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Her Bites

Her Bites



I hugged him back and rested my chin on his arm. We are only carried away by our emotions so we do bad things.

Chapter 1 Yvonne

"Ouch, my shoulder hurts" the young man rubbed his shoulder as he continued to walk in the dark alley under the bridge "Shh.

" The young woman who had been following him gasped softly, noticing the blush on her face This place was disgusting, does he live here he asked himself darkly "Brother Libay is here!" Not far away, five small children ran towards the young man and greeted them with smiles "Oh guys, are you hungry? I brought some noodles from which marites paid for lifting" the young woman followed curiously as the young man entered with the children inside a small house His movements were fast that's why they didn't even notice him when he entered The almost ruined ding ding and holes in the roof met "Brothers, take Plato, we're going to eat," he said to the five children who immediately followed There are cracks in the Plato and the glass in which the food was served "I'm sorry for that, just let it go. When I find another job, I'll buy you melkti, borger, and pray." "And protassss!" The children's fuxisy fuel in its joke The girl frowned, she had no idea what he was talking about, she should borrow his book "In the name of the father of the son of the Holy Spirit, amen" the young man prayed fervently, which was supported by the ugly child While closing his eyes, it was as if he was attracted to look at the young man's face, his face was gentle, his skin was not white, his lips were red, his nose was sharp, and his eyes were thick. Even though this t-shirt is faded and weathered, it is still clean, obviously it has been scrubbed thoroughly He was immediately brought back to reality by something smelling strange, someone was coming, his eyes were covered in blood, and his fangs came out on their own. "Hunters" he whispered before mixing in the smoke created by his skills From afar, he saw the people, yes people, a group of people who wanted to consume their race, they called themselves hunters He fell down and jumped in front of them, even though they were surprised, they immediately recovered and began to start "Vampire!" No one tried to approach him, they knew what he could do "I will give you a chance to run, hide wherever you want..." There was fear in their eyes but no one tried to run as he said he was ready even in the face of death "Let's start the game shall we" As if only a second had passed, five were immediately lying in front of him as if they were just beginners A gunshot that he immediately avoided, "Arghhhh" shouted a man without his permission to cut his leg bloody which made him even more happy "Hmmmp" it was like he was stoned from where he was standing when he started to approach, not like before his brave look disappeared, all he could see was pure fear of death "You're going to die!" He didn't even moan when he felt a knife penetrating his chest like an ant bite He faced it and tore it apart and threw away only one left, he didn't hesitate even if he killed them all He grabbed it by the neck and raised it to the point where it didn't reach the ground, its face was almost purple, the veins on its neck were also coming out. "Argh" the girl didn't expect the arrow that hit her shoulder for an unknown reason and she suddenly felt dizzy as more Hunters were coming. He didn't do anything but let go of the girl he was holding and quickly ran away from there He leaned his back against the wall that stopped him and pulled out the arrow buried in his shoulder Next, he uttered the cheap one with the blessing of the three disciples, the silver blade that can weaken the vampires or kill them ••• Levi Pov I laughed when Vince fixed his leg when he kicked the twins' face, they fell asleep early after eating and they were tired from playing A banging in the kitchen almost made you jump "That's a lazy hen mang Kanor" "Who's that Betty, you town, why are you still digging in there at night-" I was cut off when I saw neither the chicken nor the chicken in the kitchen A bloody woman, "Miss, it's okay, what happened to you?" It looked at me with wide eyes I can only say that it is very beautiful "Miss oyy" I shook her without taking her eyes off of me, her shoulder was bleeding, she was able to stare at me He touched my cheek, ah chansing ah and my eyes widened at what he did next Hi....hi-he kissed me Deeper and deeper until I can't breathe anymore, my lips are tormenting me, but even so, I can't let go I felt like a tomato when he licked my lips before letting go "Your lips are curing me darling" Yvonne Pov Ouch,my head is spinning I feel a little bit dizzy As soon as I opened my eyes, the disgusting creature met my face F*ck It was small and flying with two horns like a demon "Ahhhh" I couldn't stop it and its approach kept me wondering what kind of creature that one was How dare this sh*t scare a queen like me "Where are the Hathors" I just now noticed the man sleeping next to me "Theres a flying demon at ceiling" scratching his head he picked up the small village creature as if it was nothing "Playing demon, playing demon, it's just a cockroach" I recoiled when he presented me with whatever it was "Don't say you're afraid of cockroaches?" I looked away, I admit I was scared earlier, not because I knew there were these kinds of creatures in this world "No I'm not, who said I'm scared" I looked away while he looked at me with a smug look I hate that smile d*ng it "Weh? How about holding the fire?" "Take it away" "Oh, aren't you afraid" he teased and when he was about to stick the creature he called a cockroach to me, I stroked it. "Freaking not,I just don't like them" He shrugged, "You said, if you need anything, just call me" he left the room when Eren appeared at my side "Queen" he knelt before me "Seems like you found him already" I didn't answer. I touched my shoulder that was hit by an arrow last night. It's surprising that there was no wound. That man........ I signaled Eren to leave, which he immediately followed "Ms. Ganda, you're awake" I frowned as he hugged me, I removed his hand that must have been wrapped around my waist when the man looked at me....... who cares about his name "Uh yeah?" I struggled with this as he signaled me to carry the child who was hugging me there's no way I will carry her I felt like I was going to cry so I couldn't do anything but carry her "Oh, isn't he wise, he told you he's not a witch" I looked at him like a sneaky man "A witch, where are you from" "Why did you sleep here" "My brother was next to me last night, what did you do?" I almost dropped my young load with their questions "Hep easy on the question guys, apart from the fact that he kissed me last night, nothing else happened" as if I was deaf to what he said? Did I hear it right? "What did you just say?" Maybe I just heard it wrong "Nothing says it's good if you don't clean your ears" I clenched my fist "Aray, Ms. It hurts so much" I immediately let go of the child I was holding when he moaned as I tightened my grip on him "I'm sorry" I seriously looked at the man who was messing with the children I can't be bothered anymore, I must tell him why I am here "You need to come with me" the silence passed when I said that, for a few moments I was immediately surprised when they laughed at the same time "What's so ridiculous?" He was holding his stomach and hitting the shoulder of the boy next to him "Why are you laughing for?" I raised my eyebrows and waited for them to finish laughing "We've heard that, Miss Byutipul" "I think almost all the women here at the site under the bridge on the side of the river have already told that to brother Libay" "Kunyare I'm going to go with brother Libay, those desperate women are going to be kidnapped" it seemed like there was a big blank on the top of my head "Do you know what your name is?" "Yvonne" "Yvonne, even though it's hard, there are many girls who are trying to get me, it's no wonder you're one of them" I immediately got hot, so that's the reason why they were laughing "For f*cksake your not my type not even a like" depensa ko "Weh? Don't be so indenial, I know you have a crush on me too" I was annoyed "Eren" as soon as I called someone was knocking on the wooden door from the outside and Eren entered without permission with his men. He immediately grabbed the man in both hands who was looking at me angrily if he doesn't want to be led into a good conversation well I better make him come using my own way I was holding him back a while ago "Hey where are you taking me?" He tried his best but because Eren's men were bigger and taller he couldn't do anything I held his jaw, "What's your name?" "Levi Foster" "Well then Levi,your mine now only mine" Yvonne Pov "F*t you stop it oh I'm going to jump" I was annoyed and didn't pay attention to it disappearing inside the car I need to take him to the mansion for the ceremony before taking him to our world, I don't want him to be surprised, so as long as possible I want him to be with me "I'm really going to jump here, it's true!" "If you want to jump just do it will you" I smiled when he didn't do it, but my smile immediately disappeared when he kicked the car door and jumped. Wtf Less than a second before he crashed on the road, I caught him and immediately changed our places so I crashed on the concrete road, I felt a dislocated bone in my shoulder but I just didn't have it I held his head so that he wouldn't be hurt by the impact of our falling "Argh" he moaned as his body softened I forcefully pulled my shoulder back to where it was before, causing my bones to vibrate "Are you insane, what if I didn't follow you, you're dead!" I preached to him, I was stunned when he didn't move and kept staring at me, I didn't expect him to suddenly hug me "It's fine, why did you follow?" There were tears in his eyes, which they call tears, I don't know why he was crying, I don't know if people are just superficial, oh, we're just different, I'm just different "Are you okay?" "It's okay--" I was alarmed when he lost consciousness and fell on my chest, maybe the after shock and he was so nervous that he fainted I lifted him effortlessly and put him in the car driven by Eren I slowly put him down inside the car, I want to tease him for his stubbornness ••• Levi Pov My back hurts, when did my back become soft? I slowly got up without opening my eyes "Len len why is the window open" it's so cold right now it's summer why is it so cold "Tss. Stupid" "Benok, your feet are heavy" Benok seemed to sleep in my room "What is it Benok I'm tickled" when did Benok's feet get this big "Sleep talking, how cute" I slowly opened my eyes to see the face of a girl "Hi, your awake" I pushed him when I saw him running on my body "Levi right? I'm Izy" I looked at him in shock, I just now remembered that that girl actually kidnapped me and then I jumped and then...then "Stop bothering him tanda" we turned around at the same time only to see Yvonne at the door jamb drinking from a glass "I'm not sure if I'm cute as an old man" complained the boy next to me "Levi come here, stay away from that old man" I was surprised at what he said, the boy was still young "Believe me that one is older than me right Izy how old are you again, Thousand years?" "Ihhhhh Vonvon is only 999" "their are just same,and stop calling me Vonvon" I was just quietly listening to their argument when I felt thirsty I immediately grabbed the glass Yvonne was holding and gulped down the contents "D*mn why did you drank that" I immediately spat out the contents of my mouth with a taste like rust. I looked at my hand and the floor that was full of red. H-no du.....blood __ Levi Fostero pronounced as Livay Fhostero Yvonne Ardiere pronounced as Ivvon Ardyere

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