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Bodyguard For The CEO

Bodyguard For The CEO



Tristan and Ana were involved in a traffic accident. Ana is caught in the vortex of family power, habitually hiding. Ana has seen a lot of human darkness and all kind of means. On the contrary, Tristan's integrity adheres to their bottom line. A variety of good characters are gathered in him as a person. Ana suddenly has a bad taste, wanting to pull him down from the alter, and the two began to entwine.

Chapter 1 1

Grace pushed Ana's door open and came in.

"What should I do about the trouble Jason caused?"

Ana slammed her palm on her table.

"Lose money off the matter"

Ana said coldly.

Ana believes that there is nothing in her heart that money can't solve, money heals


Growing up in a polygamous family with numerous step-sisters and brothers has taught her to be cold-blooded and evil.

She is beautiful on the outside but dark on the inside. Ana is egoistic and phlegmatic.

"Ok ma'am"

Grace left her office and went straight to the hospital.

Jason, Ana's brother is preposterous and loves to party, his stupidity leads him to hit someone with his car and Ana is the one taking care of his shit.

Grace arrived at the hospital to see the patient.

Arriving there she met a guy next to the patient's bed.

"I want to speak with Olivia in private"

Grace announced her presence.

"As you can see, she is in no position to speak with anyone, I'm her brother so discuss it with me"

The young man replied.

"It's about the accident"

"Let's talk about it outside"

He gave his sister a sign that he will be back soon.

"So how can I help you?"

"I'm here to negotiate a deal with you"

"Which is?"

"I will pay her hospital bills and give you some cash and you and your sister won't say a word about the accident, It never happened"

"What? You are trying to shut me up with money?"

He scoffs.

"Let's do this quick"

Grace said.

"What is wrong with people? Unbelievable. I won't take your offer, I want the culprit to apologize to my sister or he can't?"

Tristan Cross is a very fair person as well as a principled person, he thinks money doesn't represent attitude and that the perpetrator's attitude is excessive.

"Just accept the money"

"I've said my mind, I won't accept the money, I want the culprit to apologize and if he doesn't, I will sue, is this conversation through? I need to be with my sister"

He left and Grace went back to Ana's office to explain what happened.

"I got to the hospital but found her brother, I talked to him about the accident but he rejected the money"

"What do you mean? Why won't he want money?"

"He was being adamant and he told me he will sue the company if Jason doesn't apologize"

"Apologize? What will impoverished people like them do? Sue? He is bluffing, just keep trying to give him the money, I know their type, they would claim to be strong and all but money is their weakness"

Ana said to Grace.

"Ok ma'am"

"I'm having a meeting with the directors in ten minutes so set up the board room"

"Ok ma'am"

Ana left for the meeting while Grace went back to the hospital to keep offering Tristan money.

"You are going to regret it if you don't accept the money"

Grace said.

"You guys don't seem to get me, I don't need your money"

"Ok, I will increase the money, accept it and live a normal life, what will you gain from if you sue the company?"

"I'm sick of this conversation"

"Your plan will backfire cause you have no one on your side"

"Oh really? That is where you are wrong"

"Mr. Tristan..."

"I'm giving your so-called company and your boss 24 hours for the culprit to apologize or I will sue"

Tristan insisted.

Grace tries to talk but he didn't give her time to talk.

"Leave before I call the securities on you"

He went back to his sister's ward.

"What did she say? Will he apologize to me?"

Olivia managed to talk.

"You know the doctor told you not to say a word"

Tristan tried switching the conversation.

"Tell me"

"Okay, they tried to bribe us with money"

"What? Money? It was a hit-and-run accident, they want to pay us off, unbelievable"

Olivia scoffs.

"So, did you accept the offer?"

"Of course not, they won't get away with this, they will pay for making my sister like this"

"Thank you, Tristan"

"Doing my duty"

He gave her a smile that says you will be fine.

She smiled.

"What if he doesn't come? What will you do?"

"They are rich, they won't want to apologize because they have pride so I will sue the company"

"Will that work?"

"That is all you should know for now, cupcake, it is time for your medication"

Tristan said looking at the wall clock.

Tristan was furious that he didn't get an apology so he went to a lawyer, his dad's friend.


Mr. Harris choked on his coffee, using a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"Yes, they want to pay us off with money so I need your help to sue them, we can right?"

"Yes, you can but it won't be easy"

"I would do anything as long as I can sue them"

"Okay, I will try my best on my part"

"Okay, thanks a lot"

"No problem, you are family to me"

Tristan smiled and they sue Ana's company.

Ana didn't take what he said to heart and because of that, the situation got out of hand and the impact on the stock price is bad.


Ana yelled through the telecom.


"In my office immediately!"

Grace rushed in.

"What's wrong ma'am?"

"I thought I told you to take care of that pest"

"I tried but he refused the offer"


Ana slammed her palm on her desk angrily.

"If father hears any of this, it will become a huge problem, we need to fix it"

"But how ma'am? He doesn't want money and Jason isn't willing to apologize, what should I do?"

Ana took her seat and thought of how to get rid of him.

"I'm out of ideas"

Ana sighed.

"He is difficult, I don't think we can get rid of him until we give him what he wants"

Grace suggested.

Ana gave Grace a shut up look.

Ana came to the conclusion that she has to give Tristan what he wants so that her father doesn't hear anything about it.

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