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The CEO's Secret Lovechild

The CEO's Secret Lovechild



After six months of Aria being Charles PA, Charles made his move to seduce her. Aria and Charles became lovers until the day Aria found out she was pregnant. With Charles not wanting the baby and Aria wanting to keep it, Charles paid Aria to leave town and to raise her baby without him. He also demanded that she was not to contact him ever. Five years after leaving, Aria's worse nightmare comes true. Her daughter is kidnapped. For the first time in five years of no contact, Aria has to break the rule and contact Charles to let him know their daughter was taken at gun point. After days of no breakthrough, its time for the kidnapping to go public. How will Charles react to the news? Will he care and go and rush to be with Aria in hope of finding his daughter? Will their daughter survive and if she does can Charles ever be open to being a father and can he rekindle his relationship with Aria? Will they ever find out why Annie was taken? Is it a random kidnapping or is it all for revenge?

Chapter 1 Back to the beginning.

Charles's POV

"I am telling you now the best approach to take is to offer TJ a price he cannot refuse, Clive will" the ringing of my mobile cut me off mid-sentence. By the look on my face my father must have sensed something was up. "Everything alright son?" He asked me curiously, looking at the 'No I.D caller' on my screen I excused myself from the meeting, "I really need to take this call, continue without me!" I said to all as I got up out my seat and left the boardroom.

"Hello" I answered cautiously. "You have forty-eight hours to give me three billion pounds or your precious Aria and daughter will be dead and NO POLICE" The caller then hung up the phone. I am dumbfounded, I cannot comprehend what the hell just happened.

I quickly dialled Aria's number "Pick up Pick up Pick up" but she didn't answer. I tried again and her phone is now going straight to voicemail. "FUCK" I screamed as I threw my phone to the floor. Everyone in the boardroom is looking out at me. I can see my father saying something as he is leaving the room.

"What is it son, what has got you all fired up"? I ignored my father and stormed into the boardroom. "Get out, everyone get out now, leave" I said with a raised voice. Everyone done as they were told and left.

"Charles you cannot just kick everyone out of this meeting, especially when it is as important as it is." "This meeting can wait, something else has come up that is now far more important than anything else. Aria and her daughter are being held at ransom, whoever has them are demanding I pay up three billion pounds within forty-hours or they are both dead."

"Aria? Aria as in the sweet little Aria, the one who I hired as your PA? She has a daughter? I never knew about that. Oh god this is awful. That poor girl and her little one? Why are they asking you to pay them money. I hope you told them where to go? Phone the police, phone the police now" my father said as he held out his phone to me.

"I can't they have ordered me not to. There is something you are not aware of. Aria's daughter is mine, I paid Aria to leave and to never come back, no contact either. I did not want a child, I did not want to be tied down. I wanted to put all my focus into this business and have relations with no strings attached."

"You're telling me I have a granddaughter out there, that you have deprived us of getting to know and have in our lives, what do you think your mother is going to say when she finds out about this? I did not raise you to be a fucking coward and to walk away from your mistakes. You are a Thompson and you stick to doing what's right whether you like it or not. You have left a poor innocent child without a father, or a family. You know Aria has no family and yet you kick her to the curb all alone a pregnant because you didn't want a baby. I am disgusted in you and I am ashamed of you." My father scolded at me.

"It wasn't like I just left her with nothing. I gave her a few million, and I have always had someone out there looking after her, keeping an eye on her without Aria's knowledge. I have constant updates on how they are and what they have been up to, and photos, I have thousands of photos of Annie in a private email account. Anyway, this isn't important right now, what is important is finding Aria and my daughter."

My dad is right, I am a disgrace, I was twenty-two when I found out Aria was pregnant, I was still a kid, wanting to live my life and be the so called play boy that I thought I was. I was not ready to settle down then but now, now I am. Although I did not want to be a dad, I made sure I was always kept in the loop of Annie's upbringing.

I could not help myself but think back to the first time Aria walked into my office and introduced herself as my new PA. Aria was shy, and looked a little nerdy. Her legs were trembling and her hands were shaking. "Good Morning Mr Thompson, my name is Aria and I am your new PA."

I looked up from my desk and shook my head whilst thinking 'what the fuck has my dad employed'.

It turned out that Aria was extremely talented at her job, before I even told her what I needed, she'd point out that it was already done. All she needed was a little confidence boost and a little TLC.

My mind led me into my more thoughts of Aria and our story and how we ended up here.....

It was late one summer evening, everyone had gone home and I stayed behind to make sure everything was in place for a massive deal that we had happening the following morning.

There was a light tap on the door, looking up at the clock that said eleven thirty P.M

I wondered who would be here this late. "Come in" I replied as I continued to prep the paperwork.

"Good Evening Mr Thompson, I have brought you something to eat, I assumed you would of forgot about eating considering how busy you are, you really should take care of yourself." Standing there in front of me holding out a brown paper bag was Aria.

This is the first time I properly looked at Aria, and I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed before how truly beautiful she actually is. "Thanks" I said as I took the bag from her hand. "I weren't too sure what you would of liked so I got you a few options. There is cutlery in the bag too. Oh and before I forget, I have put a couple of beers and a couple of soft drinks in the fridge to chill incase you end up wanting them."

"You're a star, thanks Aria, please if you don't mind I am snowed under here. I am appreciative for the food and drink and do not want to come across as ungrateful, however I really don't have time for small talk." I said as i nodded my head towards the door.

"Yes of course, I am sorry. I'll be off, please do eat something though Mr Thompson." I smiled and her and then she left.

The next day after the meeting, I kept an eye out for Aria, when I finally got to see her I called her into my office. "What can I do for you Mr Thompson?" Aria asked all sweet and innocently.

"Take a seat Aria. I want to thank you properly for last night. If you hadn't of brought dinner over then I you're right, I would not have eaten. Why don't you take the rest off the day off as a thank you. Here take this and go and treat yourself."

"A thousand pounds" Aria said in shock. "That is so very kind of you Mr Thompson but I cannot not accept your generosity."

"I insist, it is not just for last night, you have worked very hard since the day you first started. You are a assert to this company. Please take it, I will see you tomorrow morning nine A.M sharp."

I handed the money back over to Aria, and lightly stroked her hand as she took the money.

"Thank you Mr Thompson, see you tomorrow."

The next day I walked into the office bright and early so I could complete what I needed to do and then have the afternoon off. As I reached the floor of my office, I walked out the elevator and down the corridor to my office.

I was surprised to see a lady in a knee length black skirt with a high slit at the back and a white silk shirt bending over my desk. I was admiring this lady's long tanned soft smooth legs when she stood up.

My brain could not work out who this lady was standing in front of me. "Arr hrrm" I made a noise as to clear my throat to make the lady aware I was there.

The lady jumped and let out a little scream and turned a round, I honestly could not believe my eyes.

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