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One day after tomorrow

One day after tomorrow

Jaqueline Biscaino


A new time arises after humanity destroyed the planet with its ambitions. In the new age there is neither rich nor poor, but only groups of people trying to survive. Carolina, who in the past was a tolerant and arrogant woman, finds herself in need of being part of a group to survive, being rescued in the middle of the great war by Vagner and taken to a house in the middle of a sinister forest, living there she discovers that the race human is not the only one existing in the place and its beauty draws the attention of the leader of those beings. But what would they be, since they weren't human, what would be his desire with Carolina?


Carolina was sitting on the porch of her house, she had a basin of water in her hands where she was scrubbing some clothes, she was tired and her body was as hot as it seemed to bear it, taking a break and looking at the blue of the clean and sunny sky that conveyed that the heat would continue without the relief of rain, which was not common in the city of São Paulo, but that year things were different and she looked at the dry clay on the ground cracked due to the heat; that was a common scenario in the northeast of Brazil and not in the big metropolis.

She rubbed her arm across her face, wiping the sweat from her forehead and remembering her past, "How I miss" she sighed to herself "living several seasons in one day", the sigh gave way to a smile when she remembered how confusing it was to wake up on a sunny morning, go out to work and after a few kilometers come across a rainy and cold day, as it used to be in big cities, before things started to move out of place and everything started to change, she missed of the life he had before, regretting not noticing the importance of details and not appreciating more what now did not exist.

That was yet another day in which the heat bothered Carolina, she also missed the air conditioning that in the near past kept her cool wherever she was, whether in the car, in the mansion or even in the huge office she had on the top floor of the most expensive building in São Paulo, where it overlooked the entire city.

Carolina leaned her back against the wall, pulling the basin between her legs, that was now the source she had to cool off, because even the simple stone tank she had in the house was rationalized due to the scarcity of water and the demand for the use was so great that Carolina preferred to move things forward, but for her this was not the biggest problem, but the fact that most people gathered in that place, making it one of the noisiest and most invasive places in the house, unlike the porch from the front, where no one wanted to be afraid of being surprised by some thief, or evolutionist soldier, without even having time to manage to hide from death, but for her it was better to take that risk than having to interact with the rest of the people who lived in the house with her.

She rubbed one side of her blouse, remembering once again the past, as it never crossed her mind to have to one day return to doing any kind of menial service, as she had many employees for that and sometimes it seemed unbelievable that that life in months it was gone. Carolina leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes, traveling in her memories was the only thing she could do in those days to survive. She remembered how important she was with her social clothes and her high heels, at that time she could eat all the best and didn't skimp on her desires, buying extremely expensive things to satisfy her ego and not her hunger, and now the each day that passed he ate only what was necessary to not die of hunger, remembering when he had the treatment he wanted for his body, the exterior that many looked at and desired while his heart closed more and more to everyone, hiding in itself the that it was real to pass on an image of a firm and independent woman capable of achieving what she wanted only with her effort and ability, making this image real over time, leaving the importance in her feelings, but now that image of an iron woman did not interfere nothing and she didn't understand how to deal with herself and the people she had to live with, she remembered the time it took to get her empire and everything she sacrificed to get it, how many hearts she broke in half with her greed and as much as she had lived years of a luxurious life and missed the life she had a lot, now she realized that all those years did not help in her current life, in her hammock in a room with five other women, she saw that not even the knowledge in which she invested so heavily helped her at that moment.

Carolina often had the impression that she was tolerated because of the religion of those people, she didn't know if she was a loved or desired person in that place, but she tried not to care what people thought of her stay in the house, because she didn't have to where to go and that group of people, even though believing in strange things for her the safest thing she had ever seen, even though their belief put her at risk, as they were people persecuted due to the ideology they defended, she understood that the world lived in a moment of great upheaval and thought that maybe it would take years for that upheaval to heal and if so, thinking that the fact that one person was breathing after the great war was enough to be at risk, noting that the world had more people like her than like the people who lived in that house, people had lost more than material goods in the great war, most lost conquests, dreams and people they loved, the country that before was known for its humor, now carried in its chest the pain of the internal and external destruction of the people who cruelly just lost without having even a chance of defense; but the mass destruction of lives and places was not enough, the war was something so cruel and intense that it even reached nature, harming the ecosystem and everything for which many countries killed, going to their homes in peace and leaving the people with nothing. Caroline understood the revolt that those people felt because she also did not conform, after the bombings the internal struggle for survival began, revealing the character of many, where groups were formed according to what they had in common and formed new families that with the strength that they had fought to defend what they thought and also to survive, the cause was broken and Carolina knew it, she understood that without laws there were no limits and what was right for her could be wrong for someone else. She feared being alone for her life and stayed with them just to not be killed or raped elsewhere, she also knew that it was difficult to eat with them, but that alone would be more difficult, so she stayed, said little so as not to destroy anyone with all the instruction he received before being expelled from the group, he also appeared at meetings so as not to imply that he disdained his faith and, deep down, he preferred that more people believed in the love they believed in than in the anger that people conveyed.

Carolina's thoughts and journey were interrupted by the creaking of the gate being opened, running in a daze behind the empty and dirty water source she had beside her in the weed-covered backyard, leaving behind the basin with the clothes, feeling her heart throbbing so aggressively that it made her chest hurt, generating the feeling that she would die right there, having a fit before even seeing who was entering, but thinking of a way to warn those at the bottom of a possible invasion. The region where they were, was dangerous and the large house located in the middle of a forest, in the place there were no other residences in sight, but rumors that that space was empty because of the supernatural beings that inhabited, circulated and frightened people and people. away from that area. No one who lived in the house had seen one of these beings, but rumors described them as great bloodsucking beasts, people said that in the past they hid from civilization because they were smaller in number, but since now everyone lived in small groups, these such bloodsuckers were attacking and killing more and more human beings. Carolina had never seen one, but feared they existed, preferring not to risk trying to find out if they were real or not.

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