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Mated To A Witch

Mated To A Witch

Blackgurl riri


In a country called Coastland, there is one president who rules over all the kingdoms, including the werewolf Kingdom led by King Logan Rutherford the 3rd. However, President Raymond was murdered and a fingerprint on the weapon led investigators to Ronin, the second son of King Logan. The werewolf community immediately banished Ronin without allowing him to explain himself, and he is now a fugitive wanted by the law. A reward has been offered for his capture, dead or alive. Kade, the vampire prince, attempted to shoot Ronin with a silver bullet, causing him to fall from a six-story building. However, when Kade went to retrieve him, Ronin was nowhere to be found, only his blood remained.

Chapter 1 Framed for killing the president

Standing atop the six-story building was Ronin, a six-foot-tall fugitive wanted for the death of the president. He faced off against Kade, the vampire prince who was determined to capture him by any means necessary.

Ronin knew he had many enemies, including Kade, who was no match for him in a fair fight. However, the law wanted Ronin dead or alive, so he sensed danger when he realized Kade was carrying wolfsbane. Ronin was a werewolf, while Kade was a vampire, and the two hated each other.

"Im going to capture you, whether dead or alive," Kade snarled, showing his fangs. Ronin bared his fur, hair, and eyes, ready to charge at Kade.

"What will you do then? he growled. Kade smirked.

"Oh, you don't know? I'm going to kill you, he said, attempting to stab Ronin. Ronin dodged the attack with his werewolf speed and scratched Kade with his claws, causing him to scream in pain.

Kade punched Ronin with his vampire strength, but Ronin retaliated by slashing at Kade with his paws. Kade tried to compel Ronin, but he resisted.

In the end, Kade shot Ronin with a silver bullet, causing him to fall from the building.


Freya winced in pain as an invisible rope tightened around her neck, making it difficult to breathe. Reagan, who took pleasure in bullying Freya, had cast a spell on her.

Sloan tried to stop Reagan, warning her that Freya would die if she didn't stop. Freya struggled to speak as the rope choked her, and her legs dangled in the air.

Reagan laughed at her weakness, but Sloan intervened and loosened the rope with a spell, causing Freya to thud onto the ground.

She lay there, breathing hard and crying, feeling like a mockery in the witchcraft community.

As she walked home, she couldn't help but curse her powerlessness. Despite not being in the mood for a taxi, she made the trek. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and she felt an inexplicable force pulling her toward the source of the sound. Upon arriving, she saw a wounded werewolf lying on the ground, groaning in pain and fighting for his life.

She recognized him as the wanted criminal accused of killing the president. Her heart raced as she cast a spell to help her lift him. Though she didn't understand why she was aiding a fugitive, one thing was clear: she felt a strong connection to this werewolf named Ronin.


Upon opening his eyes, Ronin realized that someone had carried him from where he was shot the previous night. However, he wasn't in handcuffs or prison. Instead, he found himself in a small, intricately decorated bedroom that he recognized as belonging to a woman. As if on cue, a young woman in her early twenties entered the room, carrying a bowl of water.

"You're awake, she said, sitting down beside him and attempting to place a damp towel on his forehead. Ronin instinctively grabbed her hand, but their eyes met and he realized she posed no threat.

"It is okay, I won't hurt you, she spoke softly, causing Ronin to scoff. Despite his skepticism, he couldn't sense any danger emanating from her. As he checked the spot where he had been shot, he realized that he was already healing.

Ronin held her hand and looked into her eyes, asking,

"Who are you?

"I'm Freya, she winced in pain as Reagan's spells had cursed her neck from hurting her.

Ronin noticed the redness on her neck but didn't pry into her business. He felt a sense of calmness around her and wondered why this fragile girl had helped him, a fugitive.

"Why did you help me when you know Im a fugitive? Ronin asked, still staring at her

Freya struggled to speak and swallow before finally replying,

"Is that the thank you I get for saving your ass? A little gratitude won't hurt. Ronin smiled and sat down beside her, muttering a small "thanks.

Freya couldn't help but notice how handsome Ronin was. His sharp and masculine features were cute, but his ocean-blue eyes were mesmerizing.

"You haven't told me who you are, Ronin said.

"I already told you my name, you moron, Freya cursed, immediately regretting her words.

Ronin clarified, "No, I meant where are we? A vampire kingdom? A siren?

"Im a witch, Freya interrupted. Ronin realized the danger of being in the presence of a witch and was about to leave when a woman of his age walked in, shocked at who she saw.

"Mackenzie...Freya called out to Mackenzie, her voice trembling with fear. Ronin observed as a girl, slightly older than Freya, entered the room. She appeared shocked to see him there, as he was a wanted criminal, which made her angry.

"Isn't that the wanted werewolf? she questioned, causing Freya to quickly rise and pull her sister out of the bedroom.


"Freya, why did you bring a fugitive to our home in the witchcraft kingdom? Are you his accomplice? Mackenzie asked, her voice filled with anger. Freya remained silent, unsure of what to say. She didn't want Ronin to hear their argument.

"You're hiding and helping a wanted criminal who killed the president, Mackenzie said through gritted teeth. Freya stayed quiet, trying to ignore her sister's fury. She could feel the tension in the air.

"I'm sorry, Freya finally apologized.

"Mum will be furious when she finds out. Werewolves and witches don't mix, and this werewolf happens to be a wanted criminal. What were you thinking? Mackenzie yelled, but Freya quickly closed her mouth to prevent Ronin from hearing.

"I'll tell Mum, Mackenzie threatened.

"No, please. Mum will be angry with me. Please, sister, Freya begged, but Mackenzie was too angry and stormed off to her room.

With his super hearing, Ronin quickly stood up upon hearing the conversation between Freya and MacKenzie. Being a wolf, he could hear from far distances, allowing him to hear their discussion.

He knew he had to leave immediately as this place belonged to a witch, witches, and werewolves didn't mix well. Ronin donned his black hoodie and opened the window, preparing to jump down.

As he made his escape, Oaklyn, Freya's mother, saw him climbing down from her daughter's window but didn't recognize him as the wanted criminal. Ronin passed her without saying a word and quickly left the area.

Meanwhile, inside the house, MacKenzie was fuming with rage while Freya couldn't find Ronin in her room. She assumed he had overheard their conversation and went out to search for him.

Freya quickly changed into a pink hoodie and black leggings put on her white boots and headed downstairs with a concerned expression on her face.

She found her mother sitting near the table, she greeted her but didn't wait for a reply before hurrying out of the house.

As Freya made her way through the trees, she winced as branches scratched her skin. Despite the danger, she felt an overwhelming urge to be near Ronin. She was headed to the werewolf Kingdom, fully aware that it was risky for a witch like her to be there.

Normally, Freya would feel safe with her magical abilities, but she had yet to gain her powers. She was more of a druid than a witch and had no magical abilities to speak of. She stopped herself from rethinking her decision to be near Ronin, wondering why she was drawn to him. She couldn't comprehend it.

Freya knew there was something about Ronin that made her powers work, but she couldn't figure out what it was. She whispered his name, careful not to alert anyone to his presence. Ronin was a wanted man, so she had to be careful. Meanwhile, Ronin watched Freya from a thick branch of a mango tree.

He smiled at her silliness. Freya heard footsteps and her heart raced. She wondered if it was Ronin. She shouldn't have been there, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She turned her head and saw a tall man wearing royal clothing.

"I can smell that you're not one of us, the man said, sending fear through Freyas body. He stepped closer to her, and she backed away until she hit a tree. She stared into his dark brown eyes. He smelled her and Freya gasped.

"You're a witch, aren't you? he asked. Freya wondered how he could tell. Even Ronin couldn't detect that she was a witch. She nodded her head.

"Why are you here? he asked again. Freya gulped.

"Im looking for someone, she said. The man smirked.

"Who? he asked. Freya looked down.

"My friend, but I think I went the wrong way, she said, slowly walking away. The man didn't stop her. He just watched as she left the woods.

As the witch hurried away, Seirgo observed her with a sense of certainty that she was both frightened and mendacious. He pivoted and detected the unmistakable scent of his sibling, his olfactory sense being one of his most potent abilities.

He had used it to discern the woman's identity as a witch, and he could also tell that Ronin was nearby, perhaps covertly observing him.

"Reveal yourself, little brother, Seirgo beckoned, prompting Ronin to leap down from the mango tree. The two werewolves bared their teeth, ready to pounce at any moment. Seirgo growled menacingly, but Ronin was not intimidated and growled back with audacity.

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