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Hot Girl Secrets

Hot Girl Secrets

King Cuijie


After a devastating heartbreak, Felicia reinvents herself into her idealized version of herself. She is secretly obsessed with revenge after being humiliated at a mixer last year. Unaware of the growing friction between friends and colleagues around her, Felicia begins to navigate her everyday life as a sophomore college student whose world is all about her. As new flames spark with an old love begins to drag more and more of her loved ones into her dangerous plot. With her loyal and lustful roommate, by her side, what happens when everything around them becomes a web of secrets and lust?

Chapter 1 Candy

Felicia walked into the auditorium a little nervous but confident that no one would recognize her as the quiet geek from last semester. Her 22 inch red ombrƩ bundles were swinging like water down her back and framed her face perfectly. She had chosen to wear an all black fitted romper and black designer boots with gold accents. She selected a pale Dior cardigan that contrasted the black beautifully. She looked like money and she knew it.

Walking into large dimly lit classroom, she decided to sit towards the front. She knew her target would be somewhere near the front. As she walked down the long slanted aisle , she noticed lustful looks and nods of approval from many of the men and even a few women. She noticed a few haters in the mix. She smirked and flashed a smile.

Let them look. Let them hate. That's exactly what I want.

As she moved closer to the middle rows she could see THE Scotty J. She could feel her blood boil as she could feel feelings of repressed anger creep over her body. He was the "DP" or Dean of Pledges of the biggest line of Kappas that had come through King University since the 80s. He was charismatic, intelligent and known womanizer. He was went down in history as the "Freshman Slayer" after a string of events that happen last year.

She took a deep breath.

Fuckin Pig

After quickly regaining control of her emotions Felicia made her way to an empty seat two seats down from the Slayer. She placed her things in the empty seat between her and him and pretended to search for something in her bag. She could feel him looking at her. She flipped her hair back as she pretended to "find" what she was looking for in her bag, careful not to look his direction at all.

"Excuse me ," whispered a deep baritone voice . "Do you have another one of those." Under normal circumstances, any girl would melt because he was so sexy and his voice was everything. She couldn't stand his ass though but, she didn't want him to know it yet.

"Hey Scotty & NOPE! I don't," she said with a flirty attitude. She looked at him he was grinning back at her.

" ohhhh it's like that?" He whispered with a grin. " I just saw you open that pack of pens."

She smiled, leaned in close to his ear and whispered " .. and I just saw you writing when I walked up." He was blushing now. She could see he didn't know how to react to her boldness.

"Okay I'm caught but for real though do we know each other? " he said, his voice laced with surprise, but a smile crept to his face. "Would you like to know each other?"

Corny Ass.

She masked her annoyance and made sure to laugh at his little "joke".

"Maybe, maybe not but you can call me Candy," she said with a mischievous grin.

"Candy? Why candy?" He asked taking the word bait. She leaned closer to him and whispered into his ear, this time letting her lips slightly graze his ear.

"Because I'm just so sweet baby" She leaned backed bit her lip and looked him with longing. Before he could say anything, the professor began to start his presentation. She laughed and started to take notes.

She made sure to pretend to be really engaged in the lecture but she could feel Scotty's eyes glancing towards her ever so often. His face was covered in disbelief and curiosity. She continued to ignore him and as class was dismissed she made sure not to pay him any attention. She hurried out of the class and she could hear Scotty and his cohorts laughing but she knew she would be on his mind. She knew he wasn't used to women being unfazed by him.

She walked through the Student Union Center dodging the highway of students heading to their next classes and appointments. She was about to grab breakfast when she heard a loud and familiar voice yell her name.

Aww shit.

She froze. She had been avoiding her for 3 days. She knew it wouldn't last long.

"Felicia!" The voice called again this time more clearly.

She could tell her friend was approaching quickly. Accepting her fate, she turned around to face her best friend and roommate Skyye. It's a difficult task avoiding someone who lives in the same house as you, but somehow Felicia was clever enough to pull it off.

"Bitch! Where in the FUCK have you been?" Skyye said waving her hands, walking up talking extra loud. She was definitely mad as fuck.

Damn I might have went a lil O.V

Felicia could tell her friend was angry. She already knew she was about to raise hell.

"I been worried about you and here you stand looking like a Femme Nikita. Bitch, are you a spy or something because all this black ..!! And with this red hair and bihh when did you start wearing lashes??"

She was in full "fuss-a-friend" out mode .


"Skkye! Girl, you're making a scene. Please can we just go outside or somewhere with your 'extra-ness'." Felicia already knew the this whole situation was ghetto as fuck but she also knew her bestie could care less about making a scene. She on the other hand..... after the bullshit from last year, she hated it. She could feel her anxiety start to show its face. "Please Skkye?"

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed Felicia's hand and pulled her rather roughly into to the nearest bathroom and locked the door. "Explain," was all Skkye said as her green eyes seemed to lock on to her soul to to get the truth.

"Daaaaaamn bitch. Calm down. Now see... Well, I-I-I..."

"No, Felicia, what you're not going to do is stand there and act all nervous and shit with me. We are best friends and you have definitely been on that bullshit these last few days. I want you to act like you're fucking grown and tell me what you got going on. Why the fuck you had to go missing???"

After a brief stare down, Felicia spoke. "Okay, Skkye I..."

"OH LAWDDD, " she exclaimed and fell back dramatically . "You selling pussy??!"

Felicia burst out laughing " Bitch whatttt!?? No girl! I just wanted a new look! I'on know why but I just felt shy about it so I just avoided you okay? I don't know I just felt like you wouldn't understand."

" Licia, you know how cool I am, but after that nigga last year and after the bullshit-," Skyye let her voice fade out when she saw Felicia look down in embarrassment after she brought up the 'incident'.

"We said we wouldn't talk about that anymore for awhile," Felicia said in almost a whisper.

"Okay but don't scare me like that anymore. Shiiiid you could have been somewhere dead bih!"

Felicia laughed and they both started laughing. Even though they were both laughing. She knew Skkye was serious. The end of freshman year was a traumatizing experience for the both of them.

"Why do you always blow up? Like for real? It's the middle of the day and you got me locked in the bathroom and shit. But I'm the one that you're worried about? Worry about yourself and let me out of this damn bathroom hoe!" Felicia said as realized how ridiculous this situation was.

They washed their hands out of habit and both checked the mirror. Looking at her reflection, Felica was in love with what she saw .

Oowee Candy.

She smiled mischievously to herself. She knew she looked good and Skkye was going trust that she just wanted a change.

Looking at her friend admire herself, Skkye smiled. "I'm really glad she's moving on with her life," she thought remembering the fear she felt when her friend was so depressed. After looking at Felicia for a while, Skkye blushed. Skkye's creamy yellow skin was tinted pink and she quickly looked away when Felicia glanced her way.

"What are you blushing for?" Felicia laughed as she noticed her friend's embarrassment. "You should be shame though. I mean you DID make a big ass scene in the Student Union and left your flavor of the month standing out there like a fool. She's gunna be mad as fuck when you go back out there." Felicia swiped her lips with her favorite gloss before checking the mirror one last time. " I'll be surprised if she's still waiting!" Felisha jetted away out of Skkye's reach, anticipating that her last statement would get a reaction out of her.

"Shut up bitch !" Skkye was smiling and they ran playfully out of the bathroom.

Felicia was relieved.

The smile and laughter.

It meant that her friend was no longer worried.

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