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Liz is the mother of little Alice, three years old, before becoming a mother she was a dancer. Now she is no more, far from the stage and the dream life she always dreamed of, the dancer goes through difficulties, being a single mother relying only on her aunt's help, she does what she can to survive, what she didn't imagine was that when she was hired as a receptionist at Luxes Center, along with the job would come a limited contract with her boss

Chapter 1 Liz Albuquerque

" Daughter, the fever won't go away for nothing... "I looked at my Aunt Cassandra, I just nodded with my hand on my chin. Once again I looked at Alice in bed sleeping. " I don't know what else to do, Auntie, this medicine is not working."I got up after sitting for so long, the night passed before my eyes. I felt her hand caress my shoulder, I looked behind me, trying to reassure myself. " I don't know what to do anymore auntie, I'm scared, this doctor won't tell me what she really has, I can't go on like this. " He agreed, looking at me.

"I can't help you with money, Liz, you know that if it weren't for you, I would be on the street. " I held her hand, stroking it, even though she lives with me, if it weren't for my aunt, I wouldn't even be able to go to work.

" I know, Auntie, I'm not charging you, it's just an outburst, the worst thing is that I can't miss work, I have only two months of experience and Mrs. Ivonne seems to hate me, tries in every way to hinder my work. I know I have no training in the area, but..." I keep looking at myself, it's just a way to expose my desperation, I have no one to turn to.

" Mom... Mom... "The half sleepy voice made me look at the bed, I observed my little one in bed, looking at me, her little black eyes so broken. " Alice? Alice, my love, how are you? Are you feeling better? " She shook her head yes, I smiled, sitting up in bed, smelled her still warm forehead, tucked her hair behind her ear.

" Aren't you working today, Mom? " I nodded my head yes, and whined with my lips. " Mom has to go my daughter, remember mom promised that when I sign my license I will take you to that park? " She smiled weakly, saying yes. " That's right, to sign mom's license, she can't miss my life.I looked at my aunt standing up, I sighed sitting down, I still have to get ready, go to the bus stop. I kissed Alice's forehead, I left the room wishing I could hold on to my daughter, but I need this job so badly. After I was dressed to go to the company, I entered the room once again, quickly kissed both of their foreheads, leaving the wine lipstick mark on both foreheads. "I promise to bring you some candy when I get back, honey.

I promised from the door before my super maternal side chose to stay. I left the house trying to hold back tears so as not to lose my makeup, being a receptionist at Luxes, is a good thing, at least with the room'rios that promises after the trial period, I will be able to balance the bills a little.

I arrived at the bus stop with a little difficulty, I have thought a million times about the possibility of walking to the bus in sandals and changing to heels only inside, but it is always so crowded. I got on the bus once again, closed my eyes holding on to the bar to go back and forth, this is one of the most crowded times, I would say the worst to go.

I arrived at Luxes with ten minutes to go, I was mentally thankful for this, I passed through the glass door that only opens when standing in front of it. " May God deliver and keep me from all evil"- I saw Amanda looking me up and down. " I should ask her to give you a car too, your clothes are all wrinkled, friend.

I frowned, looking at myself, and ran my hand over it, trying to get rid of the wrinkles. " If it was just the clothes, it would fix it, but how is your daughter? " I denied, still running my hand over her body, trying to undo the wrinkles in her blouse. " Not well, the whole night the fever coming and going, did not know what was lying in bed, and you left with Rodolfo? "

He opened a wide smile, and I held up one hand. " No need to answer, apparently there was balladinha, motel and much romance." He bit his lower lip and nodded with both hands. " Wow, that was exciting! " He just smiled, coming towards me. " Come, let me help you with this blouse. " I sighed reluctantly to myself, trying to improve my appearance.

'' Good morning!" I heard the strong, deep voice of a man, still with his head down, trying to get the wools out of my room. "Good morning Mr. Tyler, how are you "

I felt the movement in my blouse stop, my friend drooling over the president. " Good morning sir..." I stopped as I realized he was looking at us with a disapproving look.

'' Everything ok ladies? '' I looked at Amanda standing behind me, affirming, I looked at him again. '' Yes sir Tyler, is there anything you want? '' She asked him, until her green eyes stopped at my skirt, I looked at it too. "Oh my God!" I turned quickly as I noticed that the open slit was revealing my legs, ''I'm sorry sir we had...''

He didn't let me explain and continued on to the elevator. "Liz, you naughty girl, you have left Mr. Tyler paralyzed. I denied it, I kept doing the same thing, I barely rested the night before, how would I have the head to think about seducing someone. " Amanda do you really think I have the head to think about a man after everything I just told you? " she denied laughing.

"I know you don't, I was just trying to relax you, undo this face Lisandra, you look like you haven't slept for ten nights in a row, have a coffee hell just opened the doors, you've seen that the president is not in a great mood today, that means in a little while...in a little while not now, there my God, may it not come to me."

I sighed, trying to ask our superior to simply walk straight through. " Miss Ivone, how are you? " Her eyes went from side to side in the reception, looking from me to Amanda coming and going, behind the burgundy wine glasses, I smiled ungraciously after Amanda's greeting. " Good morning!" Came dryly and with no smile at all back. "Good morning, ma'am. "I replied trying to reassure myself.

"You know the rules of the company, don't you newbie?" I nodded standing behind the counter.

"You missed the night at the club, your face looks horrible! "I stood up and felt Amanda's hand on mine. "No ma'am." I tried to explain myself to her that there was no explanation. "Better keep quiet, Liz, neither he nor she is in a good mood today. I swallowed the saliva in my throat, this is already the sixth job just this year, and it is still August.

"I hope you improve your appearance by the end of the day, our guests and visitors are not obliged to see something so... so clumsy at the company reception. I said gratefully, at least there was no resignation. He walked out in long strides, looking around, until he passed his hand on the countertop, looked at the palm of his hand, observed the golden rings on his fingers, and left with an unpleasant expression on his face.

"What a relief, for a moment I thought I was going to quit. "I sat back in my chair watching Amanda get up. "You say that because you don't know what to expect during the day, coffee, lots of coffee. " I looked at her going to the coffee pot filling two cups. "It should be water, I need water to hydrate myself, coffee makes us stressed, why are you so pessimistic today?

I asked, still watching him sack the coffeepot. "Still asking? Don't you read the gossip sites Liz? Your life, your world revolves only around Alice and Wonderland, our boss, this handsome guy, this delightful guy who just walked by looking like he went to the Oscars yesterday? " I laughed taking the disposable cup from his hand.

"Thank you."

"Wait, I'm not finished yet, you're the target of some kind of gossip. I bent over the counter so that he wouldn't speak loudly. "... was seen leaving a penthouse hours before Miss Olga Swton, the two families don't get along anymore, this meeting happening days before her wedding is much worse for the company's image, has there been a relapse?

I shrugged, sipping my coffee. "Maybe I went to the same place to see different people, I don't know? I tried to explain as I thought about this possibility, but Amanda hit the counter rolling her eyes, you have no idea what a penthouse is do you Liz? "The place on top of a building, the last apartment in the place. " She affirmed looking at me. "That's it, it might even be if this penthouse didn't belong to Luccas, I read in the article that it was his first love, can you believe it?"

I laughed in front of him, but arched my eyebrows when I saw a tall blond woman in a fancy pink dress, holding a designer handbag, brown glasses on her face walk through the door. "Come, come visitor. " I warned my friend to change sides and stop gossiping, as she sat down next to me, she looked at her covertly. " My God, I wonder who this is?"

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Other books by JOELMA DEJESUS

Corrupted by the mafioso

Corrupted by the mafioso



Donna Belotti é uma jovem de vinte e poucos anos, linda, dançarina e sonhadora, que no momento só sonha com a recuperação da mãe, Amabis Belotti, lidando com a falta de dinheiro para o tratamento enquanto espera por um possível doador de medula óssea, é o que faz Donna trabalhar noites em uma boate. Noiva há alguns anos de seu namorado de longa distância, Josué, Donna o ama e sonha em se casar com ele assim que ele voltar da Espanha após seus estudos, mas não estava em seus planos cair em uma armadilha em outra noite de trabalho, quando seu colega a empurra para seu lugar na apresentação, para que o mal, O criminoso mais frio e cruel presente naquela noite, a escolheria como seu entretenimento sexual. Don Valente é um mafioso milionário, carrasco, frio, cruel ninguém sabe o que o fez assim, casado com uma mulher por acordo, cumprindo as exigências do casamento firmado entre famílias, uma noite ele decide ir caçar outra vítima para seu prazer, ele tinha sido informado sobre a estrela principal, Rosemary Garcia, uma mulher ousada, capaz de qualquer coisa por dinheiro, uma dessas mulheres aceitaria o que ele propusesse, seu erro, Rosemary foge dele quando descobre sua fama cruel, deixando a ingênua garota carente em seu lugar, observando a mulher no palco, tímida, quieta, Don Valente muda de ideia, quando quer um coelhinho para intimidar. Ele é atraído por seu jeito do palco, e quando ele descobre que ela não tem interesse nele, ele fará qualquer coisa para tê-la em suas mãos, será que Donna será capaz de se afastar dele?

The Mafioso's mistress

The Mafioso's mistress



Donna Belotti is a young woman in her twenties, beautiful, a dancer, and a dreamer, who at the moment all she dreams about is the recovery of her mother, Amabis Belotti, dealing with the lack of money for treatment while waiting for a possible bone marrow donor, is what makes Donna work nights in a nightclub. Engaged for a few years to her long-distance boyfriend, Joshua, Donna loves him and dreams of marrying him as soon as he returns from Spain after his studies, but it was not in her plans to fall into a trap on another work night, when her colleague pushes her into his place in the performance, so that the evil, coldest, and cruelest criminal present that night, would choose her as his sexual entertainment. Don Valente is a millionaire mobster, hangman, cold, cruel nobody knows what made him that way, married to a woman by agreement, fulfilling the demands of the marriage signed between families, one night he decides to go hunting for another victim for his pleasure, he had been told about the main star, Rosemary Garcia, a daring woman, capable of anything for money, one of these women would accept whatever he proposed, his mistake, Rosemary runs away from him when she learns of his cruel fame, leaving the naive needy girl in her place, watching the woman on stage, shy, quiet, Don Valente changes his mind, when he wants a bunny to intimidate. He is attracted to her manner from the stage, and when he learns that she has no interest in him, he will do anything to get her in his hands, will Donna be able to get away from him?

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