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Between the angel and the demon: Games Of The Heart

Between the angel and the demon: Games Of The Heart

Black roses


It all changed after I met him, the tattooed violent man, he became my new nightmare, it was a mistake to cross path .... 18 years ago, Ivy Medina Hathway died, yet she was alive... Born prematurely out of her mother's dead womb, it was a miracle, yet it was a curse.. She was born as a lifeless monster, it wasn't her fault, she wanted vengeance, nothing less.. Vengeance over everyone that had wronged her dead mother so wrong, her passion turned into obsession, yet she would do anything to have it... But yet again, fate had other plans for her... She met him... The one and only Ryan Stones, the demon to everybody nightmare, it was him... It was a mistake, oh God, a grave mistake to cross part with him, but it was too late.. He flipped her life upside down and wrote a new story for her.. I OWN you... With no shame, he said that clearly to her red boiling face But what happens when she falls madly in love with the demon's brother..An Abomination! He would kill her, yet her heart chose to rebel, but the demon would never accept defeat, it was obsession, it was madness, he threatens to kill and take the little thing she had left, she was in trouble... ..... Everything all changed after I met him and I became stuck in my own web... ....... How far would you go to save someone that you love?... Would you give up your dignity?, your body?, your heart and fall flat in your face, all because of that person?.... I did and it crushed me completely.... He says he owns me, but I don't want to think it's true... He likes to hurt me and I love to let him.... I hate him for everything he had done, he'd pay, but that's the lie I tell myself everyday, cause sadly I was defenceless, so he became my god... ...... "You belong to me now".... "What!" I screamed in fear, trying so hard not to crack, as I watch him grin proudly.. "I want you, all of you, not only your lips"..... "Stop it".... "No I won't, cause you drive me crazy".... "You don't own me, you shit"... "Shh".... "Please".... "This is the price to save a life..... "You are my stepbrother..... "And I don't fucking care, I'd kill everyone else... ... But that wasn't all I needed protection from

Chapter 1 Deadly Desires


"Is she alive....

"I think so...

"But what about the woman, her mother....

"Am afraid she's dead, absolutely lifeless...

"Christ lord, Does anyone knows about this...

"Am afraid not...

"The child....


"I'll keep the poor child...

"You are making a big mistake, how would you cope...

"I don't know and don't care.....


"Stay out of it....

"Your purity will lead you to your grave...

"Out I say, OUT!...


"Are you my real mum?...

"Why are you asking this question child....

"Please answer me...


"No you are not....


"You are lying....to me...

"No am not, please don't cry child....

"Stay away from me....


I will go find my real mum, cause you look nothing like me....

"Please stop...

"Tell me where she is...

"She's not coming back....to us...

"You are lying....

"No am not....

"I will find her....

"Just stop....

"No I won't, you are lying and I will find her..

"No am sorry but you won't ever see her again...


"Am sorry, but she dead...




I screamed so loudly bringing myself back to life, as I woke up with my heart already on my mouth, from the same nightmare, that I had kept on having every darn day of my pathetic life....

I slowly adjusted myself, as I frighteningly sat down with my heart racing, still trying to catch my breath, before my guarded eyes quickly drifted away, fixing it gaze on a dark silhouette that stood towards the entrance of the room..

Making my bitter heart leaps in fear, as I clenched my fist angrily...

"Whose there".... I yelled out, fixing my gaze at the figure angrily, but still no reply, making me a whole lot irritated, as I cautiously brought out a little knife from under my pillow, gripping it onto me tightly....

"I said whose there" I repeated rudely, now ready to attack the assume fool that literally just wanted to die....

"Keep silent and I'll kill you" I yelled with grit teeth, but still the figure wanted to act like a foolish hero...

"Some bravery huh?" I yelled out irritatedly, as I fix my gaze on the dark figure angrily...

"Just know that you are the one that made me do it" I said bitterly, as I raise the knife to the figure....

"Ahhh, what are you doing" The faint voice called out, as my eyes flashes with both anger and surprise...

"Damn it's only you" I said angrily, as I dropped the knife on the floor, already so mad at my aunt...

"Gosh, you scared the life out of me" I said, staring at her face angrily, as she kept on giggling foolishly...

"I only wanted to surprise you that's all" She mumbled under her breath, trying so hard to suppress the laughter, as I stood there looking at her frustratedly....

"Men, You really think this funny, huh?" I said folding my arms, still pissed off..

"Well...." She mumbled, giving me a silly look on her face, but still I didn't consider it funny one bit...

"For goodness sake, I could have killed you" I yelled, staring straight at her eyes, with a scared angry look radiating on my eyes, as I could see her calming down...

"Even though am not your mother, I know that you do care about me, so even though you ended up stabbing me, I won't die" She said calmly, as my heart slowly tried calming down....

"I don't believe in that nonsense" I said scoffing, as I looked away bitterly, obviously not wanting to meet her eyes...

"If I had stabbed you right now, you would have ended up dying and been put on the ground just like my mother" I spat bitterly, as I could feel my blood boiling once again....

"Why don't we put all that aside for now" Her calm voice said, as it rang into my head, even though I could never let go of the hatred I had for my mother indirect killers...

"Don't you want to ask me why am here" She said beaming happily, obviously trying to change the topic, as I stared at her already so uninterested....

"So why are you on my room, Five o clock in the morning" I ask, looking at her with a bored look, but still she kept on beaming...

"Why don't you guess" She said excitedly, staring at my uninterested face...

"I don't wanna" I said, folding my hands, already getting so irritating...

"C'mon don't be a douchebag and try guessing" She said, waving off my obvious " I don't care" look away, but still I kept quiet, as I stared at her with zero expression on my face...

"Fine, I'll tell you" She said, giving up, as a little grin formed around my lips, before fading away quickly....

"So what's the surprise" I said, staring at her with the same blank expression, as she looked at me with a smile on her face...

"Well..... How could you possibly forget that it's your 18th birthday" She said with a big wide smile on her face, as my blood boil in anger and bitterness...

"I don't want to ever celebrate this birthday, or any" I said, staring at her with a angry look on my face, watching her smile slowly fade away...

"You..." She stammered, already really hurt by my words, but I just couldn't keep silent at all, not this time around....

"Damn, how could you ever think that I would ever love the day I was born, not normal but prematurely, the day my helpless mother died"....

I yelled, boiling with fury, as I held an object, before smashing it on the mirror, smashing it completely....

"It enough, you need to calm down" Her voice rang on my head, but i didn't care, cause all I could feel was immense hatred....

"You need to calm down" She repeated again anxiously...

"No I won't" I yelled back, staring straight into her eyes angrily...

"Every single one of them will pay" I spat bitterly, locking my eyes with hers...

"Just please... please stop this" She stammered, staring straight into my eyes fearfully, as I stare at hers still with so much bitterness

"Am sorry, but I don't think that I would ever stop, cause I want to watch them bleed, cry for mercy just like me, but no, I won't spare them at all"....

I said, staring at her with bitter tears on my eyes, as she slowly tried breathing normally...

"Promise me that you wouldn't do anything stupid" She said, staring straight into my eyes with tears in hers, as I look away angrily cause I just couldn't watch her cry in pain, that was literally my weakness...

"That's means you will keep your promise" Her voice rang on my head, as I quickly looked at her face, still a little bit pissed off now....

"What are you saying, I didn't promise anything" I blurted out, staring at her face blankly....

"And I know you will keep your promise" She mouthed out, giving a small little smile, as I immediately understand what she was trying to do....

"You think that you can emotionally blackmail me, huh?" I said, arching one of my eyebrows frustratedly....

"At least I can try" She said, giving a small smile, before drifting her gaze at a medium size cake that was left on a corner ...

"Now have this" She said, cutting a little piece of the cake, staring at me with a small smile, as I stare blankly at her...

Damn, she always know how to blackmail me, I thought angrily, as she shoved the little piece of cake on my mouth, smiling victoriously, as I stand rooted there, swearing under my breathe...

"Damn you....

"Enough now" She instructed like some kind of strict teacher, staring straight into my frustrated eyes....

"Get some sleep for now and remember that you still have to go to school, alright" She said, giving a small smile, as I stared deeply into her eyes....

Even though I may not agree with her in many situation, the truth was that I owed her everything I had, cause she decided to take me in, when the whole world rebuked me, even my bloody grandparents did as well..

"I...." I blurted out, staring straight at her eyes hesitantly....

"Just get some sleep okay" She repeated strictly, making me irritated once again...

"Whatever" I said, staring her with grit teeth, already frustrated again...

"Now please leave" I said irritatedly, but all she did was to give me a sweet little smile before finally vanishing into thin air....

As soon as she was out of sight, I could feel all the anger rising from inside me....

"Damn!" I yelled out angrily, as I rubbed my forehead with my palm frustratedly...

Am sorry aunt, but I just can't let them go scott free, I just can't....

They are guilty of making mine and my mother life miserable and every criminal deserve to pay, so do they as well....

"Watch your back, cause am coming to seek my revenge, I'll find you sooner or later and I won't spare anyone at all that had wronged my mother" I yelled bitterly...

"That's would be the day I would finally rest in peace"....

"Mother I would avenge you, I swear if it's the last thing I do" I yelled out, clenching my fist in so much anger and frustration, as my eye slowly water bitterly....

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Between the angel and the demon: Games Of The Heart

Chapter 1 Deadly Desires



Chapter 2 The Queen of the world



Chapter 3 Strange new faces



Chapter 4 I can help you



Chapter 5 Dark nights, Strange days



Chapter 6 50 Shades of Blood



Chapter 7 Roses and Thorns



Chapter 8 Is this the end



Chapter 9 Rebel with a cause



Chapter 10 Three feet apart



Chapter 11 Hurt than hell



Chapter 12 Phrase 1: Emotions and Fears



Chapter 13 Everlign High



Chapter 14 30 Days: You can't mess with me



Chapter 15 30 Days: Behind close doors, what do you see



Chapter 16 Love , I know you not



Chapter 17 What's all this shit!



Chapter 18 Mission 1: I won't be a servant of you love



Chapter 19 Phrase1: Warehouse



Chapter 20 The other face of hell



Chapter 21 Face to face



Chapter 22 To the angel, my heart dies for



Chapter 23 Between the angel and the demon: When the night comes



Chapter 24 Between the angel and the demon: The devil is human



Chapter 25 Possession or Obsession: Tears and Fears



Chapter 26 Possession or Obsession: Deadly games



Chapter 27 Games Of The Heart 101



Chapter 28 The fault in our stars: Alone



Chapter 29 The fault in our stars: Love and Illusions



Chapter 30 How to burn 101
