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Forbidden love, The Saga

Forbidden love, The Saga



Forced into a marital alliance, Marc can't help but feel drawn to his mate, the best friend of his wife. But would if be reasonable to act on these desires knowing his father-in-law is the alpha of the strongest pack? Tobias is not to be trifled with and will go to any lengths for his daughter's happiness

Chapter 1 Step Closer

"Congratulations," the words seem to fall on Marc's ears but he barely seemed to register anything. He could feel his heart beat loudly against his chest. Anxiety building up in him. "Congratulations, Erica." The voice rang again and mark tried to spot the origin of the voice. Oh Right. He had to be polite. He could not afford to displease his parents on the day of his wedding.

"Thanks for coming," mark said without traces of any warmth in his voice. Then came another well-wisher and one more. His eyes searched for her again. There she was, laughing with the other bridesmaids at their table. She lifted the flute and sipped her champagne. Marc wished for nothing more than to be the glass that was pressed against her lips.

He moved his gaze back to his table. "This is just perfect, isn't it?" Erica's assertive voice demanded an answer. Marc nodded and forced a smile.

Which part of this arrangement was perfect he wondered. How had things gotten to this point? He quickly stole another glance at the bridesmaid's table. A man approached their table and stretched his arm towards her, asking for a dance. She slipped her hand into his and pushed against her chair.

Marc wasn't careful this time. He had looked for longer than he intended to. "Our first dance was perfect, wasn't it?" Erica chirped and asked marc for another dance. She wanted to go to the floor and be swung in her gown. She had dreamed of this reception since she had set her eyes on Marc for the first time a year ago.

"Yes," said Marc, "let's dance again."

Erica jumped up in excitement. She was determined to drag him to the floor but his voluntary wanting to go there is something she hadn't hoped for.

Smiling from ear to ear she moved effortlessly to the dance floor. The music changed to her liking and she moved to Marc's lead.

All couples made way for the newlywed to dance and eventually found their rhythm around them.

Marc felt her presence right behind her. His heart started to thump in his chest louder yet. He turned Erica around to the next beat. She matched his gracious waltz. Marc was facing the couple now. Looking at another man's arm on her made his stomach squeeze. She threw her head back in laughter when the man whispered something in her ears. Marc wanted to know what she had just heard. He wanted to be the one dancing with her, making her dance, perhaps steal a kiss or two as they'd moved flowless on the floor. He wanted to be close to her, like he had been wanting to since the first day he saw her, a year ago.

"Step Closer," Erica insisted as she clung to Marc. It was a perfect wedding she thought.

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