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Love is like a dream

Love is like a dream



The female lead, Joy, is an arrogant, eligible, and beautiful teenage highschool girl. She falls in love for the first time with a new student and later falls for his brother. What's going to happen next? Stay tuned to know.

Chapter 1 New Students

"Joy, wait up", Derek yelled while running after Joy on their way to school, "What do you want Derek?" Joy replied sounding a bit bitter," Well uhm... i_i just wanted to... uhm... "He stuttered, " if u don't want to say anything, why disturb my peace? " Joy said, walking past the heart broken Derek. Derek has always had a huge crush on Joy, he loved everything about her, from her long legs, to her long shiny dark hair, straight nose and nice figure.

He was about to confess to her before she gave him the cold shoulders, he knew she had a bad temper and she doesn't like boys which made some people think she was gay. He knew all that but he wanted to try his luck and see if she was not as bad as the rumours say she is, but he ended up being heartbroken. " hmph" Derek sighed as he made his way to school .

(In school)

"Gross , that Joy girl is here, i wonder if the rumours are true and she really is gay?", Anastasia, the school meanie said out loud immediately Joy walked into class in order to get her reaction, but unfortunately for her, Joy just ignored her and walked straight to her sit, Anastasia was so angry that she blocked her way before she could seat "Hey Joy, i was referring to you, so what if you are the prettiest girl in class and all the boys crush?, i don't care, and don't you dare seduce Derek, he doesn't like you, oh and the next time i see you with him I'll break your limbs", " pfft, hahaha, you are so funny and really stupid" joy said with a smirk on her face " what's so funny? and don't you dare call me stupid, or else I'll ... " , " or else you'll what? we both know you can't do anything to me", Joy came closer to her and said " and by the way, i am not interested in that silly boy, he's not my type", Anastasia got angry and wanted to slap her, but Joy wast fast enough to grab her hand and leaned closer to her and whispered " anger doesn't suit you, you are already ugly enough, don't make yourself uglier, oh and go chew some mints, your breath stinks", Joy immediately pushed her aside and walked directly to her sit. Anastasia almost cried and hoped for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, so she ran out with tears in her eyes out of embarrassment. Immediately Anastasia left, the whole class started laughing hard at what was like a movie, " serves her right, she thinks she can bully everyone" a girl said while gossiping with her friends. Just then Mrs Sharlott, their teacher walked in, and immediately she did, everyone quickly ran to their sits.

"Good morning class" Mrs Sharlott greeted, "good morning Mrs Sharlott" everyone replied. "Today i have good news for you guys, two new students will be joining us" she said as she called the students in. They were two handsome boys who walked in, and immediately the class saw them, everyone was surprised "OMG, they are so handsome" a girl screamed. "Can you both introduce yourselves?" Said Mrs Sharlott, "Hi everyone my name is Charlie", the boy with the blonde hair said, which caught the girls attention including Joy, who never liked any boy before, probably because he looked nice and handsome. "And you" Mrs Sharlott said referring to the other boy at her left hand side with dark hair, who also looked super handsome, "Hey guys, my name is Charles and the boy who just introduced himself as Charlie is my twin brother" he said while smirking, which made the girls drool over him. "Great, you both can take your seats" Mrs Sharlott said.

" Mind if i seat here? "said the smiling Charlie to Joy, " of course you can" Joy replied. After taking his seat, he turned to her and said " do you mind showing me around the school, if you're not busy", " of course" she said with a smile which left the class in shock, cause they've never seen her smiling at a boy before.

Meanwhile, Charles sat down close to Anastasia, who was drooling shamelessly over him," Hi handsome" she said, but was ignored and caught him staring at Charlie and Joy chatting and laughing happily. " Why is it always her" Anastasia thought inwardly while boiling with anger.

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