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The Cold She-wolf

The Cold She-wolf



Arabel Lee was tired of her boring life, even as a beloved celebrity. She wished for more, wished to return to the time when she wasn't the only one among her sisters who didn't have a love life. She felt like there was more to her existence but the shock of the truth behind everything is more than she bargained for. With her new powers comes a new responsible to bear the winter witch and protect her from her evil aunt, and with her new mission comes the package deal of a mate. But after years of protecting her daughter, Arabel met her demise, leaving the cold-hearted killer hungry for revenge. The only thing Krystal knows how to do is destroy everything in her path, and until she finds who killed her mother, she will never rest. However, when her aunt asked her to attend a school for the gifted, what she didn't expect to find was the mate she dreaded meeting, the arrogant, playboy but powerful and blessed alpha of the strongest pack and another childish playboy who she has a strange protective attraction to. The new school doesn't just bring her two devilishly beautiful guys, it came with friends and emotions she wants nothing to do with but Krystal finds out that escaping them is impossible.

Chapter 1 Prologue: a mother's sacrifice

The poisonous wind blew aggressively against the trees as the sky roared and flashed in anger. The night was cold and darker than black itself. The dark clouds covered every ray of moonlight as she ran through the forest. The woman was tall with white hair, icy blue eyes, and blue lips. She carried a little girl in her arms pressed against her big stomach, running with the wind on her feet

The ground froze as she ran, looking around with fright. Her life and that of her daughter were in danger and she knew she couldn't save them. She was pregnant, almost nine months, and very weak, yet she ran with her might

"Cyrus, please answer me," she cried telepathically to her husband, she was met with harsh silence, "Don't worry, baby, you'll be fine," she whispered to the girl in her arms, coming to a stop at a tree. She could hear the barks and feet of her enemies closing in. "We can't both die," she mused, staring at the big willow tree. She walked towards it and with one stomp of her foot, a thick ice column sprouted from the ground, lifting her and the baby off the cold, white ground. She placed her daughter in the tree covered by thick and big leaves then sighed.

"Mommy, what's going on?" She sobbed.

"My beautiful Wynter, they want the cold stone in my heart and your crystal heart. I can never let them take it to her or this world is doomed."

"Who is her?"

"The ice queen, my auntie... I can't explain, I have no time but just promise me you won't move. Stay here and wait for your father or the vessel of the universe, she will explain. Promise me you won't move."


"Wynter, promise me."

"I won't," the child whispered, "be careful, mommy," the woman looked back, feeling them getting closer.

"I love you, My Wynter, if you see your brother after this, tell him that he will always be my venomous frost and I love him too," she smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks. She kissed her forehead and the ice pillar leveled down.

"I love you too, mom," she whispered and blew her mother a kiss. The woman caught the imaginary kiss and ran off with a much greater speed, using her ice to speed off. The girl sighed as the hundreds of wolves, lycans, and vampires ran past her. She closed her eyes and tried to communicate with her younger twin brother to ask for help. "Frost, can you hear me?" Nothing. She placed her hand on her heart and exhaled. "Frost, I call upon our bond, hear the voice of your cold sister, and answer," she said softly. She felt a sharp pain in her head that made her wince and then his voice.

"Oh thank heavens! Wynter, where are you and mom? Everyone is going crazy trying to find you both," he said worriedly.

"The northern boulders, come find us fast before they kill mom," she cried.

"I'll tell dad now," the link cut off. She heard an explosion, ice spikes flew piercing every single tree in sight but not hers. She couldn't take it, she jumped down from the tree and ran in the direction her mother ran to.

After running for a while, she got closer to the battleground. Her mother stood in the middle of the wide field, ice spikes surrounding her. Her eyes were fully blue and her skin glowed like a mini-moon. If it wasn't for the baby in her womb, she would have transformed into her full form. She let out an ear-deafening scream and a big ice eagle flew out of her body, killing all in its way. She spun her hands in a circle, sending a spiral wave of ice toward her enemies.

She fell to her knees holding her stomach in pain as tears streamed down her cheeks. She murmured a spell quickly as she felt her life slipping away and energy depleting. A lycan picked up one long ice spike and threw it at her. Unable to move, the ice pierces deep into her chest. She cried out but continued with the incantation.

"Finally, Arabel, we have you," the leader of the vampire said tiredly, "take her heart and let's leave before Cyrus gets here," he added clutching his bleeding chest. The woman chanted the final spell out loud and with icy fingers, ripped out her own heart. A little stone glowed from inside and rose in the form of an eagle.

"Get that eagle!" The lycan chief shouted. The eagle flew straight to the little girl who hid behind a tree crying. It slammed into her with force, sending her flying half a mile back. She screamed at the excruciating pain in her heart and body, she felt her soul splitting into two. "There she is!"

The wind suddenly encircled her and formed a massive tornado, trapping her inside, but she was protected by the sharp blades of the wind. The wind took the form of a lady, her hair white as the star, her skin glowing like the moon, and her silver eyes shining brightly. She looked down at the girl and sighed sadly, tears glistening in her beautiful eyes.

"I am not from this reality so I cannot help you completely, but you have made me shed tears. You are too young to face this so sleep and forget for now. You will return and finish what your mother started, you will end the reign of the ice queen. This is my promise to you as the vessel of the universe." She carried the sleeping girl into her arms and disappeared with the wind.

Never to be seen again.

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Other books by Kem-Bee

The Last Daughter

The Last Daughter



Xyra Lumina Crescent, first born child to two full-blooded alphas and an alpha female. Xyra is hidden away from her pack, from the outside world and even from herself as she has no idea why she cannot shift or why she is hidden away in a temple to train, train and train. Far away from her family and younger siblings, Xyra sought freedom and to be able to be with her family. But she is trapped and watched by the ladies of the temple of females. A vision of an attack on her pack force Xyra to break free in other to save her parents who would die in the attack, and her people who would be taken hostage. Xyra returns home, but she does not just get the easy life she thought she would get. She discovers that maybe staying at the temple where life was easy was better after all. Who is Xyra? And what is The Last Daughter? ____ ‘What will happen if he finds his mate and she dies?’ I asked the most obvious question. Dad's wolf gave mine a look. ‘Xyra, did you see anything?’ ‘Yes, not clear, but a strong enough warning. He's going to run mad, isn't he?’ ‘All lycans do when they lose their mates. Which is why the goddess restrain from giving them one.’    Which was true. With how easy they lost their minds after losing their erasthasis, it was best they didn't have one. No one wanted a powerful lycan to go wild and wipe out an entire population, just because their soulmate died. It indeed was why they didn't get one too often. In fact, one could stay for a thousand years and not hear of a lycan finding a mate. They usually just fall in love and get married or get married without love. The king was the strongest like I read. If him losing his mate would turn him against the entire population of living creatures, then maybe it is my duty to protect her. Maybe, just maybe this is what I am meant to do.

Idalia (the secrets of the whispers)

Idalia (the secrets of the whispers)



"Sage?" "Yeah?" She asked with a laugh. I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes and let it out. "Victoria came to me in my dreams last night after I begged her to and I think she is trying to tell me something but I cannot remember exactly what she was saying." I rushed out. Sage had gone silent. I opened one eye to see her expression, she didn't look surprise at all, only had a serious face on. "I know," she replied calmly. "You know? How is it that you know?" "The very moment I stepped my feet into this house, I felt her presence, but I wasn't sure. The third night we slept here, I woke up in the middle of the night to get something to drink, but as I got closer to the kitchen, I heard someone singing while cooking. At first, I thought it was you, but when I got there, I only found an empty kitchen. The stove wasn't on, but it was hot, like someone was just using it. I pondered on that the next day, that was why I was extremely quiet. It was after you mentioned Victoria always loved cooking at night, that I realised that the singing voice did sound exactly like hers." I was shocked by the revelation, she kept it to herself. "I didn't mention it because I didn't want to scare anyone or get you all worried over nothing. Judith have seen her too, on the fifth night. According to Judith, she couldn't sleep so she went out to the balcony to look at the stars. Judith said when she got there, she saw a girl with glowing white dress staring at the stars too. She wiped her eyes but when she opened it, the girl was gone. And you know Judith, she only shrugged it off as her imagination." I took in a sharp breath and held it there. "Victoria always loved looking at the stars with Judith, they would talk for hours as they admired the stars." "My thought exactly," ~~~ All Candace wanted was to fulfill the last wish of her best friend, the girl who brought them together and made them the star they were. A simple last wish leading herself and her three friends to a small town they were more than happy to visit. Their lives could never be better, but things are not the way it seems. She finds out a secret that changes all their lives. Discovery that leads to lost, love and a future that is uncertain. Victoria is a powerful spirit more than five hundred years old and there is a darkness that blankets the not so peaceful town. One that she alone can stop.

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The Cold She-wolf

Chapter 1 Prologue: a mother's sacrifice



Chapter 2 Monotonous life



Chapter 3 Freeze



Chapter 4 Who am I



Chapter 5 The woman between



Chapter 6 Mate!



Chapter 7 Jealousy



Chapter 8 What is wrong with you



Chapter 9 Kiss and freak



Chapter 10 Not forever



Chapter 11 Why



Chapter 12 Explain yourself



Chapter 13 Is that why you're worried



Chapter 14 Green light



Chapter 15 Hit me with your best shot



Chapter 16 Meet my family



Chapter 17 It'll be worth it



Chapter 18 Better keep those moans as hushed as possible



Chapter 19 Trust me, they'll love you



Chapter 20 This is not a dream



Chapter 21 This is not a dream (2)



Chapter 22 Trouble in paradise



Chapter 23 Trouble in paradise (2)



Chapter 24 Do something



Chapter 25 Not yet



Chapter 26 Ice daughter



Chapter 27 Inevitable



Chapter 28 The heartless daughter



Chapter 29 The cheerful son



Chapter 30 A bit of her opposite



Chapter 31 The first encounter



Chapter 32 Not a complete sunshine



Chapter 33 School of paranormals



Chapter 34 Sweet fragrance



Chapter 35 Just a coincidence



Chapter 36 Is he my mate



Chapter 37 Target Identified



Chapter 38 Suspicion



Chapter 39 How interesting



Chapter 40 I found my mate!
