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After a though heart break, Kassandra thought that her life couldn't get any worse. She decided to put that behind her and live her life to the fullest. Getting a job, at one of the most famous company, and living a fun life. With a good paying job and friends to keep her alive. Little did she know that her past was definitely coming back to get her. Vivan magesty, a well know business man. One of the youngest business man in town. Had to live as a boss and also a single dad, who has given up in love. What happens when he falls in love again. But this time with his secretary and his past becomes tangled with that of his secretaries past. Will they be able to overcome their past and live happily the way they wanted?

Chapter 1 HEART BREAK.

Waking up from the bed with a pounding headache, Kassandra couldn't figure out what really happened yesterday. She couldn't believe that Andrew broke up with her at their school reunion party, yesterday. The worst part of it, was that, he did it in the presence of everyone.

Rousey, who she thought was her best friend was one among those who were mocking her to her face.

She stood up from her bed, and walked out of her room to the living room, only to find her roommate Sidney, sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee on her hand while watching TV. She could remember her words a day before, warning her about Rousey and how she caught them having sex in Kassandra's room. But Kassandra was too naĂŻve and had so much trust for her boyfriend and best friend to believe what Sidney told her. That which led to a great argument between the two roommates.

"I made coffee, yours is on the counter with a glass of water, and painkillers." Sidney said without glancing at Kassandra. "Thanks." Kassandra said before walking to the kitchen.

Sidney looked at her with sympathy written all over her face. The girl is a mess, She thought. She heard her crying all through the night in her room. But didn't do anything to try and comfort her, cause she knew that the last thing Kassie would need is her comfort. And she also didn't asked her any questions. She would talk about it herself whenever she feels like.

She walked back to the living room and sat on the sofa next to Sid. Not a word was shared between them. "I got to go, Am meeting with a client and won't be coming back early. So don't make lunch with me." Sidney said while getting up from the couch. "Alright." Kassie replied. "Have a nice day, and don't forget to lock the door when you are going out." Sidney said before walking out of the door.

'why isn't she asking any questions. Am definitely sure she heard me crying last night.' She thought. She took a sip from her coffee and focused back on the TV. It was the news channel from the company she worked for before getting fired for making the wrong kind of coffee for her boss.

'hmm' she sighed. Her life was a mess at the moment. She can't believe everything happening to her right now. She is jobless and also, the two most important people in her life, pushed her away.

All she wants right now, is someone to comfort her. But she has no one with her, so she squeezed herself on the sofa, and continue to cry.

"Vivan, the board meeting will start in five minutes." His general manager and also his best friend David, said bringing him back from his trail of thoughts. "Oh, right. Thanks I Will be there." He replied. "Why the hell did you fired Miss. Molly? David asked. "Now I have to be a manager and also your P.A at the same time." He added. "She tried to flirt with me." Vivan replied feeling irritated. "Man all you had to do was, to make her work for two positions. As your P.A and also your sex doll, simple. There was no need for you to fire her, she was so damn good at her job." David said with a said face. "Either ways, you need to find a new P.A." David added. "I've got no time for these shit. Meet me in the conference Hall when you're ready." Vivan replied walking past David.

"Am posting a vacancy online, get ready for the interview Viv." David added following behind.

The meeting took about two hours before they finally came to a conclusion, and everybody was dismissed. "Hey, I talked to the programming team and they've placed a post online for job vacancy. They'll will be an online interview before the physical interview. So, get prepared." David said as he walked beside Vivan to his office.

"Cant you handle the interview, I've got a lot on my platter now and I wouldn't want you to increase my problems." "after all you are the one who placed the post for the interview." Vivan replied as they reached his office before going in and David followed in before closing the door behind him.

"Man, what's up with you, you've been so down. And I've also noticed you get lost in your thoughts a few times now." David asked concerned for his friend. "Nothing bud, just a little worked out." Vivan replied. "Are you still sulking on your break up with Bianca? Come on dude, you're better than this. Its been like almost five years now. You really don't deserve to sulk that long, all because that bitch broke up with you." David said a little pissed. "She left you for a Dutch bag, and it's her lost not yours, so cheer up." He added patting Vivan's back. "Am not sulking. I am just tired. Am not that stupid." Vivan replied.

"How is Felicia" David asked again. "She is fine. She will be at Mrs. Camilla's place through out the week." He replied. "That's good at least, she would be able to have fun. Since you don't have time for her." David said. "I've been busy David. You don't expect me play around with her when I have a lot of work to do. Mrs. Camilla, offered to help me babysit her for the main time." He replied. "Am not trying to tell you what to do, but you still need to create time for her too." David replied. "Am her father David. I know what to do!"

"Does she still ask you questions about her Mom?" David asked and he nodded in respond. "Damn that girl is just too smarter than her age. She took after you." David added. "Her mom wants nothing to do with her." "She never wanted to keep the child I practical bribed her for that. And after she gave birth to the child, she decided to leave." He replied sadly. "Bianca, is the worst woman I have ever seen in my whole life." David replied. And the room was silent for a minute. Both in deep thoughts.

"I know what will cheer you up. How about we go clubbing later tonight." "What you need now are few booties on your lap." David added after a minute. "Do I have to remind you that you have a girlfriend?" Vivan asked with a raised brow making him chuckle. "The booties aren't for me, they are for you. Sidney will kill me if I try anything stupid." He replied and they both laughed.

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