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Sold To The Mafia King

Sold To The Mafia King

pamela Library


I watched as his tongue went over his lips. "You are my property. I own you. " I felt his cold breathe mumble against my neck. His eyes were piercing right into me. I could feel my blood rush quickly as I closed my eyes. For a while, I couldn't feel his presence anymore, So I opened my eyes only to find his green eyes staring at me like I was actually his. "I am not yours," I muttered as I summoned courage to talk back at him. "I can never belong to anyone not alone a cruel beast like you." "I would watch my words, if I were you, Anastasia." He gave me a deadly glare. "Or what?" I questioned with no fear in me. "Or the torture room awaits you, Angel." He smirked at me devilishly. ******** Anastasia is an orphan who was sold to the feared top mafia king in Russia, Luciano Romano. Will her stay with Luciano be a bed full of roses or the other way round? Find out from this mind blowing Romance novel!!!

Chapter 1 I

I woke up due to the voices I was hearing in my room.

Where are the voices coming from?

I turned to the side of my bed to switch on my room light, only to be shocked at what I was seeing.

Who are these people?

"What is going on here? And how did you get into my room?" I questioned no one in particular, but I needed an answer from any of them.

"Dad, what is going on?" I turned to my dad, ignoring the strange men as my heartbeat raced with fear.

One of the strange men opened a briefcase that I hadn't noticed that was on the glass table across from my dad.

The man looked up at my father and slowly turned the briefcase towards him, and I literally felt my mouth drop open at the sight.

In the briefcase, neatly packed were lots and lots of 100 dollar bills, it also seems that I'm literally staring at about something that's close or is the exact amount of a million dollars in cash.

A gigantic smile found its way to my father's face.

He took the case from the man, once it was in his hands, he slowly ran his fingers over the contents of the briefcase.

His smile increased as if he is just seeing this huge amount of money before.

Actually, it should be my first time of seeing a lot of hundred dollar notes.

I watched as the whole scene unfolded before me.

No one was willingly to tell me what was happening or what they were doing in my room.

I thought that maybe my father was doing something illegal, and then the word drugs popped in my head.

Drugs were the new deal in town now. Countless people smuggle drugs to different states and countries just to earn a living.

Is my dad now smuggling drugs?

I silently begged that he would not do or have anything to do with drugs or anything close to that.

I hoped that whatever he was doing was for the right reasons.

"Anastasia, you will go with these men." My stepfather muttered.

Go with these men?

Who are they?

"I don't understand." I said, obviously needing an explanation.

"You are coming with us." One of the men said as he got up from the stool beside my reading table.

I looked at my father, then the realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

'No... Anastasia, it's not possible. Dad loves you, he won't do something like that to you.' I thought to myself.

"D...dad ..." I stuttered.

"Allow me to explain this, your stepfather here sold you to my boss for a million dollars. Now you are coming with us. "the man replied.

"You sold me?" I asked in disbelief, thinking that they were probably joking or something.

He, however, continued to trace the outline of the cash with his fingertips in front of him.

"You sold me!" I screamed as I knocked the briefcase from his lap.

My stepfather stood up and slapped me across the cheek.

"What is it that you don't understand? You have become a burden to me and I can't endure it anymore. So follow them." He roared at me.

He tried to hit me again, but the strange men stopped him by pushing him away from me and guiding me.

"Mr. Williams, you already sold her to us. You have no right to hit her again. "

Wait.... Did they actually buy me?

"You sold me out, father?" I asked with a low voice.

"Yes, I sold you and don't you ever refer to me as your father, you b!tch. "

"How could you dad? How could you? I saw you as my father. I respected you and this is how you treat me? Like I was some sort of commodity that can be disposed of at any time?" I whispered, feeling pains in my chest.

"I don't care what these men say, but if I hear you call me dad one more time, I won't hesitate to give you are resounding slap. "

I gulped, trying so hard to understand where I missed it.

How I had ever offended him that could make him sell me off.

"Why..." I whispered.

I wasn't expecting an answer from him, but he responded anyway.

"Because you are a burden to me. I need money to satisfy my needs. What is your use here? Is it not better I sell you off to make money, huh?"

"Help me! Somebody please! Anyone!!" I screamed.

My stepfather laughed devilishly.

"tsk, tsk, tsk, there is no one in this neighborhood that would help you out darling, have you forgotten that the walls of this building are soundproofed? No one will save you, Anastasia. " He mocked at me.

"You are a devil!" I spat at him.

"You can say that again, darling." He laughed devilishly.

He obviously has no conscience or any human feelings.

"I hate you, Mr. Williams, and I pray you rot in hell!" I said with so much hatred in my voice.

"If I were you, I would pray that my new master will be a little nicer than me. I heard he is a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

Horror filled my face as I remembered that I was already sold.

Who is this person that decided to waste his money to buy a human?

He or she must be a psycho.

"Can you take her now? Our chit-chat is over." Mr. Williams said to the strange men.

"No...please don't let them take me. Please." I pleaded with him as tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

Don't cry Anastasia.

Don't let them see your tears.

Don't let them think you are weak.

My stepfather looked at me pathetically.

"They already paid dear, you have no choice but to go."

"I will work hard to pay you whatever amount they paid, please don't let them take me. Please..."

"Do you have a million dollars to pay me? If you have it, I will ask them to let you go,"

"Please..." I pleaded.

"What? You don't have it?" He laughed at me pathetically.

"Miss Anastasia, you have to go with us to meet your new master." One of the strange men spoke to me.

"I am no one's property. I have no master!" I said with the last courage in me.

"We don't want to forcefully drag you along with us. It will be better for you to cooperate with us and do as we have said." One of the strange men said as he gave me a deadly glare.

Fear gripped me and I swallowed the dried saliva that I had been holding for a while.

"I won't move an inch from here. It will be better if you can just kill me than for me to follow you to anywhere!" I said with the little courage I had left.

One of the men took out his gun as he stared at me coldly.

"Very well." He pointed his gun at me, ready to pull the trigger.

I gulped.

Is he actually going to kill me?

"Can I at least go with some of my things?" I asked, as I was not ready to die yet.

"There is no need for that. Anything you will have now, will be decided by our boss."

I stared at my wicked step stepfather.

"I will be back, Mr. Williams."

"In what year, dear?" He responded devilishly.

"You will surely regret this, dad!"

"With the money in my hands right now, I'm sure I wouldn't regret anything. Be it now or in the future!"

"I hope you rot in hell."

"You are going to experience hell where you are going to, darling."

"Anastasia, this way. " The strange man said, leading me to the door of my room.

There was no one who could stop them from taking me.

These men are huge, and I can't fight, it will be better for me to cooperate with them because they look like men who don't tolerate rubbish from anyone.

It wouldn't take them a second for them to end me.

I didn't argue with them but followed them quietly, as I accepted my fate.

I am now someone's property.

A commodity.

And a slave.


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