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Claimed by the Mafia

Claimed by the Mafia

Dera Brown


"Shut your fvcking mouth close!!" Zach yelled out of anger. Madison had been frustrating him for the past few days and deep down it hurts him, it was an emotional frustration. "I thought you liked it wide open huh" she replied with a smirk and walked to his table. He felt his body twitch at her dirty words, she had known him too well. "I am remaining a Doctor!, Who do you think you are to tell me to quit my profession?!' she yelled out and he stood up from his table and walked to her while he was opening his suit jacket. " Wha-wha--" "I am your Daddy like you cried last night, and you are mine" he replied and crashed his lips on her before she could say anything. ***** Darly Madison, a well trained medical doctor and surgeon has been living a peaceful life until one day her best friend asked her to go with her to a night Party in one of the popular hotels in the city. There she had a one night stand with no other person but Zach Westley, a dominant and possessive Mafia boss. Now her world changes from being a surgeon to being claimed by the Mafia.

Chapter 1 Just one drink

Daryl Madison

"Dr Madison! We need you in the ward now!!" Sarah, One of nurse said as she barged into my office with this frightened look on her face.

"Sarah? What's going on?" I asked as I shut my laptop close and got up pushed my seat back.

I don't know what's going on, but from her look I can tell it's really an emergency.

I took off my stethoscope around my neck and dropped it on my table before I walked away.

"The patient, the one we're about to operate on CS___" she said breathlessly.

I walked to her and held her shoulders "Sarah, look at me.. relax" I said to her lowly. She took a deep breath before she continued her statement.

"Mrs Camila..." she finally said

"The one in the labor room, we are having a little problem with her" she explained already panting.

" Oh, isn't Doctor Theo supposed to be the one to operate on her?" I asked as I pulled away to walk out of my office with her following me behind.

"Yeah exactly, I have no idea why he passed out before the operation" she replied and my jaw dropped.

"Doctor Theo passed out? Damn...alright then" I replied and made a right turn.

" He's been taken to a ward for proper care, all we have to do now is to save the mother and her baby" she replied and then I walked into the Lab.

" Dr Madison!" Another doctor called out.

I went to get my nose mask and wore them on, wore my cap too and then I went to wash my hands thoroughly.

" The patients Blood pressure has really gone high, I'm scared we might lose her" another doctor said

" We are losing no one, not the mother, not the baby" I replied and wore my hand gloves.

The other nurses around Walked to me and tied my coat around my waist.

I didn't want to touch anything again, now I have my gloves on.

As soon as they were done, I walked to the bed where my patient was laid and sighed.

"Has she been placed on anaesthesia?" I asked before I begin anything

"Yes doctor" she replied

"Good" I replied and stood by the end of the bed..

"The catheter bag now and the tube?" I requested for as a nurse handled it over to me.

I am going to be placing it in her bladder to collect her urine, anything might happen.

"Let's get started"

A nurse went to cleanse her abdomen while I stood between her "The scalpel blade?"

"Here it is" a nurse replied and handled it to me.

After taking it into my hands, I slowly sent it to her abdomen to make the cut.

The incision was done horizontally near her public hair line.

Damn, I can't believe I am gonna be doing this now. I'm on shift but here I am operating on a patient, that's the way it had always been.

I could be called upon any time.

20 minutes later,

Still in the labor room, everything has been going on smoothly just the way I want it.

"Morris retractors?"



"Here it is doctor" another nurse replied.

I was finally able to see the baby a little bit, and then I made the last cut before I pulled the baby out gently.

"A boy" I called out immediately

"Okay there's another one in" I hurriedly said and a nurse came by my side to hold the boy.

Again, I sent my hands in and pulled out the baby.

Soft, beautiful and loud baby cried filled the room immediately.

"This one is a girl" I continued with a bright smile on my face.

"Oh thank goodness" a nurse sighed heavily

"I was scared at a point when Dr Theo passed out, scared we would lose the mother and her babies" the nurse beside me cried.

" Hey, it's okay" I replied and turned back to begin to stitch everything close.

In less than 10 minutes, I finished up and walked to the washing sink to wash my hands.

"I'm sure you can take care of the babies from here" I said referring to the nurses

"Yes doctor" they all said in unison.

" Alright then, be good" I smiled and turned around to leave while they clapped their hands.

" You're the best doctor Madison!!"

I smiled as I walked out of the ward and saw other doctors waiting outside, the CEO was also waiting outside.

Oh...okay I never expected them to.

"Madison" Mr Wilson, CEO of blossom hospital called me out.

I bowed my head low immediately in greetings, "Good evening Sir" I replied

"How are you doing?" He replied.

That's weird enough..

I raised my head up to look at him with a brow raised, "I saw your work in there, I must say, you are really talented and very good. Keep up the good work my dear" he smiled at me as he tapped my shoulders before he walked away.

Okay, for the second time, the CEO is speaking to me directly.

I really feel happy right now.

"Yes Sir, thank you sir" I replied and everyone else around clapped their hands with beautiful smiles on their face.

"Dr Madison!!" They cheered and I laughed lowly bowing my head slightly in appreciation.

I walked out of the scene to a trashcan nearby and took off my gloves and my face mask throwing them into the bin.

I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed, "Well done Madison" I said to myself.

I think I am getting better, I didn't spend up to 45 minutes in the theatre room.

"Improvement" I smiled and took off my head cap.

Before I could do anything else, I head my name from one tiny voice that belongs to no one else but my best friend, Dr Krystal.

"Madison!!!" She squealed as she ran to me and threw herself on me.

"What the! Krystal?!!" I laughed as I peel her off me.

"Damn, I heard you operated on a woman few minutes ago, a lady with twins" she said and I shrugged

" Yeah you heard it correctly, where were you?" I replied and turned back to the mirror.

" I'm sorry, I had a patient to take care of, Dr Johnson is supposed to be the one to handle that but he's on leave, crazy.." she clicked her tongue and I chuckled lowly.

" It's okay, I trust you did well"

" And you did well too, almost everyone is talking about you now, I am so happy I've got you" she squealed aloud and I rolled my eyes with a low laugh.

" Uh huh, you should, it's me" I replied

" Are you free tonight?" She asked immediately as she took my hands Into hers.

" Uh...what do you mean?"

"Madison! Are you on seat Tonight?" She asked again and I shook my head.

"What you planning now?, No I am not Krystal" I replied and she squealed again

" Great! We are going out tonight" she beamed and I stared at her with a raised brow.

"Krystal, I'm sorry I can't. I have to study tonight and you know that" ri replied trying not to piss her off.

"What the! Do you always have to do that?, You'd just end up being a bore Madison" she replied as she threw her hands in the air tiredly.

" I'm sorry...you know I don't know out too" I said to her biting my lips.

Her face dropped immediately.....

Ouch, I don't like that face on her.

"Why don't we just watch movies together at my place? It's okay right?, We'll watch movies, talk alot and--" she didn't let me complete my statement

" No, not me and you Madison, the last time we did that...all we kept on talking about that night was anatomy!!, For once..learn how to go out, be free, be wild" she exhales and slapped her forehead.

"Madison, just one night, a drink together isn't too much right? I mean, you had a successful operation and it's worth celebrating" she replied while I stared at her saying no words.

" It's okay if you don't want to, I can't force you to" she replied with a shrug.

" Alright, it's okay, I've heard you" I replied and she looked up at me with a bright face.

" For real?"

" Yep, just one drink Krystal and we'll head home?"

"Sure!!" She squeals as she threw her hands around me again.

"You are this excited, it's just a drink" I said to clarify that to her.

She said nothing but ran to the locker, "c'mon let's get out of this lab coats and get going" she replied.

I stood where I was and stared at her, only God knows what she has in her mind.

I don't know how tonight is gonna be either but all I hope for is that I don't regret saying yes to her.

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Other books by Dera Brown

True Mates

True Mates



" Layla!" Ace growled as he barged into her room. what was he looking for in her house? Her room? "How dare you call my name like that!" She fired back at him. They had an open argument earlier in school today and she won. Could it be he came to deal with her? "You don't know how you look like with that face, get a straw, you suck!" She clicked her tongue with an irritated look on her face Before she took a step, in a Swift motion, Ace stood before her grabbing her neck and pushed her to the wall. "Arrgh!" She yelped and grabbed his hands. "You know I could slit your throat right now, I could kill you Layla! Don't push me" he growled beside her ears and pulled away to see a tear roll down her cheeks. With an unreadable look on his face, he stepped back. "You can insult me, throw me around, beat me but you can never kill me!" She yelled at him with an unknown confidence " And why's that?" " You, Ace, I've already got you wrapped around my fingers and I haven't even done anything!" She pointed at him. ******** Layla Fulton is an 18 years old beautiful teenager from the Hill pride pack, a pretty girl that doesn't know what it's like to shape shift since she hasn't yet. Just on her first day of resumption to her dream university, she got on the nerves of no other guy but Ace Anderson; Feared by all pack members and respected by everyone, very proud and arrogant, wealthy, dominant and very possessive. As the pack leader of a Everbite wolf shifter clan, he became tasked with protecting the last of his kind from an enemy pack; Layla, he could not help but notice he was slowly getting attracted to her. And when they both realize they're true mates, he needs to decide between killing her and wanting her.

The Emergency Pregnancy

The Emergency Pregnancy



"You need to get a lady pregnant!!" Aurelio Dad's loud voice rang in his head and he slowly put down the magazine he had used to cover his face giving his dad a questioning look. "Dad... excuse me?" he replied clearly shocked by his dad words. "you should know by now that your grandpa doesn't want things to end in a generation, he likes his things ongoing from generations to generations and in this case you're demanding for power.. that is what you need to get it from the both of us" His father replied leaving him shocked again. "Since when did the both of you start this.. off course getting a lady pregnant isn't bad or hard, I can" Aurelio replied with an appealing look. His dad scoffed at his reply, his facial expression showed he was ready. "This is not just to get a random lady pregnant, a lady that you'd raise your child with!, a Lady you'd be sure you can leave with!" he demanded as Aurelio rolled his eyes, he was wide-eyed "Seriously all these Dad? just because of what!!" Aurelio groaned aloud throwing the magazine in his hands away. "No more words, your grandpa and I already agreed to it" His dad said before he left his room. **** Aurelio Bertram, a 24 years old handsome billionaire, Grandson of a mob boss and the son of a highly recognized business man in the City, and for Aurelio..he is the combination of both but was temporarily nothing. His family happened to be one of the most feared and respected family in the city. Just when he had thought of taking his revenge on one of his childhood rival and an enemy to his family, and to go for one of a huge party event, his dad and Grandpa weren't ready to allow him but since he was of age to take over their family business, he put a condition that Aurelio must get a Lady that'd get him a child to be a heir to him but it didn't go as expected. Aurelio Bertram is known as a Man whore in his family and he thought it'd be easy to fulfill his task but no, this time no single Lady got pregnant after weeks and months until he met, Erica James, A middle class hotel waitress, she's simple, has a very good body shape that'd make men drool over her. Her parents left her since highschool since she didn't further her educations for her own reasons, they believed nothing good would come out of her. But then after one night Aurelio spent with her, she became pregnant and thought of running away with the pregnancy out of shame but how would she run away with the All powerful Aurelio Bertram's Child...?? A child that would be his heir?!... "Even in the woods I'd find you Babycakes, from now on know you belong to me and all that has to do with you and my baby" Aurelio said to her ears sending shivers all over her.

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Claimed by the Mafia

Chapter 1 Just one drink



Chapter 2 Hot stranger



Chapter 3 Get on the bed



Chapter 4 Surgeon huh



Chapter 5 I run the Mafia



Chapter 6 She's mine



Chapter 7 he's into me



Chapter 8 chokehold



Chapter 9 Melissa is here



Chapter 10 He's sorry



Chapter 11 see, mine



Chapter 12 Kingsley called



Chapter 13 Effect



Chapter 14 what is Kingsley into



Chapter 15 what's going on between these two



Chapter 16 Mr. man



Chapter 17 suspicious



Chapter 18 No feelings Attached



Chapter 19 Home again



Chapter 20 His weak point



Chapter 21 Bills on me



Chapter 22 shopping



Chapter 23 Teaser



Chapter 24 Welcome to the mafia baby



Chapter 25 An attack



Chapter 26 we can't work out



Chapter 27 You cross her



Chapter 28 Are you seeing someone



Chapter 29 An attack.



Chapter 30 Zach got shot



Chapter 31 He's alive



Chapter 32 Kingsley



Chapter 33 It's Madison



Chapter 34 Stay away from him



Chapter 35 Do you want to be with me



Chapter 36 Emotions



Chapter 37 Confined



Chapter 38 Kingsley again



Chapter 39 She's troubled



Chapter 40 Doctors to save lives
