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Finding Solace

Finding Solace



Lord Kenshi was a hard man, harsh and cruel with little mercy in his heart to spare for those who didn't conform to his standards. However, his father had arranged a marriage between a nobleman, a noble who uses his power and privilege to pursue a homosexual hedonistic life. Both lived a different life, a different lifestyle than each other. But the stars have spoken, aligning themselves to toy with their destiny once more. Will love blossom? Or will they continue to drift apart?

Chapter 1 ::

The winter wind blew across the land, caressing the branches and leaves of the trees that surrounded the clearing that contained the emperor's cabin. Snowflakes danced around in tiny particles, swirling around in intricate patterns, creating a beautiful picture. The young Lord looked up at the sky, watching as a white feather flew above the treetops, twirling gracefully in midair. He closed his eyes briefly, relishing the feeling. For a moment he felt almost happy.

The royal guard's voice broke into his reverie. "My apologies, Lord Kenshi, I didn't want to disturb you."

"That's quite alright, Akane," replied Kenshi, sitting up slightly so his feet could rest on the ground. "It's not often that the snow falls this heavily, so my curiosity has been aroused." He opened one eye to glance at the man standing beside him. "What did you wish to report?"

An uneasy expression crossed Akane's face. His gaze dropped, unable to meet Kenshi's eyes. "I'm afraid there may be bad news, my Lord." The guardsman said quietly. "I just returned from the palace."

Kenshi frowned deeply at the man. "And what happened there, Akane?" he asked, keeping his tone level and emotionless despite the urgency in his voice.

Akane seemed hesitant. Finally, he looked down and met Kenshi's gaze. "The council has been demanding for you to participate in this year's mating season."

"Of course." Kenshi replied calmly. "The entire council seems convinced I must do so before the next full moon. I had already thought on it; I've no intention of following their wishes, and they know this, which is why they're forcing me to comply with their demands. They're not the first ones to have demanded that of me either, and most likely won't be the last."

"Yes." Akane acknowledged. "But they were particularly adamant this time. There's something strange going on here, my Lord; there's something amiss with this entire situation, and I don't think we should take the slightest hint to be complacent or negligent."

Kenshi nodded grimly. "We'll keep our guards doubled throughout the next few days, then. Any sightings of anything suspicious will be reported immediately."

His manservant nodded solemnly. "Right away."

He watched as the man turned to leave, the sound of his soft footsteps fading into the distance. As soon as he could no longer hear them, he sighed, closing his eyes again, resting his head against his knees as he gazed up at the sky. How nice it would be if everything could stay just like this. As much as he wished for it, things were far from ideal. He knew it wasn't right to wish such things, but he couldn't help himself. It was so tempting, when all he wanted was to forget the worries plaguing his mind, to let go of his responsibilities for a little while.


"We must embark for the capital of Risukuma at once, if we are to arrive before sundown."

A cold breeze rustled through the trees, blowing snow across the ground. Cold morning light illuminated the clearing, the snowfall making its way to the ground as well. Two figures stood in the center, gazing up into the cloudy sky.

Kenshi wore a traditional red robes and white haori, his silver locks tumbling over his shoulders. His lips pursed, his hands clasped behind his back. He had grown accustomed to the harsh winters and the bitter cold. Though, even with the warmth of winter slowly creeping into spring, he still found it unbearable. He could only imagine how the lowborn had fared during the freezing weather.

"You can see the storm clouds gathering from the north." Said Akane. Kenshi nodded in agreement, squinting his eyes in effort to try and make out some kind of detail on the horizon.

"The weather is too unpredictable today. If we are to depart without delay, we will need to get underway now." Kenshi continued. His voice was cool, calm, steady.

His tone matched his actions perfectly, and the two male nodded in response. They mounted their horses, pulling the reins gently so they wouldn't bolt. Their mounts had been trained by several trainers from many years ago, and the training had been invaluable in the recent months since they began traveling. Even though the journey to the capital was long and arduous, Kenshi and Akane had grown used to the constant danger that accompanied it.

In spite of their caution, however, the journey to Risukuma was relatively quiet, and that suited the young lord very much. They arrived in the city three days after they left the cabin, and the city was filled with noise and activity. People bustled everywhere, their movements frantic and chaotic.

The day had finally come to visit the city of Risukuma. Kenshi and his retinue stood on the gate of the Shirakawa household. They dismounted from their horse and handed the reins to a pair of servant that waited outside for them.

"Your Highness," The servants bowed respectfully. "Master Shin is waiting for you in his chamber."

Kenshi nodded, and they lead him inside, passing by many people on their way there. Finally, they reached the door to his study and knocked softly before entering. "Enter," came the deep voice from inside.

The room was decorated with various artworks and scrolls. A large fireplace was set near the centre of the room, flames crackling merrily in the fireplace as they fed off the wood. Beside the fireplace sat Shin, dressed in a plain grey kimono and reading a book.

"I'm glad you got here safely." He said, setting his book aside. He walked towards the young Lord and bow his head in greeting. "It's been a very long time since we've last seen each other, Your Highness."

"Lift your head, Shin." Kenshi instructed. "No need for formalities between us."

Shin complied. "As you wish, Your Highness." He said, bowing once more. Kenshi noticed that something was slightly different about the man; he appeared to be somewhat paler than usual, although not noticeably so.

"Are you well? You appear to be rather pale." Kenshi commented casually.

He saw a look of panic flash momentarily through Shin's eyes before vanishing just as quickly, and Shin hid his reaction with a polite smile. "I'm perfectly fine, Your Highness." He replied, trying to sound unaffected. "I have simply been working late nights lately, and I haven't gotten much sleep these past few weeks. That's all there is to it."

"I will let you rest then." Answered Kenshi, turning to leave. But before he could take another step, Shin collapse in front of him. Kenshi caught the man before he hit the ground, placing him gently on the bed. "You are too careless." Kenshi admonished, kneeling at the side of his old friend's body and inspecting him. "I don't understand, Shin; you always seem so alert and ready to fight at any given moment. What is wrong?"He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

He placed a hand on his forehead to feel for fever; he felt none. Shin's eyes remained shut, and he breathed deeply. Kenshi shook his head and grabbed a nearby blanket, draping it over him. "Rest for now, Shin." He whispered, straightening up and walking over to the door. Before leaving the room, he paused and glanced at the prone figure lying on the bed. "Please take good care of yourself." He murmured, and left the room, shutting the door gently behind him.

'Do you still hate the winter?' The words echoed through his thoughts as he left the bedroom. 'Or you have come to know spring.'

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