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The Mafia' Sperm Thief (English)

The Mafia' Sperm Thief (English)



Lucky is a successful erotica author. Despite coming from a wealthy family, she grew up independent and self-sufficient. She was content with her twenty-eight-year existence. She did, however, reach a point in her life where she desired to have a child. This is also something her parents have repeatedly requested. She only has one problem; she has genophobia, a mental illness characterized by a fear of sexual intimacy. Aside from her best friend, Genesis, no one else knows her condition. Even her family was unaware because she was afraid that others would mock her condition; thus, adoption was not the solution to her desire to have a child. She could only think of one option; IUI, a medical procedure in which a male donor's sp*rm is implanted directly into a woman's uterus. Lucky told Genesis about her plan, and her best friend supported her; however, when she asked Genesis to be her sp*rm donor, the man refused, claiming he did not want to be responsible for any woman, especially her. This is why, one night after Genesis had sex with his flavor of the month, Lucky committed a crime: she stole Genesis' sperm. Will her actions cause their friendship to crumble? Or love will prevail.

Chapter 1 TMST 1 - Sperm Donor

"You're rude," Lucky complained to her best friend Genesis.

The two were inside a car parked in the parking lot of a supermarket. They came to do grocery shopping but unexpectedly run into Adriane, Genesis' ex-fling, with her husband Mark. Lucky was talking with Mark when Genesis abruptly pulled her out of the grocery store.

"Rude? Tss!"

"Just so you know, Mark and I are having a conversation! He's talking about love letters, and he's said to be one of the people who used to send me love letters. Do you know about this?"

"Tss! Don't mind him. He's obviously bluffing!" Genesis shrugged and maneuvered the car out of the parking lot.

Lucky frowned. Is Mark really bluffing? But he seems to be very serious. So what if he was telling the truth? It doesn't matter now. Love letters, you say? Does this imply that she had a lot of male admirers before? However, she did not receive a single love letter.

"Belle is cute. Have you seen their baby?" Lucky introduces a new topic. If she keeps thinking about what Mark said, she will only frustrate herself and gain nothing. It didn't seem real, and Genesis didn't seem interested in talking about it.

"Yeah, cute..."

Lucky frowned at Genesis's cold response. "Why do you act this way every time I mention babies?"

"Cause I already know what's next. I want one," Genesis mimicked her voice.

"I don't talk like that!"

Genesis tsked. "What's the point of wanting to have a child if you're afraid of s*x?"

"You're really annoying! There's nothing wrong with dreaming about having children."

"Nothing, if you're normal."

"Are you saying I'm not?" Lucky threw a wet tissue to Genesis. She was cleaning her hands with it while they were talking.

"You disgusting thing! Don't turn my car into a trash can!"

"It's your fault! You claim I'm below normal."

"It was you who said that not me."

Lucky was even more pissed off at Genesis. "Hey! Fix your behavior if you don't want me to hit you," she threatened, raising her fist at the man.

"You haven't informed your parents about your condition," Genesis said out of the blue, his gaze fixed on the road. "You've kept your condition hidden from them for ten years. When do you plan to tell them?"

"I don't know..." Lucky answered with clenched fists.

"You should tell them, Luck. Your parents want you to settle down, right? How can you get married if you're afraid of sex? It's the first thing couples do after marriage."

"You're not the one to make decisions for me, Gin. How about you? Don't your parents want you to settle down, too?"


"What are your plans? We both know you're a jerk." Genesis glared at Lucky, then returned his gaze to the road. "Why? It's the truth! You can't settle for one; you want your women left and right,"

Lucky took a deep breath.

"I really don't understand why I'm friends with a jerk like you."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, you're a jerk."

"Hey! That's so mean! I'm innocent. They're the ones who approach me and offer themselves; I don't force them to sleep with me, though I admit it. I have a weakness for women, and I can't reject them," Genesis cried, acting emotional.

"Don't give me that reason, we all know you just like to f*ck around with random girls. What if those women get pregnant?"

"Impossible! I'm extremely careful with s*x. I never f*ck without protection, and you know I don't like kids. I'm not fond of them..."

Lucky rolled her eyes. She knew Genesis didn't like kids, but she didn't think that at Genesis' age, he wouldn't consider settling down and starting his own family. It appears that he is perfectly content to be a jerk.

"There's still a chance you'll get a woman pregnant, especially since you have an active s*x life. When a woman settles down with a man like you, she's probably the stupidest woman in the world."

"Hey! Will you stop? I f*ck around with random women, but that doesn't mean I can't have a proper and normal relationship." Genesis counterpart.

Lucky laughed and poked Genesis' side, he seemed really sullen because of what she said.

"Luck! I'm driving!"

"Tss! As if you don't do extracurricular activities while driving," Lucky said, referring to what Genesis had previously told her about his fling giving him a bl*wjob while driving.

"Ugh, shut up! Don't even mention it."

Lucky giggled and didn't make fun of Genesis again. She sat up and let out a deep sigh. "I really want a child, Gin."

"Then find a man who will marry you and give you a child, please..." Genesis looked at Lucky before returning his gaze to the road. "Stop giving me that look. There is no other way, Luck. You will not have children if you do not have s*x."

"Actually, Maya told me something," Lucky explained as she shifted her seat to face Genesis. "Are you familiar with IUI?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I want to try it."


"Gin! I really want a baby."

"If your life won't be in danger, sure. Do what you want, it's your life. There's nothing I can do but support you."

Lucky bit her lower lip. She really wanted to tell Genesis about this last week, but it was difficult for her to bring it up. This is her chance. "Gin, I know you don't like kids, but I really want a child, so I decided to go through the IUI procedure..."

Lucky took a deep breath. "Can you be my sperm donor?-ouch!" Lucky cried out in pain after hitting her head on the dashboard when Gineses abruptly stepped on the brake.

"G-gin, a-are you alright, Gin?"



Genesis faced her. "I do not want to...."


"I don't want to be your sperm donor."

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Chapter 1 TMST 1 - Sperm Donor
