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backstage of pleasure

backstage of pleasure

carmen esparanola


the devil did they break the mill?" Gervase "H Tregarth, 6th Earl of Crowhurst, paced before the hearth in the elegant drawing room of Crowhurst Castle. The exasperation of a man driven to the limits of frustration colored his face, tone and every long-legged stride. "And am I to surmise that they were also behind all the rest? The broken fences, the damaged boats, the mix-up with the grain, the unexplained ringing of the church bells at mid night?" Swinging around, he pinned his stepmother, Sybil, with a sharply interrogatory, hard hazel gaze. Seated on the chaise, a silk shawl about her shoulders, Sybil returned his stare with a blank look, as if she hadn't fully comprehended his meaning. Gervase knew better. Sybil was wondering how to an-swer. She knew he was one step away from losing his tem- per, and would much rather he didn't. He narrowed his eyes even further. "They were, weren't they? Of course they were." His voice had lowered to a growl; the past months of futile traveling to London only to be summoned back within a few days to deal with some inexplicable calamity flashed across his mind-and frayed the reins of his tem- per even more. "What in all creation do they think they're about?" He wasn't shouting, but the force behind his words was enough to overset a more robust female than Sybil; he drew in a breath and tamped down his welling fury. The "they" he and she were discussing were her daughters-his three holerites-currently featuring as the bane of his life. Belinda, Annabel and Jane took after their father, as did he, which was why Sybil, mild, sweet Sybil, fair-haired and gentle, was entirely unable to control them. Or comprehend them; all three were more intelligent, clever and quick than she. They were also more vigorous, bold and outgoing, alto-gether more confident. He, on the other hand, shared with the three the affinity of character. They'd always been close; as their adored older and only brother, he'd grown accustomed to them being on his side. Or at least operating on some form of Tregarth logic he could understand. Instead, over the past six months they'd apparently transformed from lovable if mischievous hoydens of whom he was deeply fond to secretive, demon-inspired harpies whose primary focus in life was to drive him demented. His last question had thus been rhetorical; if he couldn't fathom what had possessed his dear sisters to stage what amounted to six months of guerrilla mayhem designed to overthrow his sanity, he didn't imagine Sybil would. Yet to his surprise she looked down, and picked at her shawl's fringe. "Actually . . ." She strung the word out, then glanced up at him. "I think it's because of what happened to the Hardesty girls." Be "The Hardesty girls?" He halted, frowned, struggling to place them. "The Hardestys of Helston Grange?" Sybil nodded. "Robert Hardesty-Lord Hardesty now his father is dead-went to London last September, and came home with a wife." Gervase's recollection of Robert Hardesty was of a wet-behind-the-ears whelp, but that memory was more than twelve years old. "Robert must be . . . what? Twenty-five?" "Twenty-six, I believe." "A trifle young for marriage perhaps, yet if, as I suppose, he has his sisters to establish, a wife seems a sensible addi-tion to his household." His sisters' futures rated as one of the many reasons he himself felt compelled to wed. Ger- vase tried to recall the Hardesty girls, but drew a blank. "His sisters are about Belinda's age, aren't they?" "A year or two older-eighteen and seventeen. Everyone thought Melissa and Katherine would be presented this past Season, and with Robert marrying . . . well, we all imag- ined that the new Lady Hardesty-a young widow said to have been a London beauty-would, naturally, take the girls under her wing." From Sybil's tone it was clear the generally held expectations hadn't been met. "What happened?" "Robert brought his lady home just before Christmas." Sybil's rosebud lips tightened into an expression of severe disapprobation. "In January, with the snows still blocking the roads, Robert dispatched Melissa and Katherine to visit their aunt in York. It seemed his new wife wanted time to settle into her new life without the distraction of having to deal with the girls. However, it's now July and the girls are still in York. Meanwhile, Lady Hardesty spent the Season in London, then returned to the Grange a week ago with a bevy of London friends in tow. I understand she's told Robert that it would not be wise to have the girls return home while they have so many London gentlemen under their roof." Gervase stood before the fireplace staring at Sybil while he grappled with the implied connection. Then he blinked. "Am I to understand . . ." Lifting his head, he looked past Sybil...

Chapter 1 Delicate face

Gervase met Annabel's eyes, and saw the same trenchant purpose infusing Belinda repeated there.

Increasingly wary, he shifted his gaze to the third and youngest of the three, lowering it to her sweet, delicate face, still very much that of a child. Jane was barely ten, and had

always been devoted to him. Confined in neat plaits on ei-

ther side of her small face, her hair was a darker brown than the others', more his coloring, but her eyes were Sybil's blue.

Meeting those usually innocent orbs, Gervase was faintly stunned to encounter unwavering, resolute determination-

further accentuated by the set of her little chin.

Keeping his own expression impassive, he glanced again at the other two, mentally at sea. What on earth had changed

them? Why . . . why had they lost faith in him?

He suddenly comprehended that he was treading on ground that wasn't as firm as he'd thought. He had to go carefully.

Where to start?

He let the silence stretch, but while Sybil fidgeted, her daughters were made of sterner stuff. They just waited for

him to speak, their gazes locked on him.

"I've just heard from Gregson that the three of you were caught leaving the mill last night, apparently after sabotag-

ing it. The mill is still out of action, and John Miller is in danger of losing what little hair he has left. I'll admit I'm having trouble believing that the three of you could be so

unthinking as to deliberately cause Miller and all those

who rely on the mill so much unnecessary trouble for no good reason. So I assume you have an excellent reason for what you've done-I hope you'll share it with me, so I can explain your actions to the rest of the neighborhood."

Belinda's chin tilted a fraction higher. "We do have an excellent reason-for the mill and all the rest." She briefly scanned his eyes, confirming that he had, indeed, guessed about "all the rest." "However," she continued, "you might not wish to make that reason public. We had to find ways to bring you back from London, and preferably keep you here, al-

though as of yet we haven't managed the latter."

"We thought we'd be able to make you stay by creating a mystery by ringing the bells," Annabel said, "but you just took away the ropes. So we had to think of something


"None of the other things we did kept you at home." Jane looked at him severely, as if that were his fault. "You just came home and fixed them, and then left again-back to London."

Its wa , apparently, his fault.

He was starting to feel a little disoriented. "Why do you want me to stay at home?"

Belinda shifted, lips pressing together; he could see she was hunting not for just words but for how to explain. The other two looked at her, deferring to her. Eventually she met

his eyes. "We asked you to stay, each of us every time, but you always just smiled and insisted that you had to go back

to town. We suspected-well, everyone in the neighbor-

hood knew-that you were going there to find a wife. We didn't want you to do that, but we couldn't just say so, could we? You wouldn't have listened to us, that was obvious. So

we had to find some other way of stopping you."

He stared at her. "You don't want me to find a wife?"

"We don't want you to find a wife in London." Belinda capped the statement with a definite nod-repeated by the other two, one after the other.

It was, indeed, as Sybil had guessed. Compressing his lips, he battled to shore up a patience that six months of

mayhem-let alone all the futile racing back and forth-

had worn wafer-thin. "Sybil has just told me about the situ-

ation with the Hardestys." He managed to keep his tone even, his diction not so clipped that it would cut. He was still very fond of them, even if they'd temporarily turned into bedlamites. "You can't seriously imagine that I would marry a lady who I would subsequently allow to send you away."

Yes, they could. Yes, they did.

They didn't say the words. They didn't have to; the truth was writ large in their eyes, in their expressions.

He felt positively insulted, and didn't know what to say-

how to defend himself. The idea that he needed to was irritation enough.

"I'm older, and wiser, and far more experienced than Robert Hardesty. Just because he's married unwisely is no reason whatever to imagine I'll do the same."

The look Belinda bent on him was as contemptuously pitying as only a younger sister could manage; it was mir-

rored to an unsettling degree by Annabel and Jane.

"Gentlemen," Belinda stated, "always think they know what they're doing when it comes to ladies, and they never do. They think they're in charge, but they're blind. Any lady

worth the title knows that gentlemen, once hooked, can be led by the nose if the lady is so minded. So if an attractive London lady gets her hooks into you, and decides like Lady

Hardesty that having girls like us to puff-off isn't a proposition she wants to take on, where will that leave us?"

"Living in the North Riding with Great-Aunt Agatha,"

Annabel supplied.

"So it was obvious we had to take action," Jane con- cluded. Her eyes narrowed on Gervase. "Drastic action- whatever was necessary."

Before he could even think of a reply, Belinda went on, "And there's no use citing your age as any indication of your wisdom in such matters. You've spent the last twelve years out of society-it's not a case of your skills in this regard being rusty so much as you've never developed the relevant skills at all."

"It's not the same as if you'd spent those years in Lon-

don," Annabel informed him, "watching and learning about choosing a wife."

"This is not a battlefield on which you have any experi-

ence," Jane declared in her most serious voice. "In this the- ater, you're vulnerable."

She was obviously reciting arguments they'd discussed at length; just the thought was horrifying. Trying to assimilate their unexpected and peculiarly female point of view was making Gervase giddy.

He held up a hand. "Wait. Just stop. Let's approach this logically." He cast a glance at Sybil, only to surmise from her attentive expression that however much she might de-

plore her daughters' actions, she didn't, materially, disagree with their assessment. No help there. He drew breath, and stated, "You're worried that, like Robert Hardesty, I'll fall

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Other books by carmen esparanola

The Billionaire’s Proposal

The Billionaire’s Proposal



life of deprivation. This is how I lived most of my existence. Everything was always missing. Food, clothes, money. There was also a lack of affection, family and love. A life without any relatives around. A childhood and adolescence in an orphanage. And growing up in a place like this is not easy. Waiting for parents who never showed up, seeing other kids having better luck than mine. And the more I grew, the more distant the dream of adoption became, the more distant any possibility became for me. Over time, the expectation of waiting passed. Over time, seeing other children get a new start didn't hurt me as much. I arrived at that place already far from the age that families were looking for. Rebel, undisciplined and this only made my situation even more difficult. I soon entered adolescence and I couldn't be more difficult, more indomitable. I didn't like those who worked there, the other orphans, or myself. Orphan. The word reminds me of everything, it reminds me that I have no one in the world. Perhaps I never had a father, perhaps my progenitor never knew of my existence. Brothers, fortunately the irresponsible woman who brought me into the world did not have the opportunity to give birth, as she died of an overdose even though she had a hungry child crying while taking drugs. Flashes of that night insist on occupying my mind. They remind me how weak she was, how incapable she was of fighting for us. To fight for a better life for myself. Even a life for yourself. And it shaped the wild child I was, the indomitable adult I am. I know I wasn't and I'm not the best person in the world, but there's something I can be proud of: being astute. I discovered very early on that I didn't want a life of so many deprivations. Discovering that I could use my intelligence, outside of the average, to achieve better expectations for my future. And it was in a lecture, among many that were given to institutionalized people, that I discovered that the type of life I would lead would depend on me. I discovered that I didn't want anything like what I had, that I wanted to build a victorious future. “Focus on your potential.” I heard this phrase, I understood what she meant. I repeated it in my mind over and over again. I realized that I didn't have any choice about my past and present, but if it were up to me, my future would be very different from everything I had experienced up until that moment. Potentiality. Mathematics. Numbers. A facility capable of leaving all teachers astounded. Able to make me stand out in the economics course. Among contemporary students, among perhaps all those who passed through there. After turning 18 we were invited to discover the world outside those walls, we were forced to be on our own. I was already in my first semester of college when I came of age. I was already able to attract attention with my grades. And before he even had to walk through the doors of the orphanage for the last time, he already had a mentor. Antînio realized that perhaps taking me to work with him would bring many advantages, even if he tried to make me think it was because he had a good heart, that he wanted to help me. I pretended to believe him because he needed an income, he needed money if he didn't want to end up on the street, under the viaduct. But he didn't just want that. I didn't want much. I wanted the world. I knew I had the potential to do this, but to do so I needed to seize any possibility that came my way. So I was hired to work at his financial consultancy company and I was happy to work in a medium-sized company, owned by a prominent academic professor, well sought after in the financial market

My Bilionaire

My Bilionaire



billionaire heir who is also the owner of her heart, but destiny has already decided that they need to continue that love story, and when they are face to face again, the long-dormant feeling returns to the surface with all its overwhelming force. A Contract with a Billionaire will tell the story of Bárbara Alves, a tourism professional who has just won an award, and Brian Hamilton Smith, a billionaire CEO at the head of a family business, in a reunion years after separating. Attention. This story is derived from the novel CEO's: The Dispute. So, wait to see a little more of Carolina and Samuel. Get ready to laugh and be moved by the beautiful story of these two. A thousand kisses and a great read. Carla Arine It was too perfect to be real. He was all cute, shy, and knew how to make a wonderful dinner... he had to have a flaw. I'm glad I found out in time, it would have been worse if we had made a public commitment or perhaps a marriage. Yes. Only Carol knew, and fuck if that other foreigner had knowledge. — It’s here, lady — the Uber driver tells me. I open the car door and head straight to my house. Today had everything to be a memorable night. It was Carolina's final test against Samuel, and it would clearly be tense. We still don't know who the next CEO will be, but the most surprising revelation of all had already happened and I still couldn't believe it: that Brian Smith, Samuel Wilson and his uncle, Oscar Wilson, came to Brazil with the most sordid plan of all. I can't deny that I was also enchanted by foreigners, but my best friend really fell in love, even with all the madness of hating and loving her biggest opponent. But now we know why this is all. A bid. They used the lucky foreigner's power of seduction to win over my friend and were celebrating the result, taking her out of the running. What they didn't expect was that Carol would put on a show in a jump. — Fuck them! — I exclaimed, in the bathroom looking at my white face in the mirror. My eyes are already red from trying so hard to avoid the tears that want to flow. Crap! Who would have thought the night would end like this? When I left, I was sure I would spend the night in Brian's arms, in a motel or in his apartment. I had even chosen some sexy lingerie, but now, just thinking about the unfortunate thing, I want to... argh. I go back to the room and grab one of the two beers I brought from the event from my bag, trying to console myself for having fallen in love with the wrong guy. I can not believe. Another liar to my list of disappointments. Again I go to sleep alone reflecting on my mistakes. Unemployed and with a Tourism college tuition that costs almost a kidney to pay

CEO perfect love

CEO perfect love



impulsive. She had her plan mapped out, it was so simple: Finish college and get rid of her toxic father, Judge Carter. Everyone looked at her and saw her as daddy's princess. They just couldn't imagine what she had to go through to be the perfect daughter he so longed for. Everything was going well, even him. Aaron Seed. Since the day their destinies crossed, she imagined that everything would fall apart around her, she just didn't know if in a good or bad way. Aaron Seed After the death of his mother, he is forced, due to circumstances, to go live with Hanry, his father. Because he can no longer handle Aaron's rebellions, Hanry sends him to the Seed University dorm. Everything was going well, until the day he bumped into a girl. But she wasn't just any girl, she was totally different from the others. The intensity of her eyes attracted him, as he knew the darkness in them, and this only made him more curious to know who she was. However, unlike the others, the mysterious girl clearly said that she didn't want to have a relationship with anyone, especially someone like him. This only gave him reason to want to make her life a living hell, showing that, like the others, she was not immune to him. Something unexpected happens amid provocations, intimidation, discoveries and sexual tension. Aaron and Cadence find themselves completely lost in a feeling neither of them have ever had. Love. "Living life has never been so tempting and scary at the same time." Toxic Bad Boys Bad Boy Cruel Series - book I The other books in the series are completely independent, although some characters may appear throughout the stories. There will be a total of 4 books. Attention! This is a bully romance, you will find an enemies to lovers, and a relationship that is not healthy. It can cause discomfort for some people, as they approach them through provocation and intimidation. As the name suggests, there will be bullying. The author does not support this type of behavior. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF ROMANCE, DON'T READ IT!" WE WILL ALSO HAVE TRIGGER OF: Drug addiction, scenes of physical abuse, profanity, descriptive sex, dubious attitudes, illicit and legal drugs, bullying, psychological aggression, toxic parental relationship, maternal and paternal abandonment, relationships that may appear abusive and that can cause triggers. Work intended for people over 18 years of age. Welcome! This book will be a little different from the previous ones, I ask that everyone who reads it, keep an open mind to understand that everything that happens is not tolerable. We will have some themes that may become triggers for some, and that is why I ask you to read the NOTICE that was left. Again, DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE. This will be my first Bully Romance and I hope to meet the expectations of all of you readers. I just have to thank you, for all your strength and motivation, and that's why I dedicate this book to you, my reader who always follows my growth, and to you who were interested in the story

Life with the CEO

Life with the CEO



Everyone looked at her and saw her as daddy's princess. They just couldn't imagine what she had to go through to be the perfect daughter he so longed for. Everything was going well, even him. Aaron Seed. Since the day their destinies crossed, she imagined that everything would fall apart around her, she just didn't know if in a good or bad way. Aaron Seed After the death of his mother, he is forced, due to circumstances, to go live with Hanry, his father. Because he can no longer handle Aaron's rebellions, Hanry sends him to the Seed University dorm. Everything was going well, until the day he bumped into a girl. But she wasn't just any girl, she was totally different from the others. The intensity of her eyes attracted him, as he knew the darkness in them, and this only made him more curious to know who she was. However, unlike the others, the mysterious girl clearly said that she didn't want to have a relationship with anyone, especially someone like him. This only gave him reason to want to make her life a living hell, showing that, like the others, she was not immune to him. Something unexpected happens amid provocations, intimidation, discoveries and sexual tension. Aaron and Cadence find themselves completely lost in a feeling neither of them have ever had. Love. "Living life has never been so tempting and scary at the same time." Toxic Bad Boys Bad Boy Cruel Series - book I The other books in the series are completely independent, although some characters may appear throughout the stories. There will be a total of 4 books. Attention! This is a bully romance, you will find an enemies to lovers, and a relationship that is not healthy. It can cause discomfort for some people, as they approach them through provocation and intimidation. As the name suggests, there will be bullying. The author does not support this type of behavior. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF ROMANCE, DON'T READ IT!" WE WILL ALSO HAVE TRIGGER OF: Drug addiction, scenes of physical abuse, profanity, descriptive sex, dubious attitudes, illicit and legal drugs, bullying, psychological aggression, toxic parental relationship, maternal and paternal abandonment, relationships that may appear abusive and that can cause triggers. Work intended for people over 18 years of age. Welcome! This book will be a little different from the previous ones, I ask that everyone who reads it, keep an open mind to understand that everything that happens is not tolerable. We will have some themes that may become triggers for some, and that is why I ask you to read the NOTICE that was left. Again, DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE. This will be my first Bully Romance and I hope to meet the expectations of all of you readers. I just have to thank you, for all your strength and motivation, and that's why I dedicate this book to you, my reader who always follows my growth, and to you who were interested in the story. Welcome if this is your first contact with any of my work! We will learn the story of Aaron Seed and Cadence Archeron.

CEO single

CEO single



ENEMIES TO LOVERS – AGE GAP (10 YEARS) – FORCED COEXISTENCE – PCD REPRESENTATIVITY – HOT SCENES “She didn’t represent anything he wanted, but she was everything he obsessively desired.” Michael Swartz is the richest banker in the country. A handsome, seductive, intelligent and well-connected man. At 33 years old, he has immeasurable wealth, high prestige and numerous women. Until a twist hits him like a wind hitting a house of cards. Counting on the help of the only woman who seems immune to his charm, Michael will need to adapt to the new reality or, otherwise, succumb to it. "My Arrogant Banker" is an intense adult romance, with explicit hot scenes. Indicative rating: 18 years old. PROLOGUE - "A Small Final Affront" MICHAEL SWARTZ The pungent smell of candles mixed with the cloying perfume of flowers grew more unpleasant by the minute. It was almost unbearable, and I couldn't wait to leave. But it had a good side. In the background, a soft voice filled the room, chanting "Insensatez" to my complete delight. I had handpicked the soundtrack for the wake. He hated Bossa Nova because he considered the style "too popular". That was the fun... That room playing only Tom Jobim, João Gilberto and Toquinho was a small final affront. Oh, why were you so weak? So heartless? Ah, my heart, whoever has never loved Does not deserve to be loved — My condolences. — Thank you — I replied for the hundredth time. Or thousandth? I lost count of how many times the simple dialogue was repeated that gray afternoon, with one variation or another. - My feelings. - Thanks. — Your father was a good man. Worthy. Exemplary. - Thanks. My mother had left many years before, causing everyone to come directly to me to offer condolences. The eldest son of the late banker Abraão Swartz. The luxurious coffin hovered like a tourist attraction in the adjacent hall, with hundreds of crestfallen people passing by it, amid prayers, laments and tears. And me? I didn't feel anything. Absolutely nothing. A huge emptiness ravaged my chest as I tried to search my memory for any memory that would live up to the "good", "worthy" and "exemplary" praise. —Thirty-three years, the age of Christ. What's it like to be the richest and youngest banker in the country? — Gabriel stopped next to me, an almost imperceptible smile on my twin's lips. Like me, Gab didn't care about the family's Judaism. “I haven't stopped to think about it yet,” I replied, smoothing my black suit, expelling any imaginary dust from the expensive fabric. — How not? Damn, Michael... Now that the old man is finally dead, the Swartz Bank is in his hands,” he whispered, nudging me with his elbow. Like me, Gab didn't give a damn about the dead man in the next room. Unlike us, our cousins ​​were tearful on one of the leather sofas, heads down, looking genuinely saddened by my father's death. I wouldn't judge them. The other Swartz did not receive the same "warm" attention that Abraham gave his children. In fact, few people knew about the cruel treatment given to Gab and, in particular, to me, throughout my childhood and adolescence. The firstborn. How I hated the word... "The old man is finally dead." Gabriel's sentence resonated like an echo, pulling me out of that pit of indifference and torpor, spreading waves of heat through my insides. Slow and sneaky like venomous snakes. — Cheer up... — insisted Gab. — Besides the position and the money, there’s one more reason to celebrate, brother

CEO staunch

CEO staunch



serving as an escape valve from this world that has become increasingly crazy. I'm currently writing the Born into the Mafia series, but there are several other stories running around in my head. Stay up to date with the latest news by following me on Instagram: @lunaoliveiraautora Kisses! Important notices! A Babysitter for the Cowboy Triplets is a unique book, a light cliché romance, in which, unlike my Mafia Born series books, the main characters are not involved in any illicit activities. The dramas that you will find in the plot will be linked to a nanny going crazy in order to control three nine-year-old boys, whose mission in life is to scare away all the nannies who approached them, all caused by a complex of maternal emotional abandonment. It's a romantic comedy, very fun, with breathtaking hot scenes. It has erotic content, therefore, it is recommended for people over eighteen years of age. The secondary characters, Jonh and Emily, will get their own book in the future, but I don't have a date for that release yet, as there are still other stories that will be written first. You will see a little bit of Lucrécia, Nando and Natasha from the book Minha Mexicana, because although this book is not part of the mafia universe that I created, all my characters, good citizens or not, live in the same universe in general, meeting between books, occasionally. That's it, I hope you enjoy reading and fall in love with my cowboy. Kisses! Synopsis Clara Mancini is Brazilian, the youngest of ten siblings, and a veterinary medicine student. She gets an exchange scholarship to study in Austin, Texas, and moves there. During the summer holidays, needing a temporary job to pay her bills, she ends up offering to be a nanny for three little pests, children of the cowboy, owner of Fazenda Olhos D'ågua. Sam Mackenzie needed a nanny to take care of his three sons, Jason, Jacob and Joshua, and when the agency's last nanny runs out of his farm after the boys stuck gum in her hair, Clara presents herself as the solution. of your problems, at least during the summer holidays. The triplets don't make it easy for Clara, but what they didn't expect is that at the trick school they studied, Clara had already been expelled for knowing too much. Between one prank and another, in this delicious romantic comedy, Clara wins not only the hearts of the triplets, but also the heart of the cowboy

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