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Assassination System: Vengeance

Assassination System: Vengeance



40XX, Oakenvale Metropolis State. Since his parents mysteriously disappeared − Seth's life has been chaotic. Seth Cohen Vonstein, who lives in the lower caste of Oakenvale Metropolis State, can do nothing when his wealthy co-workers treat him like scum and abuse him inhumanely. They called Seth a state loser who deserves to die. Anger, disgust, and revenge − Seth only can hold without being able to resist. One day, Seth Cohen Vonstein wakes up from his slumber when a mysterious phone warns him that the dangerous secret organization − The Codex is after him. At first, Seth did not believe the contents of the mysterious phone and denied it. However, a mob of strangers in black suits comes to his apartment and fires everything. They hunt down Seth in a brutal way. [ Greetings, Vonstein. I've been searching and watching you all this time. Congratulation, your Assassination System is activated_ ] [ We have a list of the target for your execution_ ] [ Now, you have two choices – do you want to be a hunter as a hero or die to be hunted as a coward?_ ] ***

Chapter 1 Prologue

[ Welcome, Hunter. ]

[ Luton Mountain. Thu, 21 Aug 40XX_. 5.46 AM_ ]

[ Coordinate : -5°.27'587" S.119°.4'684" E_ ]

[ Wind : 10m/s to Southwest 76°_ ]

[ Terminal Func//A2 ]

[ Distance on target: 2000m. ]

[ Target mission: Ace Hendrix, Alek Velkan, Barton Nikolai. ]

"I'm in position."

[ Stay focused on your mission, Hunter. ]

"Luton Mountain, a relic of a greedy and failed empire." He muttered sarcastically. "Their conspiracy must be exposed."

He climbed the hill higher in search of a good lookout spot. His firing range to Ace Hendrix's secret facility was about 2000 meters. From behind the thick fog and the cold wind in the dawn.

The cargo plane seems to have just landed. The soldiers were busy unloading wooden containers and taking them inside a secret facility.

The chemical factory was tremendous and guarded heavily.

New armored vehicles arrived at the perimeter of the front. Four soldiers came out of it, while two other soldiers patrolled once every seven minutes.

The secret facility had an armored concrete door that closed off the bunker.

"They kept the perimeter constricting," Seth said flatly. "They all carried a heavyweight carbine-barreled military rifle."

[ You have to knock them all out, Hunter. Screw their power stations. We're working in the dark. That's the first rule. ]

Seth took a deep breath. "Yeah, I know that. You don't have to say it like a curse. I was relieved when I first found out. You're the most powerful system, Raven. You can control everything. Luckily, you can't control my mind."

[ Is that a compliment or a mockery? Warning you is my duty, Hunter. Your primary mission is eliminating Damon Holloway's right hand - Ace Hendrix. Steal all his phone and laptop data. There are stored critical data on all Hellion system networks, then comb through the bunker. There must be nothing left. ]

"The other soldiers arrived. They load armored containers into cargo planes." Seth explained curious from his binoculars. "What exactly is in the cargo hold?"

[ We'll find out soon. Hunter, that cargo plane can't go anywhere. Hack it and recover any samples from the armored containers on that cargo plane. Finish your job – Remember to checkpoints. Upload all your recovered data to the Montefalco system server. ]

"I get it done."

Seth turns his binoculars calibration sharper and read the armored container with the chemical radiation logo. They took it carefully.

"Wait, that chemical radiation – hold on! I saw the target - Ace Hendrix. He's carrying a suspicious suitcase." Seth added the detail.

[ Their critical data is in the briefcase. Find and secure it. Above all else terminate them all, Hunter. ]

From his binoculars − Seth sees Ace carrying a suitcase with a digital safety lock button. He was not alone. The two of his right-handed confidant walked with him. They are muscular and big such as wrestlers.

Seth finds a sniper scout at the top of the facility. Behind the fog and darkness of the dawn. He was using a scope from the Dragunov series of weapons.

Seth bowed and took off the sniper on his back.

Prepare to destroy all his enemies.

[ Infiltrate without raising alarm. Good luck. ]

Seth closed one eye to look at the optical scope. He calibrates the distance, speed, and directions and scales the marked target with an automated sniper system.

[ Peep! ]

Seth turned the optical zoom setting at the right point. Aim the sniper rifle parallel to the target. The cardinal direction blows to the southwest – he shifts the sleeve at a slight angle to the right.

The distance is 1978 meters, and the exclusive bullet prepared by Raven can shoot such a long distance with the highest speed.

Seth held his breath until the sleeve aimed calmly and precisely.

[ Scope Calibration System Online ]

He shot a modified RGS – 70 Sniper.

[ Duuuuuummmmm! ]

Bullets shot from the casing, and the trigger blasted at the tip.

The long blade-sharp bullet was going fast.

[ Craaaaaaaaaak! ]

Blood splashed wildly from the contents of the splattered brain. Seth's exclusive bullet crushed and exploded the sniper enemy rival's brain until it penetrated the back of his neck and tore off his face.

His head was split open, and he died instantly.

Seth drew his breath again to knock out all the targets on the perimeter of the lead. One by one, the soldiers he finished off with his sniper bullets.

The body lay in front of the secret facility. With their brain scratched, a slick of gore everywhere.

[ Ting! ]

Seth pulled his bullet cock, "all tangos down."

[ Well done. Proceed to the next task. ]



Seth ambushes one soldier from behind, slitting his throat with a military knife. Blood splattered wildly and soiled Seth's clothes and hood.

The Bunker of the secret facility looks deserted. There are only a few soldiers guarding each floor. People dressed in closed clothes like scientists flashed by.

Seth sat up against the wall. In the darkness-looking for his three main targets.

"That's where you are− " He mumbled at the sight of a closed office room in which Ace Hendrix, Alek, and Nikolai were sitting in their chairs.

Ace is talking to someone on his cell phone.

Seth pulls his sniper cock. Two soldiers stand guard at the access door that leads to Ace's room. He held his breath as he aimed at the two soldiers, Seth waiting for the right time.

As their two crutches align, Seth shoots - within seconds, and they collapse with their brains in the air and fall next to their dead body.

"Hostiles!" A soldier screamed when he realized the two colleagues were killed instantly. "Snipers!"

Seth ducked as a wildfire from a semi-automatic rifle pounded his hideout.

[ Trrrrrrrrt! Duaaaaaaarrrr! ]

"Shit! I don't see him!" Seth cursed furiously and crawled to move to the other side. He swapped his snipers with carabine riffle.

Alarm triggered.

There weren't many soldiers on standby in the bunker, and Seth counted about seven. The rest of the scientists ran out of the lab to save themselves.

Seth takes out the sniper remote and presses a button to access Montefalco's system. From a distance, he activated the sniper riffle turret attached to his initial hideout.

"Activate the automatic firing system. Shoot all moving enemies. I marked them with a laser!"

[ Automatic firing system activated. ]

As the gunfire breaks out, Seth sees Ace Hendrix's office closed by an armored door.

"Damn it!" Seth blurted in rage. "I'm late!"

Seth moved forward and fired his carabine. He's rolled over to fill the magazine. His automatic sniper turret knocks out three people.

Seth stood up and shoots again. His carabine killed the other two soldiers.

"That's five." He muttered in up and down breaths.

[ Duuuuuumm! Duuuummmmm! ]

Everything happens so quickly.

The gunfire whizzed wildly.

As the enemy in sight aimed his carbine at Seth's left chest.

Seth threw the blade quickly and stuck it in the soldier's forehead.


"That's the last."

Then, the bunker was quiet, and a slick of gore blood from the dead body was lying around.


The armored door of Ace's office explodes and knocks off its hinges. The sharp splinter flew straight through Nikolai's neck until it separated from his body.

Nikolai's body collapsed on the floor with a spurt of hot blood that slicked on the floor.

"Fuck!" Ace roared in fear as Nikolai's head − filled with a gush of blood-rolled over and came to rest at his feet.

Ace and Alek together fire their rifles at the door. Puffs of white smoke limited the rarity of view, and the charred smell of gunpowder and explosive residues thickened.

Alek sat across from him. Their return fire stalled to fill the magazine.

[ Siiiiiiiiiing ]

[ Craaaaaak! ]

Alek stands up to peek at the situation. But his head is pierced by a sniper bullet and collapses with the brain coming out of his skull. The head exploded like struck with a bomb.

"Motherfucker!!" Ace shrieked in fear.

Ace shoots again, but he runs out of bullets. The sickening smell of blood made his bowels melt away. He was about to reach for his suitcase and gun on the table.

Behind a white smoke, suddenly Seth appeared and shot Ace's palm until his fingers were destroyed.

[ Doooorrrr! ]

Ace collapsed with a scream of horror and moaned in shock while his left palm crushed. "FUCK YOU, BASTARD!!!"

"Oops, sorry. My hands are slippery." Seth replied with a malicious giggle.

He shoots again and blows up Ace's kneecap.

"FUCK! JUST GO TO HELL!!" Ace swore with curdled hatred. He was helpless on the floor. His blood oozed from all his gunshot wounds.

Seth's down and smirks like a devil. "Yeah. That is my mission. Kill you. Don't make it personal, but the mission had set, Hendrix."

Ace howls of pain that make his sense somerset, then he sniggers in amused.

The reaction made Seth's forehead pucker. He smiled obliquely. "What's so funny? Because death is coming to get you. Are you still acting up, Ace?"

Ace hissed amid a gush of his blood. "You want to act like a hero now, Vonstein? With your mask and these silly toys? Do you think you can destroy us? We walked for decades. You can't stop the system. Hellion is the future, and you can't change anything!"

Ace spits in Seth's face.

Seth laughed maliciously like a maniac, and he grabbed Ace's neck and observed him viciously. "I don't care. I will destroy you all and your ridiculous madness!"

Ace laughed condescendingly again. "Oh, what a pity. Little Seth Cohen Vonstein doesn't know anything. Do you want to know what happened to your parents?"

The entanglement of Seth's hand around Ace's neck loosened. Seth's face looks shocked.

"Why? Are you too afraid to hear the truth?" Ace cursed in vile giggles.

Seth growled and strengthened his stranglehold. "Stop mentioning my parents! You don't know anything about them, bastard!"

Ace nods. "What difference do we make now? You're an assassin killing other people's lives. Aren't we the same? We make this world so much better. We rule, Seth. They will hunt you down! They never stop until you die!"

"Whoever comes to me – I will kill them. No matter what! I'm different from you!" Seth replied wrathfully. "Don't equate me with savages and disgusting people like you!"

[ Finish him. Don't let him instigate and mess with your mind, Hunter! ]

"Just give it to us - Death Walker hard drive. So that no human lives are lost, Vonstein." Ace said mockingly.

Seth stands up and shoots Ace dead in the head, completing the final mission, snatching this motherfucker's precious briefcase and cell phone.

The sound of the execution gun echoed in the bunker.

[ Dooorrrrr! ]

He left with anger blazing in his soul.


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