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Keeper of my Heart

Keeper of my Heart

Alice Marie


Noel Ashford is the only child of Scott Ashford, famed law attorney of the small town of Bisbee, Arizona. Life for the two is rather simple. Until the day her father brings home a stray criminal in the form of a 6-foot devil, by the name of Harken Lewis - who makes it his everyday mission to uproot Noel's simple life and welcome her to the dangers of his. At the loss of her mother at the age of 10, Noel has depended on herself in the absence of her father, counting down the days until she can leave her small town and finally start living her life outside of her shut-in home. Harken Lewis has lived his 18 years in and out of juvie and foster homes, never knowing the meaning of a home, never allowing himself to be tied down. Shacking up with his lawyer and her daughter is meant to be a means to an end, a pit stop on his journey to greener pastures. He doesn't expect to find the one thing to shake his resolve and shatter everything he thought he knew about himself. Stick a shut-in hermit and an adrenaline junkie delinquent under the same roof, what do you get? Disaster.

Chapter 1 One

'He was a boy. She was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious? She did ballet-'

"It's 6 a.m., you better have a good reason for calling me so early," Noel Ashford grumbles from beneath her duvet, hand barely slipping out to grab hold of her phone. She heaves a heavy sigh when she sees her best friend, Priscilla Wright's name flash across the screen.

"Do you have any idea what time it is right now? Have you no self-awareness?"

The deadpan tone of her friend crackles through the other end. "Do you know what time it is? I've been standing outside your house for the last 20 minutes; school starts in 10 minutes."

Shooting out of bed, she pulls her phone away from her ear to check, realizing she had checked her phone upside down when looking at the time.

It isn't 6 a.m., it's 9 o'clock.

"School starts in 10 minutes," Priscilla's singsong muffled voice bursts through the phone as Noel tosses her on speaker, rushing around the room to gather clothes that smell clean.

"Did your dad not come home again last night?" she hears her friend ask.

Hopping around the room as she attempts to put her sock on, she yells back across the room. "It's been about 3 days in a row now, I have no idea where he goes or what he does, he just calls me every night to tell me he is working later and not to wait up."

She hears Priscilla snort.

"Must be nice to have parents who aren't ever around but at least remember you're still alive."

Priscilla is the only daughter of Mayor Austin Wright and his catalog copy wife, Stephanie. Due to this, she never sees her father other than when the family is needed to pose for cameras or help open a new establishment. Despite her father never being there and her mother caring less about her, Priscilla still has a strict set of rules she needs to live by, to uphold her family name and image in town.

Living in such a small town as Bisbee, Arizona, word tends to travel fast amongst the residents and for someone like Mayor Wright, having the public on his side positively is a must to keep his position as long as possible.

It's not like anyone else is rushing to be Mayor of this dingy town.

"Are you almost done? I don't want to have to pick a seat in front of the class. I have Mrs. Jones for the first period, and she spits a lot when she talks, I better not have to take a saliva shower today because of you, Nole!"

Noel cringes at the corny nickname her friend gave her the first day of freshman year, misreading her name on her nametag thanks to her dyslexia.

"Nole just sounds better, you have copper hair and hole yourself up inside like a mole, so it isn't far off from your true nature."

She doesn't know what compelled her back then to become friends with a girl who had just compared her to a mole, simply because she prefers a night in with snacks and Netflix, rather than a night out with bad food and partying. You can get her to go almost anywhere with the temptation of food, but it better be damn good.

There are also no clubs in Bisbee, having to go to the next city over just to have the same amount of fun, if not more, that she can have at home.

"Okay, I'm ready! I'm coming down now," Noel says and grabs her phone to hang up, but sees that Priscilla already ended the phone call 5 minutes ago.

She makes it outside to where Priscilla is leaning against her cherry red Subaru, a guilt-gift given to her by her dad for her 16th birthday last year because he couldn't make it, like most of her birthdays she has said.

"Finally," she calls out, but points a finger at her watch and then at Noel. "But we are now late, and there is a 99% chance now that I will have to pick a seat at the front of the class, which means you owe me to lunch today, and I get to pick whatever I want from the cafeteria."

Noel just chuckles at her friend and agrees to whatever she demands.

"So, here we are, the last year of this 12-year sentence," Priscilla says, running a hand through her sleek blonde hair as it whips through the car's open window. "This is the last year to be a teenager, don't you think?"

"What do you mean? We're barely 18, still got 2 more years to go before you can call yourself an adult, and even then, I doubt we'll be much different than now."

Priscilla shakes her head. "Everything is going to start to change. High school ends, and everyone goes their separate ways, we'll no longer have the connection of arriving at the same place every morning, walking the same path every day."

She turns and gives a pointed look to Noel.

"This is why I hope you try to get out more this year and experience life a little more. Actually, how about this, you make a goal right now to do one thing this year that you have wanted to do for a while, but just haven't found the courage or motivation to do. There has to be something," Priscilla says.

Noel doesn't have to think that hard about it, she knows there is one experience she has missed out on purposely, because of both lack of courage and motivation, but knows she will regret it if she doesn't experience it this year before she goes off to college.

Experience falling in love, at least once.

She has read enough books and watched enough drama shows to know how most high school relationships go, most if not all of them ending before the couple even graduates. Her mother once said to her that falling in love when you're a kid and when you're an adult are two completely different feelings of love.

Noel's parents are considered high school sweethearts when her mother was alive, having met and started dating in their last year of high school, attending the same college together, until her dad changed career paths afterward, and got married when they discovered her mother was pregnant with little Noel. Her mother still stood by what she said, explaining that she fell in love with her father when they were kids, and fell in love with him over again when they got older, this time falling in love with the older, mature version of him.

That's how you know you have found your soulmate. When you continuously fall in love with the different phases of their lives and changes of themselves, always be able to accept them for whoever they become.

"I'd like to try and date, maybe at least go out with someone once," she ends up replying. Falling in love in less than a year is a little far-fetched.

Her college has already been decided, having applied as soon as she could to the California College of Arts in San Francisco. It has been her dream school, the same one her mother went to, ever since she discovered her passion for art and wanted to pursue a career in it. It is a private college, where tuitions cost more than a house in some places, and she doesn't have room to make any mistakes in her academics until she graduates.

"Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Do you have anyone in mind already, maybe someone whose name also begins with an N?" Priscilla asks, nudging her shoulder teasingly as she slows the car to pull into the school parking lot.

"Oh, speak of the handsome devil," she mutters excitedly, spotting the sandy blonde hair of Bisbee High's star athlete, Nolan James.

Noel sinks in her seat as Priscilla purposely drives slowly past him and his group of rowdy friends, peeking her head up just in time to see his green eyes shift in their direction, a crooked smile gracing his face. She yelps silently and ducks back down.

"Can you be any more obvious?" Priscilla mutters while Noel covers her beat red face and sinks to the floor, wishing she could just disappear into the ground.

Noel manages to make it through her first day back without any more mishaps or embarrassments but is let down when Priscilla tells her she has already scored her first date with one of the new guys in their class, a name Noel didn't bother to catch.

This means she has to either walk or get on what passes as public transport around here. Looking at the condition of the bus shelter itself, she opts to walk home, thankful it's a cloudy but warm day at least.

Popping in her headphones, she turns on her summer mix to ride out the last remaining feelings of the summer season as the leaves slowly start to tumble around her, signaling the first sign of autumn. Her favorite song, skater boy by Avril Lavigne comes on and she instantly sinks into the lyrics, nodding her head along with the beat.

Drowning in her music, she doesn't hear the roar of the motorcycle engine behind her until the rider is whizzing past her at a distance close enough that she is pushed forward slightly due to the gust of wind that rushes past.

"Asshole!" she screams after them, though they're long gone by now, the sound of the engine still heard around the bend of the street.

Leaving one headphone out this time, she hurries her way home, suddenly regretting not having taken the bus. She finds her anger flaring up again when she finally makes it home and sees the same death trap that nearly ran her over parked on the street next to her house, most likely a friend of the guy living next door, some bachelor in his mid-40s that does nothing but sit at home and supposedly scam people, as her father has theorized.

As usual, she doesn't see her father's car in the driveway. Assuming she has the house to herself again for the night, she drags her feet into the house and tosses her bag on the ground the moment she gets in, kicking off her converse and not caring where they land before she trudges upstairs.

Stripping out of her slightly sweaty clothes, she grabs her 'oodie' sweater that she got for Christmas and her birthday, both falling days apart with her birthday, unfortunately, landing on New Year's Day. Unfortunately for both her and her mother, her birthday is always being overlooked thanks to Christmas and her mother for having to go through that pain on a day to welcome in a new beginning.

What a way to start the New Year.

Grabbing a clean towel and face cloth from the closet next to the bathroom door, she doesn't notice that the door is already closed, when she left it open this morning. Due to her agitated and exhausted state, she grasps the handle and swings the door open.

A wave of steam slams her in the face, waking her up in time to see the tall figure of someone walking out of the shower.

"Well, this is some sort of home warming gift," a deep, melodic voice floats through the haze, a pair of pale blue eyes coming to rest on her shrunk-back form against the door.

Without thinking, she lets out a shrill scream.

"Ah! Who the hell are you?"

Before the stranger in her bathroom can answer, Noel hears the loud voice of her dad calling her through the door.

"Is that you, Noel? Are you alright, what happened?"

The strange boy just grins at her, sending a chill down her spine, and turning to bolt out the door. Her father comes running up the stairs just as she scurries out into the hallway, the boy following behind her, finally donning pants.

"Dad, intruder! He broke in and he-he-"

"Decided the first thing he's going to do is use their shower?" the boy smirks.

Assessing the situation, it doesn't take her dad long to piece everything together, already seeing this arrangement having issues.

"Noel, honey, this isn't the way I planned for you two to meet, I wasn't expecting you home so early today," her dad starts to explain.

"What the hell are you talking about, dad? Who is this and why is he in my bathroom?"

He lets out an exhausted sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"This is a recent client of mine, we just succeeded in winning his case, but he doesn't have anywhere to go and is looking for a second chance to rejoin society. Noel, meet your new housemate, Harken Lewis."

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