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Switch Identity

Switch Identity



I am Bella Will, my life got ruined in a single night, the pain of Watching your own parents die right in front of you and being raped at the age of 12, but you keep seeing the monster who ruined your life smiling...I have just one goal and its revenge, I will destroy him and anything connected to him, I swear. Bella Will developed a stone heart and decides to revenge her family death. Her life goal was to destroy that man who ruined her life, so she does a switch of identity and later becomes Alice Lane. After how many years, Alice Lane returns well prepared for her mission...on her quest for revenge the monster who ruined her falls in love with her, even his son falls in love with her. But Alice wanted revenge and accepted to be the stepmom to the guy who loves her. Read on to see how Alice Lane embarks on the journey of revenge and destruction.

Chapter 1 Do you want to survive

Inside a huge building two men of about 40yrs where seen


" I am going to send you to jail because this is called

fraud" Mr James Will a tall gentleman kept raging at his business partner

Mr Marus Mackenzie.

" James we can talk about this , I know I made a

mistake but don't forget we are friends" Mr Mackenzie kept begging.

" You remembered we are friends but with this act of

yours I could have landed in jail" Mr Will said while dropping the file on

the table with force.

"Marus am going to submit this evidence tomorrow so b

expecting the police" Mr Will said before leaving.

Mr Mackenzie stood there with fear thinking how he will

escape this situation, so he decided to call some men.

" I have a job for you this evening" he said to

the man on the other side of the phone before hanging up and frowning.


Mr Will returned home to his 12 year old daughter, wife and

his little boy of about 4years.

He went and into the kitchen and met his wife cooking with

the maids so he hugged her from behind and she smiled and gave him a peck on

his lips.

" Dad I also want a hug" Bella said.

He went forward and hugged his daughter Bella and kissed her

so many times before carrying his little boy Mark to the sitting room.

When Dinner was ready Mrs Will served the table before

inviting everyone to eat .

Mr will and his family where gathered on the table, they

prayed before eating.

While eating Mr will explained to his wife about the proof

he has against Marcus and his wife was happy her husband won't go to

prison....even little Bella eavesdropped and she knew everything happening in

her fathers life.

Her life was perfect...having a caring and lovely family

with her best person ever her junior brother Mark ....he adored her a lot.

When they where done eating they all went to their various

rooms and after Bella was done reading a story to Mark she kissed him Good

night before going to bed ....and she was so happy because tomorrow was her


Later in the night when everyone was sleeping some men broke

into the Will mansion....they sneaked into Mr Will room and when he opened his

eyes he was shocked by what he saw.

" Marus what are you doing here?" He asked with

fear in his voice when he saw some dangerous and armed men walk inside his


Mrs Will was so scared and trembled so hard.

" James I begged you not to show the evidence you had

against me but you acted so high and mighty right" he said before dragging

Mrs will by her hairs.

" Ouch Marus what has come over you" she asked him

while screaming in pain.


He slapped her hard before throwing her on the floor and

smashing her stomach hard .

James tried to fight those men but they where too much for

him so they beat him so hard before tying him up

James could not believe this , his wife was being raped

before him.

" Marus please stop this please" James kept

begging when he saw his wife crying in pain while been raped.

"James it's too late , when I was begging you had no

mercy.....find the children" Marus said before turning to his men.

" No Marus please not my kids please they have not done

anything to you" James begged but Marus being a heartless man ignored him.

Bella was sleeping when she heard cries and when she

approached her parents room she saw the door was opened and she heard

cries...so she hid behind the balcony and saw her mom being raped and her

father was beating up so badly.....she cried and was even more shocked when she

saw her Uncle Marus standing there.

Everything registered to her mind and she kept crying...she

saw her mom pass out from being raped so many times and saw Mr marus killing

her dad with a knife...she couldn't believe her eyes ...she was even more

shocked when she saw her brother Mark coming out of the room while crying.

* Bella....Bella ,,," he kept calling and crying when

one of those men came and picked him up.

He saw the man shooting her brother to the wall as if he was

some stone.

Bella cried out she could not hold it anymore when she saw

her brother was being hit till he passed out ...all his body was filled with

blood....her father was lying on that cold floor with blood everywhere and she

saw Mr Marus smiling like he won a trophy .

She got angry and was about to run to her father when she

was pulled inside a room by one of those men.....she kept crying and hitting

the man , the man covered her mouth using his hands.

" Do you want to survive?" He asked her but Bella

was not in her right state of mind she nodded negatively.

" Am giving you a chance now....if you want to survive

then run and never return" the man said to her ...but Bella wanted to die

as well ...she was not ready to live anymore.

Just as they where discussing Mr Marus came from behind.

" You found the girl?" He asked before nearing

them slowly while smiling.

When he came closer he bent and faced Bella before smiling

and to his surprise Bella spat on him.

He wiped his face angrily before dragging her to the living

room with her hair.

He stomped her on the floor before ordering his men .

Bella was raped by 2 men and her body was filled with

blood...she kept crying, she don't know how her life suddenly changed....Bella

went unconscious for some time but when she opened her eyes she saw those men

cleaning those dead bodies and they probably thought she was dead.

That same man who told her to run was in charge of disposing

her body so he carried her out of the mansion and when he discovered she was

still breathing he tried to wake her up.

Bella started crying and the man put her down and told her

to run for her life.

Bella who suddenly wanted to die don't know where she took

the energy to run ...she ran without looking back...

She kept running with only the moon behind her.

Bella ran for hours and hours before hiding in a shady

building and she passed out.

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