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Mfon David


Being a victim of life's dark side wasn't so much of an easy code to crack. Laura got so much of that dose as a teenager, losing her father and becoming pregnant for her favorite uncle. Her defiant self was poised in her past. The clocked ticked and it was morning again. The morning Laura was known for. Her morning of saying No to life's defeat... Regardless, the life she never wanted showed up. It was her love life.... Alfred came out like a candle in a dark room, gathering every little light of Laura. But there seems to be a fault in their stars... Who could that be? Who could be Laura's father culprit? Will Laura seek revenge on her uncle? Would she be able to let go of her past no matter her stand?

Chapter 1 One

For the first time in 17 years, the rising of the morning sun looked particularly awkward and sad. It was the first morning staying with Uncle Edward after I lost my dad. It was luck that Uncle Edward decided to take me in after the rest of the family left us with nothing but the little money saved in Dada's bank account. My brother,Leo had to live with my mother at the countryside. I sat on my bed and watched the sun radiate through the window into the room as I stared closely at the only macrame wall hanging opposite the bed.

"Does the wall hanging excite you so much?" Uncle Edward asked from the door

"No, it doesn't." I whispered. I wasn't engrossed in how attractive the home decor looked, I was taken far back to memories I shared with my family as a whole. The chortles from my brother, chats from my parents, I missed them so much.

"I understand how you feel, Laura. It's so sad that we lost your father to such a terrific event. Nevertheless, I'm sure you're father will be looking up to you as the first daughter" Uncle Edward consoled as he walked towards me and sat on the bed.

"I'm ready for school" I whispered, taking my backpack from the table and sighing lightly

"New York City is not Georgetown. It's a very busy and crazy area, you must be very careful. I'll drive you to school today, have some breakfast before you leave" He said and closed the door behind him.

I cleaned the little drops of tears in my eyes with the back of my palm and walked to the dining room.

"How are you, my dear?" A small, cheerful voice asked from the kitchen. It was Lisa, Edward's wife

"Good morning ma" I responded with a greeting and fell on the chair

"How many times do I have to scream about you calling me Ma? Like I always say, you can call me Lisa or.... Mother" she said hesitantly and giggled awkwardly.

I saw that coming..... I quickly rushed to eat breakfast as the conversation was becoming more uncomfortable.

Riding to school alone with Uncle Edward was the perfect timing I've always wanted. Everyone has been so busy with father's death that having a one-on-one conversation with a family member is a luxury.

"How did my father die?" I asked sitting behind the car

Edward held a long brake and turned to look at me. "Your father died from a road accident" he finally answered after a long pause.

"Where? Where's his car? Who were the drivers of the car that bumped into him?" I asked at the top of my voice.

"Didn't you hear? The news came to us from the outskirts of Georgetown. It was only luck that we found his body" he screamed back

"My father will never travel or leave the town without informing at least my mother"

"You have the dead to blame" he answered as he ignited the car. By then people were already yelling and throwing cusses as they couldn't stand our car standing in between the way.

I heaved a sigh of relief and laid back on the chair. Dada couldn't die that way, no traces of the scenes or even his car parts, just his body. He was so much of a good man to be killed that way. How can a car accident possibly destroy his car, accessories and his body was still intact?

"I'm sorry you had to lose your father this way. I understand the bond you both shared as father and daughter, unfortunately, life happened" Uncle apologized looking at me from the front mirror.

I ignored his eye contact and turned to ponder more

"C'mon, first days at school should be memorable and full of smiles"

"It's not my first day at school, I'm almost graduating"

"Well, it's your first time here in New York City" he added as he stopped at the gate.

I opened the car door and turned to leave when Uncle Edward said; Your family members are looking up to you. You're the pillar now. Stop getting distracted about the whole death occurrence. The cops confirmed it. He's gone and is buried. The best you can do now is stay strong and make your mother proud and me too, I'm rooting for you!"

I feigned a smile and waved at him. Doing or saying anything beyond a smile will mean having another horrible 10 minutes conversation.

Hillcrest high school is among the top 5 rated school in New York City. I walked in clutching tightly to my backpack, admiring the peaceful aura I was feeling. This was far different what I attended at Georgetown. Healthy environment, cheerful staffs, and luxurious decor. I managed to find my class using my identity card issued by the school. I did not expect the wealthy kids at school to be so nice. Everyone kept smiling and waving at me. We were not poor, but I can bet Dada didn't have so much to send me to Hillcrest. Back in Georgetown, I attended the best school at Georgetown but our best there is categorized as the number 4 amongst the top schools in New York City.

"Hello everyone, I'm Laura Smith. A transfer student from Winsford Academy, Georgetown. I look forward to getting along with y'all, thank you" I introduced, smiling from ear to ear as I kept hearing their whispers about her beautiful I looked. For a 17 year old, I know I'm extra curvy and attractive to behold.

"Welcome to Hillcrest, Laura. Please have your seat now as your teacher will be coming in now" A female voice cautioned. It must be the class supervisor.

"The cafeteria is this way" a petite, dark skinned and pretty girl instructed from the crowd as the students kept hurrying to God knows where.

I responded with an awkward smile hoping it doesn't lead to a weird conversation or bond. I'm not a snob I just don't fancy making friends or bonding with anyone except people I really trust. I believe life is a game full of winners and losers and you win when you fight alone.

"Uhm, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Liz" she finally introduced protruding a handshake

" Laura"

" It's a pleasure meeting you, Laura"

"Do you take drugs to keep your body this fit?" A lousy voice asked hanging on my shoulders

"Jesus christ!" I whispered, holding my head in disappointment. "No, my body shape is genetical. My mother looks this way" I responded with an almost angry stare

"Wow, I'm jealous" the other girls said in awe.

"Are you usually in a bad mood?" Liz whispered as we both walked to the Cafeteria

"Why should I be all giggly and smiling when I'm just meeting everyone for the first time?"

"I think I like you already"

Returning back from school to meet mother was the happiest thing I ever experienced in weeks! I hugged her tightly. My beautiful mother people always admired had turn pale and looked aged. She was still in New York and decided to pay me her last visit before returning to Georgetown to mourn her late husband.

"How was school today? Were your classmates nice to you?" She asked running her hands through my hair. From her eyes, I could see how much mama was fighting to control the tears. I dragged her closely and hugged her. "Let's go to my room."

"Laura, you're my pillar. With you, I'm strong. Dada is no more to protect you. He broke his promise and left us all, the best you can do now is to stay alive, go to school and make me proud"

"No! Dada didn't break his promise. He was killed!, Your husband was killed and how come you're not seeing that?" I asked at the top of my voice

"You don't speak that way. Your father's body is laid to rest. The cops confirmed his body, we ran an autopsy and it was confirmed to be road accident"

"That morning, he left with his wallet and phone as usual. A document worth millions of naira, where are they, mom? Isn't that a weird coincidence that his body was found in such a far distance after 2 days of no traces?"

"Fine, let's say he was ambushed. What can you do about the situation? His people took everything from us leaving us with a miserable 100 bucks. How long can that train your brother to school? Uncle Edward was nice enough to take you in and decide to sponsor your education. The best you can do now is graduate, attend college, graduate, get a good job and settle"

"No, no, no,no" I whispered, sobbing as I fell to the floor.

"Refreshen up, I'll be at the living room"

I squatted there on my room, taking my memories back to the day Dada died. I was in his room cheering him up as he seemed so nervous concerning the contract he was about to sign. The investment was a huge risk but I assured him it'll go well. He left planting a kiss on my forehead saying, "I'll be back and when I do, we'll go on a date to an art gallery" We had that kind of relationship. Sadly, he didn't come back and Dada didn't lie, someone stopped him from coming back...

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