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The CEO and I (Marriage by Contract)

The CEO and I (Marriage by Contract)



The elegant penthouse office on the top floor of Reed Enterprises was shrouded in silence as Alexander Reed, the enigmatic CEO, leaned back in his leather chair. His piercing blue eyes surveyed the vast cityscape outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, his mind consumed by the impending crisis that threatened to dismantle his empire. His father, the late Charles Reed, had always been a man of mystery. Even in death, he managed to leave behind a legacy of secrets. Alexander's hands clenched into fists as he replayed the lawyer's words in his mind. According to his father's will, his inheritance and control over Reed Enterprises were contingent upon one condition-a contract marriage within a month. Alexander scoffed at the absurdity of it all. How could his father bind his entire life's work to such a stipulation? But as he pondered his options, one person came to mind-Emma Davis, his loyal and unassuming secretary. Emma, with her soft-spoken nature and unwavering dedication, had always been a constant presence in his life. She was the one person who had managed to see glimpses of the man behind the carefully constructed facade. Alexander knew that convincing her to enter into a contract marriage would be no easy task, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Chapter 1 The will


I stood a couple of paces away from the bed. The bed my father laid on, was wired to machines that I couldn't tell what they did except to keep him alive, till this moment. The doctor called me saying he doesn't have much time left and that my father wanted to see me immediately. I grabbed my keys, left the company, and rushed over to the hospital to see this almost-dead man smiling up at me.

"You're about to die, what's funny?" I asked in a strained voice.

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just thinking about the life I lived. Your mother, God bless her soul, and then there's you." He says and I shove my hands in my pocket.

"You shouldn't think father, you should concentrate on breathing, " I say to him nervous at moving closer. I had this nightmare last week that I tangled up the wires connected to his machine and he died because of that. The remembrance of that dream made me step a few paces back, I definitely cannot be the cause of his death. "No it's okay, I had a dream last night.

I saw the pearly old gates gleaming so brightly " he said dreamily and I scoffed. "You sure you're going to heaven old mad?" I asked and he laughed. He laughed so hard that he started to cough and for a few seconds, it scared the shit out of me. I moved to call the doctor but he grabs my wrist, "No need, I'm fine" he says.

"Did you call me here to tell me about the pearly old gates?" I asked him anxious to leave this place. I hated hospitals, they gave me the creeps. Mom was here for about six months after she had a ghastly accident, gracias lord, she's fine now. Now my father was here about to take his last breath. Don't blame me if I was ready to burst out of here.

"I left you a gift, in the will," he says so animatedly and I smile. "So there's a will?" I ask and he laughs again but he doesn't cough this time. "Yes you silly boy, there's a will. It's something your mother and I discussed last night." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "So you edited the will this morning?" I asked and he shakes his head. "Last night when I woke up, I sent for the lawyer" he whispers like it's some sort of secret.

"That shouldn't be possible, you're not sane enough to do that," I say and he sighed. "Imagine my son calling me crazy" he mumbles before turning to me. "I remember every one of the passcodes to the will, every security question and answer so I'm quite sure of how sane I am," he says and we both laugh.

"Will you tell me what it is?'' I ask him and he shakes his head. "No, no, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, would it ?" He asked me with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Well ever it is, I hope it's good," I say and he smiles. "Your mother insisted, so you know it's good," he says. "I want to be buried with your mother's photo. You know the one I'm talking about, the one on my desk." He says and I sigh. "The one you both took when you got married?" I asked and he hums, yes that one.

He coughs again and this time and he doesn't stop. I see the pain in his eyes as the machines start beeping. I rush out to call the doctor but before I could make it to the door, I hear that final beep. The one we hear in movies, the one that tells us the person connected to the machine is gone from this world.

I stood from a distance as I watched my mother and younger sister Olivia say their final goodbyes to our father with teary eyes and heavy hearts. The doctors and nurses came and gave their condolences which held no meaning to us at that moment, but only made things worse because it was already a routine for them.

The burial was a quick one. My father hated large gatherings because they only brought drama, so only a few relatives were invited. We all watched as he was lowered 6 feet under, it was a sight for sore eyes. I moved closer and placed a picture of my mother beside him just as he wanted and said a final goodbye.

It's 6 am the next morning and the will was to be read to us all by 7 am at the family house. I hurriedly got out of bed, did my morning routine, and took a quick shower and by 6:40 I was out of the house and on my way to the family house. I walked into the room and everyone was sitting already, including the lawyer. After he shared his condolences, he began reading the will.

My father left half of his entire worth to the absolute love of his life, my mother. He left his charity organization and his mansion in Seychelles to my sister Olivia, she must be thrilled, I mean she always wanted those.

"To Alexander, I leave my 6 figure automobile company and two third of my net worth to you only on the condition that you get married within a month or your share of inheritance will be given out to the poor and used for community work" the will read.

At that moment my heart palpitated, my fingers went cold and time stopped. This has to be a joke of some sort. I do agree my father and I never had that mushy father-son relationship, but regardless! how could he be so cruel even in death, binding my whole life course and achievement to a contract marriage? Someone had better wake me up from this nightmare of a dream!

I stormed out of the room into the hallway with red-shot eyes fuming with so much anger as I walked out to the parking lot where my car was parked. Took a glance at my watch and it was already half past 8. Damn, I'm late for work but oh well, who has the guts to question the CEO. I zoomed off in so much annoyance because my entire life was about to take a drastic turn.

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Other books by Mirry

The Billionaire's Obsession (Owned)

The Billionaire's Obsession (Owned)



*Seventeen years ago* Mr Daniel Pablo, head of the famous and most powerful gang in all of New York, my father. He owned and controlled one of the biggest mob in Brooklyn. It was evening, he sat regally on his lush couch, smoking from his pipe, releasing thick smoke into the atmosphere, not minding that I was there with him, and I was only a ten year old boy. I raised my head, watching him keenly as he sucked in air and slowly breathed out thick white smoke, staring into space, one would tell he was lost in his thoughts. "Honey!" Mom cat walked into the lounge, wearing a red tight dress with a pair of high heeled shoes which clanged the marbled floor as she moved. "My love" dad moved the pipe and kissed her on her lips, staining his lips with her thick red lipstick. Of course, even an animal would tell that they were deeply in love with each other. "Garry is coming tomorrow.... for a business meeting" he placed the pipe at his side stool and made my mom sit on his laps. "Oh really?.... it's been a long time" she smiled, snuggling closer to him getting into his mouth, forgetting that I was there. Mom's eyes moved and her gaze landed on my eyes, I then looked away, continuing with the book I had in my hands. "Mario my son... It's time for bed, let's go" she walked over and took the book from me. "Let's go sweet" she said, I got up and moved. "It's already late" she added, walking with me till we got to the stairs. "Yvonne!.... Come take Mario to his room, it's time for bed" She called the maid servant. Of course, she never puts me to bed by herself, she was always busy. "Alright Mario.... Let's go" the lady reached out and took hold of my hand. " Don't! " I half yelled with my little voice as I withdrew my hand. Lady Yvonne, the new caretaker was startled as she let go of me, her face all scrunched up in surprise. "Oh, He doesn't like people touching him" Mom said from where she was, probably tangling her tongue with dad's. "Oh I'm sorry dear let's go" lady Yvonne led me upstairs to bed. ā˜…The next dayā˜… "Sir Pablo!, So good to see you" Mr Garry smiled as he fist bumped dad's gloved hand. Dad's hands were always gloved with knuckle gloves which covered half his fingers and his palms. Seeing him, you would think he was about to fight someone but no, it was just a normal accessory he fancied. "Garry, Have a seat" they both sat and started talking. Meanwhile mom and Garry's wife Mrs Monika had long been engaged in their feminine discussion as they talked and laughed. My gaze traveled and rested on Racheal their daughter who by right was supposed to be my friend but thanks to me, we weren't friends, because I didn't like having friends. "Mario honey, Go play with Racheal" Aunt Monika said, all smiles. I stared at her for some time with my usual unsmiling and stoic face. "What do you take me for ma'am? Playing is for kids, I'm not a small child" I said with an irritated expression and moved my gaze over to Racheal who sat on the marbled floor, playing and talking to herself. I could sense that Mrs Monika was shocked and felt a bit disrespected because I sounded that way. "My goodness!... Mario honey!" Mom released one of her fake laughs trying to cover up my actions, I just stared at her not bothered at all. "How about you be nice and show her to the library" mom smiled at me, there was an underlying meaning to her smile which only I understood, she always did it whenever she was trying to warn me. "Racheal dear, go with Mario to the library" Mom smiled brightly at the little girl. "Okay" she got up from the ground and skipped down to me, she made an attempt to touch me but I moved back, sending a glare her way. "Don't touch me" I hissed as I climbed the stairs, Racheal following slowly behind me. "Hahaha.... don't mind him Monika, kids can really be a handful at times" That was my mom, still trying to cover up. ā˜…present ā˜… "I do not understand you Mario, is it that you are not man enough or your dick is paralysed?" Dad asked me looking pissed. " Father I..." I didn't even know what to say because the one who should be pissed was me, not even dad. " Or are you gay!?, Tell me Mario, why you have decided to die single!, you go about fucking your fellow men huh?, you chase after dicks? " " Dad!, I'm not gay!, Okay?, .... Just let me be" I looked away. " Then why have you refused to get married?, Racheal is there, and she won't remain single for ever, look at me" he spread his arms proudly. " Look at me, I'm a real man, and I proved it by getting married to your mother and having you, why do you want this legacy to end in your hands, son?, your mother and I are getting old" " Dad enough with that shit, I do not love Racheal or any other female out there!, I cannot love any female dad!, is it so hard for you to understand!?" "Shut up!" Dad swung his hand and hit me hard on my face. " Don't talk to me that way, I'm your father" My face stung really badly, my

Thrilling Desire

Thrilling Desire



After a moment of silence, Mrs. Daniel spoke up. "Well then, my son has chosen to stay single and not have children, but I want you to revise his plan. Get him to open his heart to you and fall in love with you." Rachael thought it was worth a try and decided to give it a shot. However, things didn't go as smoothly as she had hoped. "Can you please not touch me?" he would yell at her with disgust. 'How does she expect me to successfully carry out this plan when he won't even let me near him?' She would cry and feel rejected every time he pushed her away, but Mrs. Daniel would keep encouraging her. At times, she would consider giving up, but her mind wasn't completely made up. "Mother, I can't do this. Please let me leave," she would bluff, hoping for Mrs. Daniel's reassuring words. "Oh, child, just stay. He will come around," Mrs. Daniel would encourage her. Then, everything changed when a new girl entered the scene, someone who might help the situation. "And who might that be?" "Audrey." "They call you his favorite?" Mrs. Daniel examined Audrey suspiciously, taking in her features, especially her white skin. Audrey kept her gaze fixed on the ground, not saying anything. "Well, I have a proposition for you. Get him to love you," Mrs. Daniel stated plainly, knowing deep down that it might not be possible. Audrey looked up at the woman who seemed to have control over her. 'How is that even possible?' she wondered. 'Making a heartless man fall in love?' "I will clear all your debts, every single one," Mrs. Daniel added. It was a tempting offer for Audrey, who owed a lot of people. She decided to give it a shot, not considering how it might end. Don Mario was a heartless and proud person. How could he open his heart when he didn't even possess one? He despised being touched or having physical contact with others. But with Audrey around, the situation took a turn. He would gaze at her body with desire in his eyes, and his hands would yearn to feel her soft, white skin. All of this was hidden from everyone's view, even Audrey herself. Despite her efforts, it seemed hopeless, and she was losing faith. "Ma'am, I've tried, but it seems like nothing will change. Please, let me leave," she said. Mrs. Daniel, who didn't trust Audrey at all, reluctantly agreed to let her go, but things had changed. "She's not going anywhere," his deep voice reverberated through the large dining hall...

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