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The incredible Mastercraft

The incredible Mastercraft

Samuel julius


Katherine, a human finds herself torn between two charming and mysterious men. As Katherine navigates her feelings for both men she realizes that her heart is divided. Each man represents a different kind of relationship. Will she choose a destined or an unpredictable one? As she explores her options, the three of them become entangled in a passionate and complicated love triangle leading to the revelation of secrets and conflicts between them. With so much on the line, Katherine must make a life changing decision that will have consequences for everyone involved.

Chapter 1 Katrin pov

My dream! It's a funny one! It is unlike what every other person dreams of. My dream is to destroy, and not to implement, unlike every other dream."

I thought with a smirk as I looked up at the same gigantic building I had been watching every morning for the past four months.

"Just give me more time, I promise to bring you and your owner down!"

I let out a low growl as I watched the building with disgust. The house crept the hell of out me. Even the sight of it infuriated me to the extent that I promised myself not to relent until I did what I promised to do.

I wondered how a building like that could exist, but it did. It existed! It was even known as one of the places people could go if they met a dead end. That building was posed as some sort of place of salvation for people in need. Everyone in the city called it 'the Tower of Kindness'.

"What a joke!"

I knew it was all a sham. It was the worst place one would ever wish for his enemy. It was a place of misery. Everything about it was a dreadful lie. That place is the worst of the worse. It is the most dangerous and merciless place one could ever be.

I knew all these because I'd been to the place before. I was once like every other naïve person who believed that my problems would be solved if I went to that place. I was once so stupid to believe that some set of people who never knew me before would truly be interested in helping out with my problems.

"I really was stupid! There is no denying that!"

It was really surprising that I believed such a thing because I was in a tough situation. I was never the type to act so stupidly to be a victim of such a thing. I was always the skeptical type. I always loved to question everything around me except my decision about going to the so-called "Tower of Kindness".

The only time I acted stupidly in my life without properly ruminating over my plans turned out to be the time I would never forget in my life. I was truly shown the consequences of being stupid by the people who owned the mysterious building. The experience I had to endure all because I stupidly asked for help from people that gave no shit about me would always be etched into my memories.

Looking over to the building again, while seeing tons of people waiting that the main gate, expecting the Tower to be opened for the day, made me extremely livid.

"More people are stupidly offering themselves up to the goddamn ruthless people!"

Thinking about it made me furious. I felt so much pity for the helpless people that stood outside the main gate of the Tower. Merely looking at them, they were already helpless. They looked so haggard and troubled to the extent that it would have been better for them to stay in their houses. They all looked like they had gotten to the place of their salvation, not knowing that what they signed up for wouldn't be what they would be shown.

I felt so much pain just looking at them. I wished I could do anything to make them understand that trusting those people would be the fall of their lives, but I knew they wouldn't listen. It wasn't like I hadn't tried it before!

I had tried warning people against going to the Tower for help the moment I escaped from the torment I was put through, but no one listened. They all thought I was being unreasonable. Some of the desperate people even called me "crazy" for trying to slander their holy Tower of Kindness.

"If only they know! If only they can just listen to me and do themselves something good! If only they can just think about other ways to solve their problems rather than trusting the wrong people! If only they can!"

I felt so much pain as the memory of the three dreadful days I spent in the building replayed in my mind. Even the thought of it made me cringe. It was really barbaric. And I wouldn't want anyone to go through such a thing ever again. That was why I was more focused on my dream to tear the building down.

"Beep... Beep..."

I was brought out of my revengeful daze when the alarm I had set on my phone sounded.

"Of course. I knew this would happen!"

I immediately took to my heels as I forgot about my revenge for the moment.

"Today is not a day to be late! Why are you always carried away by little thoughts, Kat?"

I soliloquized regretfully as I ran in my six inches black heels as fast as I could. I was sure I attracted a lot of attention with the way I ran frantically passed everyone on the road just to get to the bus stop. Everyone I passed had no choice but to take a moment to look at me.

"Can I blame them?"

Even I would look stop whatever I was doing to look at someone like me at that moment. I felt a wave of shame wash through me as I stood awkwardly at the bus stop for the next bus. I really seemed pathetic at that moment.

"So much for the big thought about tearing down a building I can't even afford!"

I scoffed at myself inwardly as I tried to avoid people's questioning and mocking gazes. And again, I couldn't blame them. Even I would agree that I looked tacky in my awfully tight wine dress which ended just above my knees while showing off a little bit of my cleavage at the bust. To top it all, I completed my dress with a pair of six inches black heels which seemed too hard for me to walk in as I wobbled around while trying to run earlier.

"No doubt, I look pathetic!"

I sighed when the bus finally arrived. I wasn't even at work yet and I was already tired. I knew that day would be a long day for me. Thinking about it as I entered the bus and sat on one of the seats just made me sigh tiredly again.

At that moment, the people around me on the bus were already wondering what was going on with me. And just as I said, I couldn't blame them. Even I would expect someone dressed as me to have her personal car. But there I was, sighing thankfully after lobbying for a seat in a public bus while looking expensive.

"The so-called boss better show his face today. I can't go through all these for nothing!"

That was the main reason why I seemed so out of it that morning. I actually wasn't a fan of wearing expensive-looking fake clothes, especially not tight dresses like the one I wore that morning. I loved the baggy pants and sweaters I put on every day. I only worked in the consumer affairs department so I wasn't really required to dress up professionally to do my job. All I needed to do was listen to thousands of customers' complaints over the phone which was really tiring by the way.

However, there were days when everyone in my department was required to put on decent and formal clothes. Days such as the times we were expected to meet with the CEO of the company. That morning was one of those days so I had no choice but to bear with the uncomfortable clothes on me. Stuff like that only happened once a month. It was part of the regulations of the company that each department must meet with the CEO once a month to discuss the progress they had been making.

"He is really weird!"

Thinking about it made me wonder who our CEO could be. I had never met him before. But everything I had heard about him pointed to the fact that he was a workaholic. Else, I didn't understand why the CEO would be so invested in every single department of his big company.

It sounded really weird, but all employees had no choice but to comply. It was finally the day for my department to meet with the CEO, and I couldn't help but look forward to meeting the mysterious person that had the power to make me look tacky.

I had never met him before, I just got a job in the company two months ago. I would have met him the previous month, but the mysterious CEO had to cancel the meeting on us after I ensured to look as professional as possible. That was why I hoped I wouldn't have to wear those uncomfortable clothes for nothing again that morning.

I was brought out of my daze again when the bus got to where I would be alighting. So while attracting attention to myself again, I wobbled in my heels and ran out of the bus as I constantly checked my wristwatch to see if I wasn't late.

"Oh, thank goodness!"

I sighed as I could finally walk comfortably to the company that I was now seeing not too far from me again. I still had more time before work began for the day.

"Life of a poor girl like me!"

If you haven't guessed already, I had to take the bus despite the way I dressed because I couldn't afford a car of my own. I couldn't even afford a taxi fare. Some people called someone like me mediocre, but I called myself poor because only I knew how hard I was struggling just to take care of myself.

I didn't want to burden my parents with my problems again after graduating from university. They were already struggling to take care of my two younger siblings. I just couldn't add my problems to theirs all because I couldn't secure a decent job for myself before.

It has been about eight months since I graduated, but I wasn't able to secure a good job until two months ago. I had to search high and low for companies' vacancies for about six months without getting any response from them.

I really felt cursed and tired during those times. I had to do menial jobs just to feed myself and pay my rent. I didn't want to burden my parents with such things again so I struggled hard. That was why I had to go to the darned "Tower of Kindness" for help, not knowing that it would have been better for me to just keep trying.

I couldn't quantify my joy when I got an employment response from Miller's Corporation about two months ago. It seemed like the company was my messiah at that moment. Even though I knew that my resume was good enough to land me a job as the CEO's secretary, I had no choice but to accept a job in the consumer affairs department.

"Poverty is a curse, really!"

I sighed tiredly as I pitied myself for the umpteenth time until I felt a small hand drag me straight to the elevator. I looked up to see that it was the only friend I had in my department; Samantha.

"I know you are pitying yourself again, and I'd love to listen to your worries, but we don't have the time right now. The CEO is already waiting for us in the department."

Samantha informed me as we entered the elevator.

"Wait, what? That's too early! Doesn't he have other things to do?"

I commented as I was compelled to wonder more about who the workaholic CEO was until I was forced to shut up when the elevator's door opened and we were faced by two dashing young men who stood confident in their rich tuxedos.

"I guess you are the last two people in the department to join us. Welcome!"

One of the men spoke confidently in a very composed manner and I didn't need the genius to tell me who he was. I knew he was the CEO that instant, but that wasn't the main thing that made me so dumbfounded at that moment. Something else was going through my mind as I looked that the two perfect men again. I forgot everything that got me so worried and pitiful earlier as I thought about just one thing.

"I want them both!"

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