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Mikee Nebe


I frequently tell myself that I will never fall in love. Not in this lifetime, not in the one before it, and certainly not in the one to come. *** *** Jace, also known as 'Tiger,' is a mafia member, feared in all clans, whose parents were brutally murdered in his presence, despises the word LOVE, let alone the expression of love, and kills brutally. He eventually met the man who murdered his parents, but because he has a child, he kills the parent with the intent of torturing the child to death but instead falls in love with her. Flora, who had always lived like a princess, was kidnapped and her life was turned upside down when she became a slave, not just a slave, but a sex slave to a mafia leader named Tiger. She makes friends with Nathan, who comforts her, but she also falls in love with Tiger. Nathan, a black axe clan member, falls in love with Flora at first sight and decides to help her. Along the way, he falls in love with Flora and is tempted to defy Tiger and fight for his love. Jason, the clan's only son and second in command, also claims to be Tiger's elder brother. Diana, Tiger's favourite slut, is literally hoping to make Tiger fall in love with her, but Flora appears and snatches him away. . . What do you think will happen when Godfather discovers Tiger's feelings? Do you believe Flora truly loves Tiger or that she is plotting her revenge? What happens to Nathan when Tiger discovers his feelings for Flora? Will Diana just stand there and watch Flora take Tiger away? And what about Nathan? Do you believe he will rebel against Tiger? Will Jack be envious of Tiger as well? . . FIND OUT MORE in the Story ENSLAVED TO THE HEARTLESS MAFIA . . . ........

Chapter 1 One

I could only watch in horror as the cold-hearted person placed a gun to the head of my father, but there was nothing I could do. What would I have done in that situation, even if his boys weren't holding me down? Do battle with this satan?

My only response was uncontrollably sobbing; I couldn't fathom what my parents may have done to deserve to die in such a horrible way.

After shooting my mother, which resulted in her passing away directly in front of me, he then shot my father.

What would you say if someone told you, "Don't worry about your daughter, I will take care of her?" Before he took my father's life, the devil uttered a chilling "No!!!!!!!! ". I yelled out abruptly as I struggled to free myself from their hold while staring at my dying parents who were lying on the floor in their own pool of blood. The tears in my eyes are burning up.

"Mom!!!! Dad!!!!"

The devil himself, dressed all in black, was before me, but I couldn't see his face. He is wearing a mask, but I was able to glimpse his eyes, and it does not appear that he is in the least bit shaken by the fact that he has just killed two people who are just like him. Who is he?

My heart skipped a beat as he got closer, and I could feel it. He assured me that he would look out for me, but I have my doubts. It's possible that he was referring to the reverse, as I could see nothing but malice and utter darkness in those eyes as he stared at me. I give up trying to fight the males because I don't want to die right now. Despite the fact that I have nothing to look forward to in life, I still don't want to pass away. I want to know the reason why he murdered my parents with such callousness; they did not merit it.

My eyes couldn't help but well up with tears as I looked into his, but his eyes were just as dark as his heart.

"Bring her out," he instructed before leaving the room, and I was pulled to my feet.

I yelled, "Let go of me!!!! " while they held on to me.

It was the last thing I remembered before passing out entirely.

**** *****


"Oh ... yes, yes"

"Yeah, come on... fuck," the man said.

"Just there, make it more difficult!"

The young lady groaned as Jack increased the pace of their ride and became more abusive with her.

He shifted his dick back before forcefully repositioning it in her pussy and doing it in a manner of aggression.

"Fuck!!" She let out a piercing scream and moaned, "Deeper baby... deeper."

"Don't call me that b*tch," the woman yelled. Jack finally lost his cool and climbed down from the bed after removing his d**k from inside of her.

"Oh, crap, I'm so sorry" She was quick to apologise and reach for his hand.

"Give me your ass," Jack demanded, at which point she leaned against the wall and turned her posterior towards him.

He gave it a spanking, and she squealed with delight as he did so.

Blade didn't give it a second thought before ramming his d**k inside of her.

"Jack!!!" She let forth a piercing yell.

"Louder" Jack moaned and proceeded to beat the very hell out of her while saying, "Jack.....oh my!"

"Ahh," she screamed as he continued to f**k and slap her at the same time.

Her cheeks are already flushed with colour.


"Oh my my, this feels so incredibly...Good!!" She muttered incoherently.

"Of course it should, what's my name?" "Yes, of course, it should." Jack inquired.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! Oh my fuck"

They were discombobulated when there was an unexpected knock on the door.

"Get the f*ck off!!" The little girl shrieked out in pain.

"Boss" When he heard the voice, Jack walked away from her.

What exactly is it? Jack asked

The guy said, "The boss has returned," which was mentioned.

"Alright, you're free to go," Jack said in response.

After telling the young lady to "Go out," he exited the room immediately afterwards.

"Damn that interrupter," She retorted violently and, after gathering her belongings, she left the room without covering her nakedness.

In a few moments, Jack walked back into the room. He had actually gone to the bathroom to take a bath.

He skipped the need of knocking before entering Tiger's flat and went right there on foot. He strolled through the living room on his way to the bedroom, where he was standing right then and then without a shirt on but with pants on. A cloud of cigarette smoke emanated from him as he said, "You were here for more than ten minutes before arriving here." Tiger reoriented himself and presented him with his typical icy expression.

Jack flashed a quick grin to himself.

"I was extremely busy, you should be delighted I'm here," After saying that, he went and sat down.

"Well, how was it?" Jack inquired.

"What are your thoughts on this?" The sly grin that Tiger always wore appeared on his face.

"Exactly, just what you are thinking, he must already be tormented in hell." The laughter of Jack

In contrast to Tiger, who never smiled, Jack is the total antithesis of this trait; he laughs and smiles even in the midst of the gravest of circumstances; however, you should not be deceived by his smiles because he is the polar opposite of what they suggest he is. Because of this, people sometimes refer to him as the "smiling monster."

Tiger spoke these words in an irate manner, belching smoke intermittently from his mouth and nostrils as he did so. "That scumbag has a daughter."

"Daughter?" Jack questioned in a shocked tone, and Tiger responded with a nod.

"Unfortunately, even though I brought her here, she is still going to pass away in my hands." Tiger scoff





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Other books by Mikee Nebe

ALPHA'S MATE: Forbidden Desires

ALPHA'S MATE: Forbidden Desires



Cassandra is a unique beautiful young girl who lives in a world where werewolves are evolved. She struggles as a young she-wolf since she cannot alter her shape, which makes her an outcast in her pack. Cassandra is adamant that she will find her ideal partner and carve out a place for herself in the world. She has been searching for love for a while, and when she finally meets Gabriel, a powerful Alpha, she is captivated by his charm and charisma and this also ignites new desires within her. However, as Gabriel's shocking truth is revealed and threatens to end their new relationship, their joy turns to grief. Daniel, a kind and kind beta, enters her life in the midst of all the turmoil and offers her the solace and understanding she has been seeking. She struggles to balance her devotion to her pack, her passionate love for Gabriel, and her increasingly forbidden desires for Daniel as they intensify. Cassandra must make a decision that could alter her life as the dangerous and complicated world of transforming wolves becomes more dominant. She must follow her instincts to solve the secrets of her life and forge her path since the future of her pack and her heartful desires are on the line. Will she have the courage to follow her destiny, even if it means defying the norm and destroying everything, she holds dear? Discover an unforgettable journey of self-discovery, love, and loyalty with Cassandra in this compelling tale of love and betrayal. FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY… . . . ……

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