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Flora opened her eyes, blinking it to adjust it according to the light. She tried to sit up, but felt her body really weak. A sharp pain shot in her head. "Ahhh." She held her head. She could feel her head wrapped with the bandage. Then suddenly whatever happened came rushing in her head. "My baby." she immediately removed the duvet away from her and looked at her stomach. She could feel pain in her abdomen. "Flora?" She immediately looked up to find Leo standing looking at her with warm eyes. He was happy, after like 15 hours she finally woke up from her deep slumber. "How are you baby? Are you feeling any pain?" He asked being concerned. He touched her head, to check her temperature, but Flora jerked his hand away.

Chapter 1 Beginning


"Mom your veil?" I reminded my mom Emma Kingston, opps now Emma Di Vaio. Yes, you all heard it right my mumma is getting married. First let me introduce myself. So, Hello I'm Flora Kingston and I'm 17 years old.

When I was 12 my buddy, my life, my father James Kingston left us in a horrifying accident. That day was our worst day in our entire life. My mom was totally devastated, and on the other side I couldn't even believe that my buddy had left me, just like that. We all didn't even wished him a last goodbye. He was coming back from Rome after some business, but got caught in an accident.

After my buddy's death mom started working as a nurse in a hospital, to sustain our lives. Mumma would smile infront of me, would encourage me, but deep down I know she was sad, she was depressed. At night I could hear her crying and hearing her cry, I would also start crying as I couldn't control my emotions.

I used to sit in the balcony and would talk to my imaginery buddy. What can we say I was just 12 at that time. I was too childish, well still I am, anyways.

My mumma told me that she found someone while working in the hospital. She was actually looking after patients when she met this man Dylan Di Vaio. First she wasn't interested in him, but as the time passed she started developing feelings for him. When I was 16, she told me that she's dating someone. First I was totally pissed at her, like how can she forget my buddy that easily, and then I used to ignore her. But after sometimes I became even more mature and understood that its her life and she can do whatever she wants to. Instead of being angry with her, I should be happy that mumma finally found someone, who can love her, can care for her, just like buddy. But I also know that no one can take take place in my life.

"Oh my god, Flora, get ready fast. Its almost time." I soon came out of my la la land, when mumma scolded me for not being ready, till now. I looked at myself and was still wearing a loose T-shirt and jeans, well its my style.

I smiled at her and hurriedly went inside to an another room, to get ready. I immediately took a shower and dried myself. I looked at my dress which mumma had selected for me. it was a beautiful silk gown, which had beautifully stitched down till my toe. I really love my mumma's dressing sense, she should had been a famous designer instead. I immediately did a soft makeup and by soft makeup I mean eyeliner, baby-pink lipstick and blush, That's it. I'm not much big fan of makeup, as I really love to enhance my nautral beauty. I then came out to found that mumma was ready to go to the aisle. I immediately ran towards her and started walking beside her. I was so happy and nervous at the same time.

Soon we came to the aisle, it looked so beautiful. i also wished to be married like this. I was looking around dreamily that didn't noticed where I was walking. I suddenly kept my foot on my own dress stumbling forward, but maintained my posture immediately from falling down and embarassing myself.

Mumma stood infront of my soon to be step-father. I smiled looking at them. Looking at him, I remebered my buddy, that how he used to tease mumma, how he used to give her morning kisses, how he used to care for her. I really miss my buddy.

Soon rituals finished and the priest announced them as husband and wife. All the guests clapped and congratulated them, well mostly guest were from Dylan's side as we really don't have that much of relatives here. When I was 10 we shifted to Italy. Before that we used to live in Thailand. So, My birth place is Thailand, but poor me I don't know how to speak my native language and also I don't know Italian. I just know the basics as I'm still learning all these.

Soon the party started and I went to Mumma. She kissed my temper and smiled at me.

"I want to introduce you with someone." she said, I looked at her with furrowed brows. She and Dylan both smiled at me and called someone whose back was facing us. He looked like a well built man. He was busy talking with someone on his phone so, when he heard Dylan's voice he immediately hung the call and turned around.

The moment he turned I gasped. Oh my god, he's so handsome. He had a face of greek god, with perfect jaw, pink lips. He walked towards us eyeing me. Me??

Why was he looking at me???

The moment he came near us, then only I noticed our height difference. He was so tall that I only reached till his chest. God, why I'm so short??

"Son meet your step-sister Flora Kingston now as Flora Di Vaio." Dylan introduced him to me. Step-sister?? Oh so, he's my brother. Yay, I'm so happy. I always wanted a brother for me. Now we can play, talk, tease each other and will fight sometimes as well. Oh gosh how stupid of me to think like this, I'm not a child anymore. And also looking at him I can say that he's probably much-much older than me.

"Hello, I'm Lucifer Di Vaio." he said while eyeing me with some unknown expression, which I couldn't read. I smiled at him and forwarded my hand for a shake. For some seconds he looked at my hand as if I was an alien, but slowly took it into his large, veiny hand. His hand were so rough infront of mine. He squished my hand and smirked.

I did felt uneasy but shrugged it off, as he might be a little uncomfortable infront of me. Of course he may not be bold like me, huh !! I mentally flipped my hairs, sassily.

"Flora, now you and your mom are gonna live with us." said Dylan. I immediately snatched my hand away from Lucifer as he wasn't letting it go. After removing my hand from his grip, he looked at me with dark orbs, but I ignored him and looked at Dylan.

"Are you comfortable living with us princess?" Dylan asked.

"Of course I'm happy, and also my buddy taught me that no matter what happens always be happy with whatever you get." I told him with a soft smile on my face. He also smiled back at me.

"Who is this buddy?" suddenly we heard a hoarse, manly voice from behind. I turned around to find Lucifer looking at me with anger filled eyes. Why is he angry??

"Ahhh buddy was her father, she used to call him buddy." Mumma explained, making him sigh and looked at me with some unknown expression. Why is it so hard to read him??

After our talk Mumma and Dylan went for the cake cutting ceremony. I stood beside them and cheered for them. They were laughing looking at each other. Dylan intentionally applied cake on mumma's face, making her glare at him. I giggled looking at his childishness. I'm so happy for mumma, its been so long when I've seen her laughing like this.

I was enjoying the party, but for the whole time I felt somone's heated eyes on me. It felt like it was digging holes in my body. The gaze was so powerful. I looked around, but couldn't find anyone. I shivered feeling that the gaze was still on me. It felt like I was standing naked.

Soon it was time for Mumma and me to go in our new house. Our things will be shifted there by tomorrow. I'm kinda sad leaving my old house as I had so many memories, with my buddy, in that house. But I can't tell this to mumma, as I don't wanna spoil her mood.

Dylan and mumma sat in the same car and me and Lucifer sat in the same car and drove to their house. Hope I fit in this new life style of theirs.


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