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Blurb "You will never see my tears ,you physcophat" I gritted out as the feeling of helplessness washed through me . "I am not your silly companion, my love ,I always see your tears , because I am the reason for them ," the bastard said, smirking as he trailed wet kisses on my naked body . "You are a mons- "Ahhh ,I screamed in pain the moment he slammed into me without any warning ,tears flowed down my cheek as the pain surge through my body ,the hand cuff around my wrist bruised me everytime I moved. "Awwww ,look whose crying now ,it's little my little lover ,he chuckled and grabbed my hair tight as he begins to slam me in the most torturous way ever.

Chapter 1 MISSION

Chapter 1

Saturday morning



"Commander ! General Kick would like to speak to you .Parth my second in command barged into my office and said, stretching out the telecom to me .

I took it immediately and answered.

"General you could have called my phone ," I said flatly, not wanting to waste my time in greetings .

"Sorry Nick ,but I need a favor from you ,it's very private and urgent ," he replied in a hasty tone and I knew for a fact that it was serious .

I waved my hand in a gesture for Parth to leave ,"what is it this time ? I ask to take my focus back to General kick.

"Can we meet today Nick ,I want to speak to you in person ," he said and I thought for a while .

I had a really tight schedule here in the firm and now Kick .How stressful can this get .

"Sure come over ,I am at the firm ,be sure to get here as soon as possible ,I don't have much time to waste ," I informed him and hung up .

I tapped the intercom on my desk and called Parth.

"Yes commander ," he says walking in .

"Cancel my schedule for today and tell Amanda to reschedule another for me ," I instructed and he nodded and left .

I returned back to the freakin paper work started In Front of me , who knew running a firm could be so tiring .

*Tiring but worth it*

Mom's the best , maybe I should check on her tomorrow .

Or not , Dad's going to be there ,I am not in for another sermon .

Crazy old fool .

Two hours later ....

Finally done with the paperwork ,I stood up for a stretch but a knock interrupted me.

General Kick is here already ? ,"Come in, " I simply said and sat back on my chair.

"Nick ,so good to see you ,long time no see ," he said with a warm smile on his face .

"What was so urgent ,that you had to come all the way from New York ? I asked, ignoring his greetings.

"Same old Nick ,less talking, more action ,that is by the way ,let me get straight to the point ," he said, taking a seat in front of me.

"So Business Tycoon and philanthropist , Garrison Addams ,struck a deal with me ,one that could take the military to an advanced level.He paused as o

If he had completely forgotten what to say .

"What deal ? I ask with a bit of haste ,I know Kick really well ,I mean he made me what I am today , and for him to be freaking speechless at something like this ,it's going to be bad .

"The deal is ,Mr Addams wants my very best man for a three year contract as his daughter's bodyguard .He dropped the bombshell and shock was an understatement of what I felt .

"Is this what's urgent or is there something else ? I asked to be sure of his words .

"Listen Nick ,this isn't some ordinary job or assignment you have done before , it's highly different and maybe worse .

"Worse ,what's that supposed to mean ?

"The thing is Mr. Addams daughter is no normal lady , she's ...

"She's what ? I ask impatiently.

"She's beyond words description ,here is her file with her picture ,he gestured towards his phone and I stared at the screen and saw the most disgusting creature I have ever seen in my life .

"What the Fuck is that ? I asked not to hide the fact that I felt disgusted .

"She's Mr Addams daughter , she's known as the ruthless one or the coldest Ice .

I took the phone from him and went through her record, taking her horrible view off my mind.

Name : Lovelyn Addams

Age :20

Height :4 ft 3 inches

D.O.B :03/06/2002

Criminal record:drug smuggling

Marital status: single

Graduate/undergraduate: undergraduate

Guardian :Mr Garrison Addams

Hobbies: dancing

"What the hell , is this some joke or what ?

"This is why I need you Nick ,the problem here is none of my men agreed to the Job ,I was hoping you-

"No ,it's the biggest No for me , General I can't not in this life , and you don't expect me to leave my firm for something like this ,Do you ?

"Please Nick ,I understand you pretty well ,but I am in a really tight spot ,my hands are tied , and you are my last hope.I can take it upon myself to oversee the firm for you , please help me out here . He pleaded and it felt so weird and awkward ,the General doesn't plead ,but for something like this ,it's got to be darm serious.

"General I am retired ,I can't go back to being a babysitter for rich spoiled brats , especially not one who looks like an animal. All my life I have wanted something challenging ,not this I am sorry but it's a no from me ,I stated with finality .

"Urm Nick ,I think this particular mission is going to be that big challenge you have always wanted ,the lady in question has a criminal record of drug smuggling , isn't that challenging already .

"Geez!! I sigh amused ,how can a 20 year old lady have such a record ,with such a wealthy father .

"Nick please you have got to take this job , this is going to be the last mission I want to grant you ,as one of my ever best students , and frankly speaking ,you really don't miss the good old days ,are you really happy stuffed in a chair all day dealing with papers , you are sure going to lose those if you continue ,he said pointing to my chest ,I smirked knowing exactly what he was talking about.

He was right about that fact.I might have the biggest and most successful firm in Florida ,but I do miss the good old days .

"Fine I will do it , and not to worry,the firm has a lot of good hands , and I sure miss the good old days ," I said and smirked .

"Oh thank you Nick ,I will forever be grateful ,you won't regret this I promise ,he said cheerfully while I sigh .

"I sure hope so ," I muttered.

Sunday evening



"What do you mean by that ,you told me the drugs would be available . I yelled at the incompetent fool I called my friend over the phone .

"I am sorry but Draco didn't deliver as promised ,I will get them myself I promise .

"You promise ,how much of a promise is going to save me now ,you idiot ,fuck the hell off my phone .

I hung up and tossed my phone against the queen sized bed .

I rubbed my itching drooly nose in anger as I paced about ,I needed my daily dose and now it isn't available ,all thanks to that fool .

How do I escape the pain now ,how do I feel numb ,how do I get rid of my senses before he comes ,no he can't win tonight ,he shouldn't ,he must not .

My whole body felt itchy, especially my neck and nose ,side effects of the drugs ,but it's worth it ,it does so much for me , sometimes I just want to thank it .

I scratched my itchy neck and reached for my phone , to place a call across Steevo ,one of my gang members.

"What's up V ,you got some stuff I ask continuously rubbing my red drooly nose .

"Hey MG you don't sound good , haven't taken today or what ?

"You just had to ask such a dumb question , didn't ya ! Of course I haven't and I need em ,you got some to spare .I sniffed and cleaned off the drool that escaped my nose .

"Oops sorry MG ,but I don't gat any spare ,what about Lax ,he promised to get it ,what changed .

"He messed up , that's what changed ,I am in fucking need V ,I really need em ,I grumbled .

"I will try to get you some tomorrow , how's that ?

"Not helpful V! It's not helpful I-

"Ma'am are you in there ,your dad seeks your presence," a guard's voice interrupted me .

"He's not my father you nitwit ," I yelled at the fool that uttered those words .

"Is everything okay ? V asked to bring me back to the phone call .

"Yeah ,I will see you tomorrow ," I said and hung up .

"Go away I am busy , and tell your boss ,to fuck off ,I informed and went into the bathroom .

I undressed and stood under the drizzling shower.I had no pain reliever , and it wasn't going really well for me ,the cold water dropping on my body was a little bit of relief .

The door to my room opened with a loud bang making me roll my eyes ,as always he's here again to take what never belonged to him.

I turned off the shower and wrapped myself with a towel , stepping out of the bathroom.An unexpected slap landed on my face sending me to the ground .

I glared up at the maniac that slapped me .

"Starting to grow wings right ? He asked ,I just smirked and stood up , cleaning off the blood that left my itchy nose .

"I am starting to think you are getting blind ,or maybe you are just dumb , because I know ,no I mean everyone knows ,humans don't grow wings ," I said nonchalantly , completely ignoring the fact that he was standing there.

I walked into my closet and picked out my night clothes ,a black baggy shot and a large black Dior shirt .

I returned back to the room and I would say I was quite surprised to see him sitting on my bed .

"You hit your head on your way here or what ? I asked with a side smirk ,as I tried to my nightstand and picked up my cigarette pack .

"Watch your mouth princess ,or I shut it up myself ," he groaned while I just shrugged ,like I care .

I took out a straw of my cigarettes and light it up, taking a really long drag and breathing a sigh of relief ,"Get your fucking self off my bed ,I warned and he shot me a death glare .

"How many times have I told you to stop smoking ? He gritted out, gradually getting off the bed .

I paid no fucking attention to him and continued smoking ,ignoring him is my best key , sometimes.

"You lousy witch ,you think all this is going to save you ,no it's not ,the sooner you get that into your head the better for you .

"I didn't come here to exchange words with you ,I am pretty busy at the moment ,but be sure to expect me ,oh and congratulations ,you are getting a bodyguard .

"What the Fuck did you say ? I sharply turned to face him .

"I am getting you a bodyguard, someone who will oversee your actions , follow you each and every where you go , and protect you as it is , isn't that good ?

I crushed the cigarette in my hand and glared hard at him ,"I don't want a bodyguard ,I don't want anything from you ,I yelled angrily veins popped out of my head .

"Oh my dear child ,your words don't matter ,only mine and mine alone ,be sure to look great tomorrow ,he will be arriving by morning. Good night my love ,I will see you tomorrow .He said with a stupid smile and blew stupid kisses at my face before leaving my room .

No ! this cannot be happening ,not a bodyguard ,No ! I can't let this happen , No!!!! I held my banging head , another migraine it was worse than any I ever had ,my eyes grew heavy and I dropped to the ground blacking out instantly.

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Other books by Jahbliss





❤️Prologue ❤️ The Prince who is the Prince ? Well that is no other person than Prince Asim Berlin , crowned prince of Alexandria City . 24 years of age 6 ft tall broad and huge , green hazel eyes heart-shaped lips which is full and Pink , carly dark brown hair , intelligent and super smart, in essence a Greek god the only son to King Charon and queens Stella. Xander is every girl's wish even though he has an arrogant behaviour he can't seem to chase them away he sees all women except his mother and fiance as sex toys and a typical play boy and a sex freak he always want everything to go his way no one can refuse his will, well except one crazy girl . The Pauper Who is she? Naunet Domero Naunet Domero , 21 year old, 4 ft tall ,slim and slender ,but with a domineering cleavage full red lips, diamond blue eyes long strawberry blonde hair ,a goddess to be precise and so beautiful. Many times it lead her to trouble ,at 18 she had up to 100 suitors but she rejected all of them this made her parents sad but they couldn't tell her because they were always in support of her decisions all she did was work ,work and work and least I forget sometimes cause trouble more like people always troubled her , especially jealous girls . She had no friends work was more of her best friend but she had to work to feed her parents she never had the opportunity to go to school because of how poor they were she was willing to change that but she had to work she involved herself in every work available she was also a part-time maid at the palace and known for her beauty there as well. During her time at the palace she had never encountered or seen the prince because he was never home so she had no idea what he looked like she also had no phone to browse about him and she also had no time for that . Life wasn't that good but manageable for her until she met with Prince Asim on one of her visit to the palace she had never seen him before so she mistook him for a guard because of how casual he looked, she disrespected him with no idea of his identity and prince Asim was enraged,he vowed to have her for himself like the other ladies but he failed countless times until he took a drastic decision that changed his life forever. Extract from the story ...... "Please I beg you forgive me ,I know I wronged you and I am very sorry" "Keep quiet you are disturbing the neighborhood " "I am sorry please don't take it away from me ,I am a virgin please I want to keep it for my husband please I beg you '' "You want to keep it for your husband,you should be happy I am taking it ,you wouldn't want to give it to your ugly and hideous looking husband ,now keep quiet and stop resisting. He forced her on the bed and tore her dress , removing her bra and undies roughly, pinning her hand on the bed,he cupped her breast in one hand and squeeze it before placing it into his mouth ignoring her endless pleas ,he roughly penetrated into her making her scream, breaking her hymn as blood flowed out . "Noooooooooooooooooooo A huge thunder struck as heavy rain began to fall , lightening strikes so loud ,it shook people out of their sleep. A witch is in distress . . .

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