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Davy: What You Didn't Steal From Me (01 Midnight Sun Series Book)

Davy: What You Didn't Steal From Me (01 Midnight Sun Series Book)



After discovering her boyfriend's betrayal with her older sister, Ester Benjamin decides to return to her hometown, located in the interior of Portugal. What she couldn't imagine was that she would attract the attention of Davy, a young man, now 18 years old, responsible for the murder of her parents. What would she discover from this possible relationship? Could she be happy? Or could she love someone like him?

Chapter 1 Prologue - Davy



A The moonlight illuminated the whole place, but the darkness of the night was a part of me. Everyone I thought I knew, I didn't know who I really was, I just knew it wasn't me. Everything I had seen and experienced, was nothing but a sham, how could I understand the mind of a human being?

The black of the ground and the red of the blood merged into one. I had no reaction at all, I just stared at the mutilated bodies in front of me. What was once beautiful turned into a horror show, where the main clown was me.

My parents had an axe wound just above the abdomen, and my sweet sister was decapitated, but where did her head go? I laughed emptily. The fourth body was burned, and little by little, everything that existed in that place, would have the same fate. Would this also be the end for me? I heard siren noises.

My body felt heavy, the smoke that I inhaled made my lungs ache, and at this point, it was possible that the whole house was on fire, for the first time in weeks, I smiled, but not of happiness, but of sadness, because everything I had was dead and right in front of me, while I, held the murder weapon. The bedroom door was covered by fire, there was no salvation or escape for me, I could have done differently, but everything turned out as I had always feared.

The fire was approaching, I closed my eyes in a failed attempt to relax, when the totally burning door is opened, revealing the fireman. I looked at him lifelessly, as well as the dead and almost completely burned bodies, but I couldn't interpret his gaze. I was pulled and dragged against my will by Mr. Junior, and as we passed through the fire, we arrived in front of the house, the place where I used to love waiting for my father with my older brother. All the residents of the neighborhood were present, watching the whole tragedy involving the beloved Williams family, or at least, only me - since I was the only one left.

- Davy Williams! You are under arrest! Everything said here will be used against you in court," Aldo ordered as soon as I was taken to the ambulance and I smiled, I had absolutely nothing to lose.

My name is Davy, Davy Williams. I'm 15 years old, and I'm responsible for the death of my parents and my sister.

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Davy: What You Didn't Steal From Me (01 Midnight Sun Series Book)

Chapter 1 Prologue - Davy



Chapter 2 One - Ester
