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The Mafia's Sex Doll

The Mafia's Sex Doll

Authoress princess


Her life was just changed from happiness to sadness and misery everything just changed on the day of her entery into the university in Australia her home country,she was turned into a sex doll Mitchell Brown that's her name, a sweet young charming 18 years old girl, she lives with her grandma since she lost her parents to a ghastly accident years back in her high school She's such a naive cute little girl whose dreams to become a singer was taken away from her He's heartless, a mafia king,a handsome devil, someone who can make girls go wet underneath but he doesn't give a damn He's 23, many people are always after his life cause of his rude character and some were jealous of his handsomeness while some wanted to snatch his riches, the same person who ripps life out of Mitchell slowly every single day Who is he? Why does he hate Mitchell? What happens when he finds out she's a blessing in disguise? Will love ever prevail in this novel? Join or follow me in this long tour ride Bet you wouldn't wanna leave right??

Chapter 1 Killed And Captured

The sun shines brightly,anyone passing through can hear the sounds of birds chirping,it seems today was gonna be a very good day.

And today seems to be a very busy day in Linguistics supermarket, everybody was so busy,some market women selling while some their goods. Inside a small shop full of different kinds of luggages or bagels can be seen a sweet charming eighteen years old girl singing melodiously while an elder woman was busy knitting

"Hey grandma,I sing very sweet right" Mitchell smiled bringing out her cute naive dimples

Her dream was to finish her university and become a pop singer but it seems luck wasn't on her side though

"Just stop it Mitchell,I already told you I don't have enough money for your musical auditions,You and I both know we are just surviving through this little things we sell in this shop" Mrs Alice said as she continued knitting and Mitchell pouted sadly

"I just wished dad and mom was still here with us,all this wouldn't have happened,we would still be rich and wealthy,I wouldn't have got any struggles to enter the university" Mitchell said as she cleaned the tears that threatens to fall out of her eyes

"Always know that they are always in your heart sweetheart" Mrs Alice assured her and she smiled a little.

"Grandma am 18 for Christ sake, I need to do something while I wait for my admission into linguistics university!!" Mitchell exclaimed as she combed her long black hair

"I know you're 18 darling,but am just saying you shouldn't rush things yet,you still have long way to go" Mrs Alice shifted her glasses as she continued knitting

Just in time,a buyer came and it seems he was in a haste to go somewhere so he came to buy a traveling bag

"Go attend to our costumer Mitchell" Mrs Alice told Mitch

"Okay grandma,I will" Mitchell stood up and attend to the buyer like an obedient child


It's evening already both Mrs Alice and Mitchell were already on their way home as they were busy gisting like mother and child

"I really wonder how my university life would be when I get admitted" Mitchell said dreamily and Mrs Alice just hit her arm playfully

"I trust that my child would do well there" Mrs Alice assured her and Mitchell giggled as they Continued walking, it's a meter left to their neighborhood compound

Minutes Later,they got into the compound cheerily

"Aunt Mitchell"

"Aunt Mitchell"

"Aunt Mitchell, did you buy anything for us today" The children chanted playfully as they ran to hug her

She's so fond of children, that's why she's so naive of things

"Yes children,I got chocolate for you guys today" Mitchell shouted happily as she brought out the box of chocolates by now Mrs Alice went inside the house

They were living in a neighborhood compound with different people but thank goodness the landlord isn't around yet if not he would have been asking them for their monthly payment

Mitchell shared the chocolates among the children as she walked to her house

"Oh gosh today was so hectic" Mitchell groaned as she sat tiredly on the small couch though their apartment wasn't big enough just one room and parlour.

"Here have a coffee" Mrs Alice gestured towards Mitchell as she gave her the coffee

"Thanks grandma" Mitchell said as she sipped from the coffee

"What are we having for the dinner grandma?" Mitchell asked as she walked to the small kitchen

"You need to take a cool shower before eating baby" Mrs Alice chuckled and Mitchell groaned

"Oh gosh am so famished" Mitchell grumbled pouting her lips sadly but that didn't work on Mrs Alice

"Until you take your bath" Mrs Alice said again and Mitchell groaned before entering the bathroom

"Oh that charming girl" Mrs Alice shook her head slightly as she prepared some omelette

Seconds turn to Minutes and screams could be heard, Mitchell come out of her room in only her towel looking so happy

"Grandma, grandma" Mitchell screamed loudly that Mrs Alice had to cover her ears

"Do you wanna bring out the whole roof down!!" Mrs Alice shouted at her

"Grandma I got the admission" Mitchell screamed happily as she showed her grandma the admission results on her phone

"Am so happy for you baby" Mrs Alice smiled gratefully

"You don't know how much am happy right now grandma,my dream is finally coming through little by little" Mitchell said happily as she hugged her mother. It seems her hunger already vanished

"Am gonna start tomorrow grandma,thank you for arranging my clothes and everything I need it seems like you know am gonna get admission so early" Mitchell said as tears if joy rushed out of her eyes

"Anything for you naive baby" Mrs Alice pressed her chin playfully

"Am not naive grandma,am an adult" Mitchell said boastfully and Mrs Alice laughed out

"If course you're still naive darling,but it's not wrong though" Mrs Alice hugged her tightly and she reciprocated

"I love you grandma" Mitchell said as she hugged her tightly

"I love you too beautiful damsel,but am not running away" Mrs Alice said as she tried to break free from the hug and Mitchell giggled as she released her

"Now,go eat your omelette,I need to have my beauty rest" Mrs Alice pecked Mitchell's cheeks as she went to the bedroom

"Such a good grandma" Mitchell complimented her grandma as she stuff some omelette into her mouth


Next Morning**

Mitchell already arranged her luggages,all what she needs were already well packed as she hugged her grandma crying

"Am gonna miss you granny" Mitchell pouty sadly as she didn't break free from the hug

"Just promise me you will be a good girl when you get to the university alright?" Mrs Alice said as tears flow from her eyes

"I promise grandma,am gonna make you proud" Mitchell said smiling lightly as she break the hug

And just as she was about to carry her luggages,thugs assembled into their house

"Hands up" One of them said as Mitchell HUD beside her grandma

"Grandma what's happening?" Mitchell asked her grandma fearfully

"Go on your knees" One of the thugs said that seem to be the boss of them,they were all in mask so seeing their faces are impossible

Mrs Alice and Mitchell obeyed fearfully now it's between life and death

"What... what...what do you want from us?" Mrs stammered fearfully as her body shivered

"Where's the money in this house?" The boss of them all asked as he pointed his gun at them

"I swear we don't have any money here" Mrs Alice begged

"Please don't kill us" Mitchell said in her usual angelic voice and that got the boss attention

"Oh such a sweet girl,go bring her over here" The Boss ordered one of the men

"Please don't take her away please" Mrs Alice begged in tears as she watched her grandchild taken away from her

"Ouch!! you're hurting me" Mitchell winced painfully as she was brought forward to the boss feet

"Why don't we play a little darling" The Boss laughed crookily as he grabbed Mitchell by her hair and started nibbling kisses on her neck making Mitchell feel more irritated

"Please stop I beg you" Mrs Alice begged crying

"It seems your old mama don't wanna keep shut, don't worry I will shut her up" The mask boss laughed and immediately he shot Mrs Alice twice on her forehead as blood gushed out if her head and she gave up the ghost

"Grandmaaaaaaa" Mitchell screamed in tears as she watched her grandma die in her presence

"Please let me go,what wrong have I done to deserve this?" Mitchell shouted bitterly and one if them gave her a resounding slap making her fall down wounded slightly

"It seems you need to shut up also" The mask boss smirked as he covered her nose with a white handkerchief and within some seconds she passed out

"Job done" The mask boss smiled as they carried her out of the house into their car


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