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Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one

Chapter 1 THE STORM


Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author's imagination.

Lisa's alarm rang waking her up, she climbed down from the bed and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

She was Lisa Gracia the daughter to the famous and rich Leonard Gracia, she was also the only child and sole heir to Greatshire organization which was one of the greatest in the country, She was a ruthless and pampered girl who was given everything she ever wanted even before asking, her life was so perfect and she was adored by everyone.

She got dressed in her working clothe and took her hand bag walking out of her room.

Her phone rang and she checked it, it was Constance her personal assistant.

"What Constance?" She asked as a servant held the phone and she walked forward.

"Your meeting starts by 10:00am sharp and...."

"I'll be there soon" she cut and walked ahead of the servant who knew she was done with the call and ended it.

Lisa reached outside and got into her car before facing the servant

"Tell my dad the meeting starts by ten" she said and turned to the steering wheel, she started the engine

"Miss!!" Shouted Constance running to her.

"Well hello Constance, why did you call if you were in?" She asked

"I'm sorry Miss, didn't want to come in" she replied

Lisa sighed and looked straight

"You come after" she said and drove away.

Constance faked a smile before getting in her own car and following Lisa from behind.

The clouds were acting funny and it looked like it would rain.

##Emergency Emergency;

A hurricane will hit the city from 2:00pm till dusk with damaging wind, dangerous storm surge and heavy downpour. You're advised to stay indoors, avoid coastlines and rivers. Be safe##

Leonard Gracia dropped the coffee mug on the table after he drank a little quantity.

"The weather forecast came late, people would have left already" he said

"This is still 6:00am and they could be in their place of work who would want to travel that far?" Asked Julia his wife and Lisa's mother.

"Hmm, call Lisa down for breakfast" said Leonard to a servant who bowed before leaving.

"I'm surprised Lisa's still asleep, she had a meeting to attend today" inquired Julia

"Maybe she got the forecast earlier than we did" he answered.

The servant hurriedly rushed back to them.

"Sir Miss Lisa's not in her room"

"Not in her room?, Then where could she be?" He asked

"I think she left....."

Leonard stood up before she could complete her statement

"Left?, To where?" He panicked

Julia slowly stood from her seat and rushed to the window

"Oh my God Leo, it's getting dark" she trembled

"Call Constance now!!!" He shouted making the servants on the table jolt in fright, they were all trembling as a servant rushed to the telephone.

Leo tighten his fist, 'Lisa better not be out there'

The servant came back

"Sir, the network is bad, I can't reach Constance or Miss Lisa..."

"Oh no" he mumbled

"My daughter!" Wept Julia sitting on the ground

"Leo Lisa's out there.... Leo do something" she wept.

Leo angrily hit the plate on the table smashing it on the ground

"Damn it, I'm going after her. David!" He called and an average height man on black suite walked forward bowing

"Yes Sir"

"Get the car ready, I'm going to find Lisa" he said

"I might disagree with that Sir" he said making Leonard turned to him in surprise

"And who are you to disagree with anything?" He asked

"David Julian, special agent. I'll send some men after her and I'll go myself too but you leaving is dangerous. Your wife might not handle loosing both of you in one day..."

Leo glared at him for a while before taking few steps close to him and dragging his tie pulling his face foreward

"Listen agent David or whatever your name is, you better not come back if you don't have Lisa with you else, I'll make sure you'll loose the ability to feel your legs" he whispered

"Noted Sir, I won't return without Miss Lisa Gracia" he said and with that walked out.

Leo inhaled deeply before turning to his wife who still wept, he walked close to her and squat to her size.

"It's okay honey, Lisa will be brought back safe" he consoled hugging her.

The road had become foggy for Lisa, she couldn't see anything as the rain poured heavily on the car.

"This stupid rain" she muttered, she increased the speed of her car and looked back, Constance who was following after her in her car was no where to be seen. She frowned and picked her phone up calling her but it wouldn't connect.

"Constance Constance Constance, what a wrong move you just made" she whispered.

Suddenly, a bright lightening struck from the sky to the ground just few miles before her, it looked like it sent something down.

Lisa looked ahead but she couldn't see anything, the sky then turned bright and emitted powerful thunder strikes which cause a dangerous effect. Anywhere the lightening struck, it totally destroyed everything close to it and Lisa panicked. She didn't understand the weather anyone, she took her eyes off the road looking side ways when out of the blue someone stood in the road.

"Aaahhh!!" She shouted and turned the steering wheel but she still hit whoever it was and lost control of the car, hitting hard against a tree releasing the air bag.

She whimpered in pain breathing slowly.

She made to pick her phone which was on the ground but couldn't, it was far from her and she couldn't move her body, it hurt her so much.

The lightening still struck hard and there was no sight of Constance.

The lightening then struck on her car making her scream loudly in fear, the car started burning, although there was a powerful downpour, it couldn't stop the fire.

"Help me!" She whispered slowly, she couldn't scream loud, she didn't even have the energy

"Please, someone" she whispered and a tear dropped from her eyes.

She began hearing a sound close by and she tried increasing the tone of her voice


The door to her car tore open to her surprise and someone stood there, it was a man, she couldn't see clearly cause her vision was blurring but she knew he was dressed in a radiant white gown and had long hair.

"Help me please" she whispered

"ẞhfrëk"was all he said before he lifted her from the car, he hadn't walked far when the car exploded but he didn't flinch.

He laid her on the ground and checked her wound, it was deep, she was stabbed by something.

"Who are you?" She whispered

He looked up at the sky with a strong and mean expression.

"The silver stone is in her" he whispered and before she could comprehend anything, he lifted her from the ground and flew up to the sky.

Lisa panicked, she could see clouds, was she flying?..., What was happening?.. she couldn't think straight, she was in real pain, she shut her eyes and passed out, whatever was happening, she knew she was safe with this man, this stranger.....

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Other books by Blaliy

Whispers Of Retribution

Whispers Of Retribution



TAYLOR MACKENZIE At first, I wanted to run away from my life, but I met him, Diego Salvatore. He trained me, helped me become stronger so I could avenge those who hurt me. At first it was clearly business until that night. And now, I want more nights with him, more days with him. This wasn't right, it'll drift me from my vengeance journey, but Diego Salvatore was my man, my very own. However, I'm torn between my hatred towards his father who caused I and my father pain, and his love for me. What's it going to be? Love sex or revenge? DIEGO SALVATORE. Taylor was just a nanny, a fucking nanny but somehow she's managed to cloud my thoughts, my visions, my mind and most importantly, my life. I was drunk that day and she walked in, playing her servant duties and yes I felt like having a woman by my side, she seemed to coorporate and we had sex. It was sex, everyone does it. However, Taylor was different. She felt different, tasted different. It was supposed to end there but it didn't, I wanted more with her, I wanted so badly to be inside her, over and over. It's fucking killing me, Taylor will be the end of me, but she's just a nanny, why does her presence makes me horny? Maybe she was bought by my father but she's mine and I wouldn't let anyone near or hurt her, not even my own father.... WHISPERS OF RETRIBUTION. Copyright 2024. Blaliy Lilian All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author's imagination. Note: This book contains explicit sex scenes and is not suitable for readers below 18.

Romance And Medicine

Romance And Medicine



The sound of metal scraping against metal jolted me awake. My eyes fluttered open, but I was met with darkness, my surroundings unfamiliar. Panic surged through my veins as I realized I was in the backseat of a car, my hands tied behind my back. I recalled what happened earlier, the note. I was still on the red gown, it was all a lie. Who would want to hurt me, who exactly? Frantically, I wriggled against the restraints behind me, the knots biting into my skin. I needed to call for help, anyone at all. "Help!" I screamed, my voice echoing in the confined space. But there was no response, only the eerie silence of my captivity. Suddenly, the car rumbled to life. My heart raced. What was happening? I couldn't think as I kicked at the door, desperate to escape, but it wouldn't budge. Tears welled in my eyes as the realization dawned upon me, I might die. "Please no, no God," I wept, my tears mixing with my makeup but I didn't care, my life was more important. My cries grew louder, more desperate, but still, no one came to my aid, not like it was their fault, because the last thing I could remember was the park, how did I get to God knows where. More fear consumed me as the car lurched forward, where was it taking me? Suddenly, the car came to a halt, and my eyes widened in horror. I looked around and realized where I was—the junkyard. The air was thick with the stench of rust and decay as the car was lifted into the air by a massive crane, heading straight for the crusher. My world came to a momentary stop. "No! Please, no!" I screamed, my voice raw with terror. I thrashed against my bonds, but it was futile. "God, no.. please!" More tears streamed down my cheeks as the walls of the car began to close in around me. My screams reached a deafening pitch as the car crusher began to crush the vehicle. I was inside it. I pounded on the windows, my cries echoing through the empty yard, but there was no one to hear me, no one to save me. The sound of metal groaning and collapsing around me only added to the horror of the moment, and I cried out in anguish, the fear and helplessness consuming me. I gave up, I had to, there was no point. Amidst the chaos around me, I could only think of one person. Dr. Nick, how on Earth would he find me? "Oh, God." Suddenly, a familiar voice shattered the silence. "Jasmin!" it cried out. And once again, he came for me. Tears filled my eyes as I watched him run towards the car. The crusher might finish what's left of me before he even got to me. I shut my eyes close as tears flowed down my eyes. Our love was like Medicine mixed with few drops of Romance.....





As we reached the main road, my father stopped, seemingly waiting for someone. "Papa, why are we here?" I questioned, my voice trembling. "Be quiet, Aria. You ask too many questions," he replied, refusing to meet my gaze. "Papa?" I called out, concerned as I noticed his trembling hands and perspiring brow. He turned to face me, his eyes filled with anxiety. "What's wrong?" I asked, my worry intensifying. He seemed worn out and stressed, as if he might collapse at any moment. "Aria," he began, but his sentence was cut short by the squealing of tires approaching us. Not just one car, but two... no, three. Before I could comprehend what was happening, we were surrounded. The door of the Lamborghini Huracán swung open, and a tall man stepped out. I found myself gaping at him before a black sack was forcefully placed over my head. I struggled, kicking and fighting, but then I heard a distinct click. "Do anything stupid, and Francesco dies..." "Francesco? That was my father... my own father..." I tried to calm myself, even though not entirely successfully, as I was thrown into a car. The journey began, and with the sack still covering my face, I had no idea where they were taking me. When the sack was finally removed, I found myself standing before Alessandro Genovese… SOLD TO THE MAFIA KING Copyright 2023. Blaliy Lilian.A. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination.

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