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Run! Run! "You can't evade death!" Imagine given an a prospect to choose between life and death. A story of a young lass who was given an option to choose between life and death, a chance to change her life with seventy wishes. Possessed by the acrimony of darkness, things fell apart. Her whole world crumbled into a million chunks. Condemnation be onto the Earth. Scourge be onto the world. "You've been given a chance to change your life with these wishes." Now possessed with the wrath of darkness, how will the lass be able to make her seventy wishes? Will she be able to reverse her life? Will she incline toward death over life? Darkness over light?

Chapter 1 Faceless Woman

"Dad, it's me your daughter. Don't do this to me! Please!" I cried bitterly.

I was being tied to a piller a small house located in the middle of no where.

"Baby, you've gotta understand. You're a monster." My dad replied adjusting his glasses.

We weren't the only one on the small house. An old faceless woman was there too.

She was busy unbolting an old ancient book that she couldn't even see.

"Burn her!"

"Burn her!"

She kept murmuring in an ancient language that only my father understood.

My so-called father picked up a can of fuel and a match box that was placed close to the fireplace.

"Daddy, the rope is draining the life out of me. Believe me, I didn't kill mom, I wouldn't even dare to." I tried to defend myself from the accusation that was laid on me.

I struggled hard go break free form the tightened rope but I was too weak to even help myself move.

"Burn her!"

"Burn her!"

The woman kept on murmuring.

"I'm sorry baby, you need to die alongside the monster in you."

My father uncovered the cap of the fuel can and poured it on me.

I continued crying for help but he didn't yield to my pleas.

He stricken the match stick and threw it on the fuel, causing a fire explosion.

My father was burning me alive.

"Die alongside the monster in you!"

His voice echoed in my head.

He had made the wrong decision of awakening the monster in me.

I laughed out loud like a joker, it was as if I was enjoying the fire that burnt every part of my skin.

"I'm gonna rip your soul just like I did to your pathetic wife." I threatened.

My father brought out a hunter gun and pointed it to my forehead.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled.

"See you in hell, baby!" He pulled the trigger and shot me directly on my forehead.

Blood splashed on his body. My stupid father realized what he just did.

He just killed his child.

With the guilt, he shot himself dead.

Indeed, we met in hell.

My father was being punished in hell for being a failure. While I was given a chance to go back to the world.

"I'm giving you a chance to live." A femine voice spoke. The woman was covered with a cloak.

She stretched her pale skinny hand towards me. I saw the exact old book from the small house being held by the woman.

The woman raised her head, revealing her faceless facial appearance.

I was startled but there was no need to be afraid when I'm already in the deepest trench in hell.

"A chance to accept the dark path." She said almost in a whisper.

The woman gestured me to stretched out my hand and so I did. She handed over the book to me. The old and rusty book had been unbolted by her.

"Your quests are all in this book. Every seventy wishes in it must be accomplished and if not you'll die your final death." She said with a barely audible voice.

"What about my demon? Has it left me yet? How do I get to make those seventy wishes?" I asked nervously.

"I am your demon!" She muttered.

I gazed at her faceless facial appearance that was filled with total darkness.

How was she my demon when she's the guardian of hell?

"Open the book and make your first wish. No hesitation!" She said.

I didn't have any further questions.

I hoped my first wish was a good one. Ever since I was a little girl, I always wished to have a better family.

But that better family never came to pass. I killed my mother, my father committed suicide and my little sister...my little sister...she might he at home. I don't know for sure.

"What if I don't want that wish? What if I don't wanna make that wish?" I asked for the fear that I might do something even worst than murder.

The woman laughed sarcastically. "You will surely make that wish. You can't turn your back against it, except if you're stronger than your demon and you aren't."

I stood still with my brain trying to process what the woman was saying. I was numb. My hands and body trembling in fear.

This is a suitable reason to be afraid.

"You can't evade death. You are your worst enemy. Is either your kill or get killed..."

"...you've been given those seventy wishes to change your life and walk past death." The woman added.

My soul was already dead. I don't even have a heart but I still cares about the ones I love. My sister, friends and Derick.

All seventy wishes won't be bad. At least there might be some good ones.

"Do you want to end up like him?" She asked pointing her long untrimmed fingers at my after who was screaming due to the endless pain he was receiving.

I could hear the gnashing of his teeth and his pleas for the pains to stop. I would never want to be like my father and would never want to end up like him.

After so much thought, I chose life because of the one person I cared for; my little sister.

I want to watch her grow. I can't watch her grow while in hell.

"Life! I'll yield to the seventy wishes." I said with so much confidence.

"Good!" The woman chuckled darkly. "Open the book and read out your first wish." She instructed.

I gazed at the old book. Without hesitation, I opened to the first page.

The writings were kind of ancient but I managed to read them. All thanks to my father who thought me how to read ancient languages.

"If only I can strangle this little girl to death!"

After reading, I gasps in realization of what I just read.

"Is this a wish? I'm not going to kill anyone." I shook my head in disapproval.

"You've made your choice already."

The only person I cared for was my sister. Is this book telling me to kill her? I was puzzled. What should I do?

The woman lean closer to me. She opened my mouth with her fingers piercing my skin.

I heard her murmuring some spells. Her body slowly faded like smoke. I stood still like a statue.

The dark smoke all at once entered inside my mouth. I yelled in pain because of what it was it was doing to my body.

This wasn't a good feeling.

She was right, I can't fight my demon.

I struggled so hard to the extent I almost ripped by head off. When the struggling was over, I couldn't feel my body anymore.

My eyes turned bloody red and my skin pale and white. I looked like the shadow of myself. My hair covered my face.

I raised up my head, a demoniac smile played on my lips. "I shall feast on her soul!" I chuckled darkly.

My first quest was going to be a disaster but with no heart in me, let's see how things will turn out.

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