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The Moonlit Hunter

The Moonlit Hunter



Lena is the one and only daughter of the great king of werewolves community,but her Father died before she was born and her Mother leave their community to protect her child from being one of them, unknown to her ,the child (Lena ) will inherit who her Father is due to absence of any sign from Lena. Lena grew up and her mother eventually died, Lena later became a successful urban lawyer living in the heart of the city. Lena get married to a very rich husband and die to absence of her parents she didn't border to ask where he works or how he is very rich. But her life takes a drastic turn when she discovers that she is a werewolf. Suddenly, she finds herself torn between her desire to maintain her human life and her newfound animal instincts. Lena soon learns that she is not alone and that there are others like her, living among the city's human population. But as she delves deeper into her werewolf identity, she uncovers a dangerous world of supernatural politics, where rival packs are vying for power and control. As Lena struggles to come to terms with her new reality, she must also navigate the treacherous waters of romance, as she finds herself drawn to a powerful and mysterious alpha werewolf, who may hold the key to her past and her future. But with danger lurking around every corner, Lena must choose carefully whom she trusts, for one wrong move could mean the difference between life and death. In Moonlit Hunter, follow Lena on her journey of self-discovery as she battles to find her place in a world where humans and werewolves collide, and where nothing is as it seems.

Chapter 1 Lena's Life Turns Upside Down

Lena had always been a successful lawyer, living in the heart of the city. Her days were filled with high-stakes negotiations and complex legal cases.

One day, she walked home from work very late at night, because she had a case in the court to deal with.she felt a strange sensation wash over her. Suddenly, she was filled with a primal urge to hunt, to run, to howl at the moon. Lena didn't understand what was happening to her, but she knew that something was different but she manage to sleep because of her case hearing tomorrow.

Lena woke up from sleep and dress up for the Court still feeling what she felt like chainging her self to be in the bush. She took her way to the Court.

Judge: All rise. Court is now in session.

Lena: (standing up) Good morning, Your Honor.

Judge: Good morning, Ms. Lena. Please be seated. Who do we have here today?

Lena: I am representing Mr. John Smith, Your Honor.

Judge: I see. How does your client plead?

Lena: Not guilty, Your Honor.

Judge: Very well. Let's proceed with the trial.

Lena: Thank you, Your Honor. I would like to request a few moments to confer with my client.

Judge: Granted. Please proceed.

(Lena approaches her client and whispers to him)

Lena: Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are here today to defend my client, Mr. Smith, who has been accused of attacking a human being while in the form of a werewolf. I would like to argue that my client is not responsible for the attack, as he was not in control of his actions at the time.

Prosecutor: Objection, your honor. The defense is trying to argue that werewolves are not responsible for their actions. That is simply not true. Mr. Smith knew the risks when he chose to become a werewolf.

Judge: Overruled. Ms. Lena, please continue.

Lena: Thank you, your honor. I can attest to the fact that when werewolves transform, they lose all sense of their human selves. They become pure animals, driven by instinct and primal urges. It is not a choice the make, it is a curse that has been thrust upon them.

Prosecutor: But your client knew the risks. He chose to become a werewolf.

Lena: He did not choose this life, your honor. He was born into it. And while he may have made the decision to embrace his werewolf side, he did not ask for the curse that has been placed upon him. He did not ask for the responsibility that comes with it.

Judge: Ms. Lena, what evidence do you have to support your argument?

Lena: Your honor, we have medical records that show that my client has a genetic marker that is present in all werewolves. This marker is responsible for the transformation, and it is something that my client cannot control. Furthermore, we have eyewitness accounts that show that my client was not in control of his actions at the time of the attack.

Prosecutor: But that does not excuse the fact that he attacked a human being.

Lena: Your honor, my client is not denying that he attacked the victim. What he is saying is that he was not in control of his actions at the time. He did not choose to become a werewolf, and he did not choose to attack the victim. It was simply the curse that took over.

Judge: Ms. Lena, I am sympathetic to your argument, but I must also consider the safety of society. If your client is unable to control himself, then he poses a danger to others.

Lena: Your honor, I understand your concern, but my client has taken steps to ensure that he does not pose a danger to society. He has voluntarily placed himself in a secure facility during the full moon, when the transformation occurs. He has also sought therapy to help him cope with the effects of the curse. He is doing everything he can to ensure that he does not harm others.

Judge: Very well, Ms. Lena. I will take your arguments into consideration as I make my decision. Court is adjourned

Lena finished with her case her and she was happy because it went successful,not knowing she also have the genetic maker of the werewolves.

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