

"How was work, Lowell?" Olivia's voice took him by surprise.

Lowell swallowed a little hard and smiled broadly when he saw his sister-in-law; she was carrying a huge eight-month belly and expecting her second child. And even though she looked tired, sitting in the living room armchair with a thick blanket over her legs, she still had that beautiful, gentle smile.

Lowell's heart soared.

"It was good. Tiring as always, but Daire was there, which always makes it fun." He placed the child on his feet and crouched down in front of Olivia. "And how are you? Has the baby moved much today?" he replied with a grimace.

"I'm so bloated..." She muttered. "But well, the healer came to see me and medicated me. I just feel sleepy all day; ask Mayar; I've dozed off several times this afternoon, and he had to wake me up to make his snack."

"That's right!" Mayar replied.

"The baby is quiet today." Olivia continued. "Do you want to feel him?"

She probably knew that Lowell wanted to. They were childhood friends, and since Lowell had always protected and cared for her, even if she didn't need to, Olivia had always been very independent.

He touched gently over the lupine's belly covered by her linen shirt. For an instant, he felt a small ripple that thrilled him. He smiled at Olivia, who smiled back, her brown eyes beautiful and bright. Lowell cleared his throat and turned away, standing up. At the same instant, the front door opened, and Ishmael walked in.

Judging by his scowl, he didn't look very happy. This expression soon changed when Mayar ran to hug him, just as Lowell had done, and Ishmael took his son in his lap and showered him with kisses, provoking a lot of laughter. He smiled at the scene.

"Oh!? Lowell, I'm glad you're here already. I need to talk to you after dinner." He acquiesced.


He watched his brother, even though he was still carrying the child, lean over Olivia and kiss her, whispering something loving to her. Seeing scenes like that always made Lowell feel strange, so he looked away.

"Mayar, take care of your mother while Lowell and I make dinner." Ishmael placed the child on his feet.

"Sure, Daddy!" Mayar hugged Olivia, who giggled at her son's affection.

"Please, no cooking duck; I don't even want to remember what it smells like." Olivia made a queasy face. "And neither does..."

"No poultry got it." Ishmael said it humorously. "It'll be a different dinner, I promise."

"Is she queasy from eating birds?" Lowell asked his brother when they reached the kitchen.

"Yeah, she got sick last time, so she doesn't even want to smell it." Ishmael explained as he sorted through the fresh vegetables. "You know, at this stage of pregnancy, she gets more and more demanding, and I need to do everything to fulfill her wants. I don't want my child to have problems at birth because I neglected something."

"I'm sure you're being a great father; there's nothing to worry about." Lowell began chopping the vegetables while Ishmael lit the wood stove.

"You think so?" He looked surprised at Lowell, who couldn't hold back his smile. It was funny to see him care so much about his family.

"But of course." Lowell picked up a clay pot, filling it with water. "Olivia is lucky to have you." He turned to see a smile on his brother's face, which certainly surprised him.

It's not as if he, the Alpha, didn't smile much. Ishmael was a decent, dignified, and very strong man. He was not the leader for nothing, even if he was the oldest, he deserved his position in the pack.

"You seem to be happier, Ishmael. How are you handling the responsibility of being the alpha?" asked Lowell, curious.

Ishmael sighed and looked at the pot on the fire, stirring the ingredients carefully. "At first, it was a challenge. The pressure of leading the pack and ensuring everyone's safety is enormous. But now, with Olivia and Mayar, I feel I have an even greater purpose."

Lowell nodded, understanding what his brother was saying. "Family brings a special meaning to our lives. It's amazing to see how you have become a devoted father and an admirable leader."

Ishmael smiled, the gratitude reflecting in his eyes. "Thank you, Lowell. It means a lot to hear that from you. You have also been an important support to us, always present and caring for everyone."

As the delicious aromas of food wafted through the kitchen, the brothers continued to share stories and reminisce about special moments in their lives.

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