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A boy turned wolf

A boy turned wolf



: Scott Norman is a teenage boy who's father is a werewolf hunter in his city. What happens when the son of a devout werewolf hunter becomes a werewolf himself.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Book one

Chapter 00


Thunder clasps resonated here and there, adding to the gloom of the already gloomy night. The sound of the strong and fearsome wind wheezing about, filled the air.

At this time of the day, and at this part of the world, everyone were indoors. No one dared to cone outdoors, lest they witness the gruesomeness of the hour.

In the Death Woods, which was rumoured–No, it was known to harbour the most dangerous creatures in existence. The flesh tearing, bones shattering, and blood shedding abominations.


The Death Woods was never neared, unless one wanted get caught in a gruesome or cold blooded death. The government of Seattle had even made it a law by prohibiting civilians from moving anywhere near the deadly zone.

Right now, despite the momentum of the wind, the leaves of the Death Woods remained unmoved. It was as though they had benn made out of very dense and heavy metals thereby rendering the ferociousness of wind useless to them.

It was dark down there – in the woods, safe for the little specks of light that managed to seep through the tight colony of the large and scaring looking leaves. Howls echoed here and there, filling the entire forest with eeriness.

Thud Thud? Crunch Crunch?

Was it of a human? Was it of a beast? One couldn't tell who or what the loud and rapid footsteps belonged to.

Crunch Crunch!

A human feet tapped the forest's ground hurriedly. The sound of the feet crushing the debris-filled ground filled the air. From the speed at which it moved, the owner was surely running away from someone, or perhaps, something.

"Ah! Uh!" Heavy gasps and gutteral grunts escaped a man's mouth. He was the owner of the pair of feet. He ran, jumped , ducked, and pushed away anything in his path as he coursed through the woods. As he did so, he would take a quick and sharp glance backward, like he was trying to check out whoever or whatever was after him.

Growl! Snap!

Not to far behind him, loud growls and snapping of teeth were heard. But the owner of those couldn't be pin pointed as there was a shadowy figure looming about in the dark and tree shrouded woods.

The man kept on running, not relenting as his dear life depended on it. He ran and ran and even though his breathing was starting to get wavered, he didn't halt.


Suddenly, his leg hit a tree root.

"Argh" the man yelled in a mixed feeling of pain and shock. He was shocked on how he had suddenly tripped and was feeling pain as a result of his leg hitting the root.


He landed roughly to the ground, the debris and sand making way for him as he dragged along them.

He quickly tried to get to his feet again, but he felt an extreme pain in his leg. He began to scramble on the floor as the thudding footsteps grew nearer.

He dragged himself backward slowly on the floor. His breathing was now laboured and wavering.

An eight foot shadowy figure sized him up. It's physique was so intimidating and menacing, the man was literally peeing in his pants.


The menacing figure let out a loud roar that blew off branches and leaves. The echo reverberated round the entirety of the Death Woods. It lunged it fiery and large arm backwards, ready to bring it down with a slash at the man.

"Now! " the man immediately mouthed in panic. Just then,


The menacing eight feet's beast before the man looked around frantically in confusion. It was obviously shocked at how lights came to appear all of a sudden all around the duo ( the man and itself ).

The beast was now in a clear view. It had a black furry skin over it's muscular physique. Its snout was even blacker and it's distinct yellow eyes glowed deeply.

It was one of the flesh tearing, bones shattering and blood shedding abominations. It was a werewolf.


The eight foot werewolf felt something sharp intrude it's body. It winced and was about dashing further into the woods when more stinging intruders shit into his body. It began to feel dizzy and in no time, it dropped down in unconsciousness.

Two men came from a particular place behind the lights, towards the man with the beast. They were all dressed in brown uniforms and wielding tranquilizer guns.

They grabbed the man and helped him towards one of their vehicles, which had a large board of bright fluorescent bulbs atop it. Same goes for the other vehicles around, the lights all pointed to the center, towards the werewolf.

"You're sure are great at acting eh Rocky" a man seated in the passenger seat of an SUV said to the man that was almost slashed by the beast. He looked to be in his late forties. He was wearing a hat on his head and had a brown coloured goaty. He was also dressed in the same brown uniform as the others, but his had a number of badges on it's left breast region.

"Funny James, the peeing and pain in my leg wasn't an act, you know " the other man, who was referred to as Rocky replied as he took a seat at the backseat.

The man in hat, whose name was James just chuckled softly.

"Hang in there, mate " said James.

He watched from the vehicle as a few men marched towards the fallen beast trying to strap it up in a large net. But all of a sudden, the werewolf sprang up with a loud roar.

"Oh shit" James muttered to himself, although still maintaining a calm expression. He watched as the man tried to shoot at the beast but were all torn to pieces by it. It snapped and slashed at those p poor men, taking their lives in the process. On and on it tore the men into shreds in a gruesome manner. It was extremely merciless and remorseless.

When it was finally done, it began to gaze around frantically. It red blood shut eyes gleaming proudly as it peered at what was behind the blinding lights . Soon, it sights a vehicle and not wasting time, it dashed towards it in a blur.


A gunshot resounded and a bullet was sent into the wolf like beast's chest. It didn't hurt, the wound just closed up the instant the bullet penetrated, pushing it back out its body.

Although, it was unfazed by the bullet, the bullet succeeded in distracting it for some moments. Before the beast could react, someone had jumped from the top of the vehicle, aiming a hit at the beast.

Pain spread around it's head as a heavy solid hit it's head. Behind it landed James Norman still with his hat. The beast growled angrily as it lunged for the hunter.

James ducked his head to evade the beasts heavy paw and in turn, swung his metallic weapon upward at it.


The beast growled out of pain as James didn't waste time in sliding underneath it and stabbing it's hairy back with a syringe. The contents flowed in freely into the body of the werewolf. It dropped to the ground and after some seconds, shifted form into a naked man who lied there, on the debris filled ground, unconscious.

James stood staring down at the beas- turned-man.

"Must be strong one, good thing we've got a synthetic wolf bane on our side" he said.

The other hunters soon began trooping out to the open, surrounding James.

"Wrap him up" James stated in an authoritative tone and headed back to his SUV.

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