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This is a story of Allison who has been a rogue since she can remember. She was on her way home with her gang one day and met her mate Theo, who is the Alpha of Moon Shine pack. Shocked and disappointed, she felt she didn't deserve a mate not to talk of an Alpha. With this low self esteem, it was pretty difficult for her to bond with Theo. Being, a female rogues and an assistant to Will, she begs Theo countless times to reject her as his mate but Theo refuses. Theo, on the other hand didn't mind that who she was, he just wanted his mate to stay by his side and become his Luna. With the mate bond setting in, Theo and Allison fell deeply in love, something they did secretly without Will knowing. It turns out that Allison is hiding something, a secret that was big enough to make her mate reject her, but by now she was already heads over heels for him. She wasn't sure Theo would still want her after she tells him what she did. Will, got to know about Allison and Theo and he gets furious. Allison manages to escapes from the wrath of Will. Theo later got to know about Allison's secret and wasn't so happy. While having a hard time with his mate, an attack was made on Moon Shine pack but this time, it was Will's doing. Apparently, there was another villain, who has been attacking the park and not Will. Allison and Theo prepares for war with the two villains. Allison almost got killed during the battle but manages to survive, it happens that she was few week pregnant.

Chapter 1 Facing Rogues

Theo's POV

A knock came at the Alpha's office.

"Come in" he said, his eyes not leaving the reports on his table. He smelt the familiar scent of his sister.

"Hey, big wolf." Tessa called. Theo looked up and smiled at his sister.

"Hey Tess, how's your morning going?" Theo asked. Tessa looked at his table filled with so many papers and answered.

"Better than yours Theo. Have you even had breakfast this morning?" She asked taking a seat.

"No miss, no alpha would be having breakfast with all the chaos going around in the nearby pack, Tessa." Theo answered. Tessa got up and returned in a few minutes with a cup of coffee.

"Here you go." She said dropping the cup on the side of the table where they were no papers.

"Thanks, baby girl." He said and sipped his coffee. "How's preparation for your first shifting going?" Theo asked.

"Well, I'm getting ready. I'm so excited, I can't wait." Tessa cheered.

"I wonder what your wolf would look like." Theo said wondering how her wolf would be when it comes out at first. According to the tradition, her wolf was close, meaning she was due for her first shifting which can happen at any full moon.

"Me too." She said excitedly. "So what can I help you out with here? Wait, what did you say is going on with the nearby packs." She asked suddenly curious.

"Rogues have been attacking and killing wolves in different packs. I got a call from Alex this morning, that one of his pack members was injured by a rogue last night. It's getting out of hand, we'll need to tighten our security around the border." Theo explained. "Tessa, I need you to stay safe ok, don't walk around alone at night. It's pretty dangerous out there and we don't know who's behind this yet." He added.

"I will but..." she couldn't finish her statement as there was a knock on the door.

"Please, come in." Alpha Theo called.

"Alpha" Colton greeted giving a bow. Alpha Theo gave a small nod, he could sense his worry.

"Colton? What's going on?" The Alpha asked.

"Alpha, we are under attack." Colton said, making Theo jump out of his seat. "Beta Carter and some pack warriors are already on their way to deal with the situation but I think you should come." Colton added.

"Why should you need me to take out a bunch of rogues, Carter is there already right?" Alpha Theo asked.

"The attack is led by a she-wolf Alpha, we are not sure but she looks like a really strong she-wolf." Colton said.

"That sounds ...." Alpha Theo gave a low growl, his green eyes turning slightly grey. He started feeling uneasy. His wolf was getting a little excited which got him a bit worried. "Why don't we go and take a look at this female?" his wolf said in his head with a little bit of excitement. "My pack is under attack and you're worried about meeting the attacker." He said to his wolf but didn't get any reply.

"Alpha, what's the plan?" Colton asked. Theo snapped out of his thought.

"Send a message to all pack members, all wolves should stay within reach, no one should wander too far especially women, children, and wolves that haven't shifted." He looked at his sister. "that includes you Tessa" Theo said in his alpha voice filled with authority.

"Yes Alpha, I'll do that immediately," Colton answered.

"Colton, where's the attack taking place?" Theo asked.

"Close to the river at the end of the territory." Colton answered and bolted out of the alpha's office.

"I need to go now." Theo said, taking one last sip of his coffee. He looked at his sister and could sense her fear. One of his abilities as an alpha is being able to feel the emotions of his pack members. He kissed his sister on the forehead and pinched her cheek a little. "I'll be back baby girl, I need to take out some rogues before they cause any danger, could you make me pancake please?" She smiled and she gave him a nod, he chuckled. Since their parents died and Theo became Alpha of the Moon Shine pack, Theo has been the only parent Tessa knew. They were years apart in age but it was difficult to notice because they acted like a couple of most times. Tessa could feel that her shifting was close, but what she wasn't sure of is when it would take place.

Few minutes later

Theo ran using his alpha strength, he was getting close to the riverside. He felt a mixture of anger and excitement. The former was understandable but the latter was what he couldn't understand. Rogues caused the death of his parents, he was always angry and irritated by the sight of them and does not hesitate to rip their heads off. But why was he excited? He sensed a sweet smell of vanilla, it was almost intoxicating and it got stronger as he ran. Then he stopped and he realized something. The smell, the excitement, the pull, all this could only mean one thing. His mate was close by. Does that mean she was at the scene of the attack with rogues? The thought made him run faster. The smell got stronger.

He saw Carter fighting off a rogue. He could feel his canine coming out as he was shifting. He shifted into a big black wolf. In his wolf form, the smell was stronger. She was here somewhere. He had to find her. He hated rogues and it took him no time to jump on one and ripped his neck. He growled loudly and jumped on another. He showed no mercy, how dare they enter his territory. Then he saw her. She was in her wolf form. A brown wolf, almost the same size as him. He froze. Mate. His wolf said in his head. She was beautiful, strong, and fearless. He had found his mate. He saw Colton and Beta Carter's wolf charging against her.

"Don't touch her." He mind-linked his beta.

"WHAT!!!." Carter was shocked.

"I said don't touch her." Theo growled.

"Alpha, she's the leader. We need to kill her before..." Colton couldn't finish his statement.

"She's my mate, don't you dare." Theo mind linked them and growled again.

"You've got to be kidding me Theo. SHE'S. YOUR. WHAT!!!" Carter asked barring his canine at the she-wolf.

"My mate, Carter." He mind linked looking straight at her pitch-black eyes now turning a deep blue. Suddenly, everything stopped around him, it was like just the two of them in the world. A pair of green eyes stared deeply into a pair of blue ones. He felt like saying something to her. He knew she had known that he was her mate but why wasn't she doing anything to show it or acknowledge him, she just stood and stared back at him. He whined. Then she did something a wolf who had just met a mate wouldn't do. She took a step back, then another.

"Theo, she's getting away." Carter called but Theo ignored him. He whimpered and tries to take a step forward at her but she growled, a sign that he should stay back.

"Mate is leaving." Theo's wolf said in his head. The rest of her gang that survived came behind her, she growled one last time and took off, with the gang following behind her.

Allison's POV

Few minutes earlier

I felt exhausted, I couldn't wait to get home. We've been walking for almost an hour but stopping wasn't an option. We were rogues, it was unacceptable for us to be seen in a pack. We were seen as a threat to the lives of other wolves. The lives of rogues meant nothing. Well, you can't blame them, rogues are always aggressive and no one would surrender themselves to be killed by some pack warriors without having to defend themselves. Deep down, I wished things were different. I wanted a pack, a family, a place where you are ruled with love and not fear. I remembered what happened a few minutes ago at Midnight Pack and I turned to face Jake.

"You shouldn't have done that, Jake." I said slightly getting angry. Jake had attacked a young wolf at Midnight pack for no reason.

"And why." Jake asked, not seeing anything wrong with what he did.

"It was a young and harmless wolf, Jake, it was totally unnecessary," Allison said, trying to make Jake see the reasons.

"What should I have done huh, hug him? Hahahaha, very funny. We are rogues Allison in case you've forgotten, we don't make friends, he should be lucky he's still alive. Do you think Will will be happy when he finds out you're protecting them?" Jack yelled.

"I am not protecting anyone and don't you dare talk to me in such manner." I said and turned to face Jack.

"And who are you to tell me what and what not to do. You are not our leader, Will only put you in charge because you're his favorite." Jack yelled again and I was ready to retort back but I was interrupted.

"Can you guys stop arguing already, I'm hungry and tired, and I wouldn't like a headache to be added to it." Liam said behind us.

"Well, in that case, we need to rest somewhere. Moon Shine pack is just a few minutes away." Jack said and started walking ahead.

"We shouldn't go into another territory. Let's just manage till we get home, it's not safe to go into another territory." I said but they all ignored me.

"Come on Allison, we are not attacking anyone. We just want to rest for a few minutes before continuing." Liam said.

"I found a river." Jake called out and everyone ran toward his voice. I noticed we were in another territory, which must be the Moon Shine Pack Jake spoke of earlier. We all drank to our fill, honestly, it was refreshing but I was starting to feel weird.

"We need to leave now." I said getting a glare from Jake and a few others.

"We need to rest Allison, and it doesn't look like they're any pack warriors here." Jake defended.

"Jake, we've rested enough, now let's get going before someone sees us." I said again but he didn't listen. As I was about to take my leave, a man came out of the bush with a few warriors.

"Rogues, what are you doing in our territory." The man asked, there was a little authority in his voice but not that of an alpha, a Beta I guess. I stepped forward and said.

"We are leaving already, we just ..." I started to say but I was interrupted.

"No, we are not." Jake said. The guy wouldn't stop annoying the hell out of me.

"Jake, stop it right now. I said we are leaving." I yelled, my blue eyes slightly changing.

"If you don't leave in peace, you'll have to leave in pieces." The man growled. Wait what!!! Before I could comprehend what was happening, Jake and the other wolf had shifted making our opponent shift too. I had no choice but to shift into my big brown wolf. Our opponents were shocked because my wolf was bigger than a normal she-wolf, it was always the expression of anyone seeing my wolf for the first time. In a few minutes, our resting place became a war zone.

After some time, I started feeling uneasy, something wasn't right. I saw Liam fighting with the man that had spoken with us earlier, and in an instant, the wolf ripped out his head. I growled so loudly, I was sure my eyes had turned black. I charged at one of our opponents, sinking my canine into his neck, he gave a loud cry. I turned to attack another wolf but a pair of green eyes stopped me. I didn't know why, but I wanted to get lost in them. It was a big black wolf, almost the same size as me but bigger, I now noticed his scent. He smelt really nice such that I couldn't decipher if it was Lemon or something else, and god I wanted more of it. He didn't stop staring at me and somehow his eyes calmed my wolf and I could feel my eyes changing to their deep blue color. I wanted to go to him but I couldn't. I saw the man who had killed Liam and another wolf coming toward me and I was ready to defend myself, but I noticed the wolf that had been staring at me stopped them like they were taking orders from him. Is he the alpha? When he noticed I wasn't coming to him, he whined. This only meant one thing, he is my MATE.

I had to leave now. I growled, calling for the rest of the rogues. I turned and ran like I had never run before.

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