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Eva Frankins is living her best life in Manhattan with her friend. Being a 24 years old woman is quite hectic for her to survive with a little bakery down the streets. Even she struggle to find money, she actually survive there. Until one day, she met someone that looks exactly like her willing to pay her for switching place with her. Little did she knows, it is not a good idea... Alexander Torres, 28 years old multi-billionaire and he is fear by his employees because of his aura. He rarely smile and always on his serious face. He is then need to get married with a woman that not his choice due to the business purposes. Do you ever wonder how your reaction will be when you met people that has exactly same face as yours? what happen when Eva meet another Eva? Could they be a sisters? or twins? or maybe it's just a doppelgƤnger? one meets up one spontaneous plan that can change the whole thing. ā€ƒ

Chapter 1 one


Life is not something that you can imagine with your imagination. I mean you can imagine in but it just going to stay in your mind. It is unpredictable and of course, it tough sometimes. I almost give up on my life but I know that one day I will find something magical to happen in my life just like my mom always said, "Good things always come after you get through everything first." So, here I am living my best life at 24 years old.

"I really love your cinnamon rolls. You sure know how to make good them my dear." The old lady said as I handed the box of cinnamon rolls that she ordered.

"Thank you, ma'am, I hope you can spread the world about my cinnamon roll and also my little bakery," I said and give a sweet smile to her. She smiles back and thank me and walk out of the shop. I can say that the old lady comes to my shop every week and bought the cinnamon roll for the children at the orphanage that she owned. She is a regular customer and her favourite bread in my bakery is cinnamon rolls. That also the best seller here.

"Hello ma'am, what are you doing?" It's him, my annoying a.k.a best mate a.k.a best brother in the world, Thomas Jefferson. He's the one who helped me to open this shop and even make the pastries together. I can say he has that talent and not even the pastries but also, he can cook the best lasagna I've ever taste. Thomas is a nice guy with his handsome appearance, I am sure he can attract more customers to our shop. That's one of the marketing though. He has blue eyes and lights brown hair and also he got tan skin. That was because he loves to surf and go sunbathing in California during the summer. He is very good at sport especially basketball and he used to play in a team back when we're in high school. I can say lots of girls adore him but I don't understand why he never had a girlfriend back there. I mean he got one but that did not go well and they broke up after one week. He got the face and hot body and he can get any girls he wants but looks like he's happy with his single life. He is like most popular guy in school. To be honest I used to think that he's not straight but then he said that he still loves a woman so I guess he didn't find the perfect one yet.

There are a few customers who said that we both make a cute couple and I feel like it's too funny to imagine if we both are a couple. We've been a best friend since 11th grade and I think having him as my mate is good enough. Like how am I supposed to be his girlfriend when we both just like brother and sister. We are just too comfortable with each other and I feel if we're doing something that a couple did, it will so gross for us and also it can be super awkward too. Even imagine it makes me cringe.

"Remember we have a delivery to make tomorrow and that's mean we have to make more cinnamon rolls and make sure it's fresh. We need to deliver to them while it still hot and fresh," I said as I walk into the kitchen and start to get all the ingredients.

"Oh, it's tomorrow? I thought it was next week."

"Yes, it is tomorrow and get your ass here so that we can start working,"

"Ay ay captain," He said with his annoying voice that he made.

"Now, we need to start making it, or else we won't be able to finish it," I said and start to work.

My name is Eva Frankins and I am 24 years old. I was born in San Diego and decided to move here when I was 18. My parents are still alive but they just too busy with their work in California. My dad works as an architect while my mom works as a teacher at one of the high schools in San Diego. Even though they are busy, they never neglect me as their one and only daughter. The reason why I moved here to Manhattan just because I want to be an independent woman. I mean, it's everyone's dream to be able to live in New York City and start a career here. My mom did not agree with it in the first place but after I coax her and tell her that I can do it and all, she finally let me go. The other reason is because of Thomas. When I said that Thomas will be my friend who will take care of me and stay with me, my mom felt relieved and let me go. I and Thomas are living together as a housemate cause the rent is quite high. My dad, he's quite cool so he just let me go but with one condition of course. The condition is to call one of them at least three times a week. That's a very simple and easy thing. So here I am with my best friend and with our cupcakes shop. Living in Manhattan is no joke cause the cost is quite high but thankfully I still can survive with my shop. Thank god.

My appearance?

I got brown eyes and I'm a brunette. My height is 5'4. My body is not tan like Thomas and also it's not pale it just like another human on earth. I can say I also have a nice, sexy and hourglass body. I often follow Thomas to the gym every weekend that's how I can maintain my body. I love my body and even though I didn't show it to anyone, I am still feel confident. Let's just keep it for someone special to see it. So, I just hide them in the oversized shirt because I don't want man to like me because of my body.

Next thing you need to know about me, I love to watch movies and eat. That's my ability. I really love shopping too my current situations didn't let me buy the things that I wanted.

"Finally!" Thomas says it out loud. "I need fresh air right now. We've been stuck in this kitchen for almost 4 hours." He said. I love baking with him because it always fun and never feel the time flies.

"I think we need to close the shop early today. I need to buy something and going to meet Josh." I said and winked at him. He really hates when I'm with Josh. Josh and he are like cats and dogs. They never try to talk or discuss what they don't like about each other. I can say that they are nemesis. Josh on the other hand always got jealous of Thomas because we live together and even open the bakery together. He always mention about me living separately with Thomas but the thing is, I couldn't afford to rent all by myself because I still have lots of commitment to pay. Even the rent of this store cost a lot.

Josh Helliot is my boyfriend and we've been together since two years ago. He got a blue eye same as Thomas and his height is around 6'2. He loves to go to the gym in his free time and I can say his body is fit and athletic. We met in college and started dating and I am glad we're still in a relationship now. I mean there's no reason for me and him to break up cause we both are just fine and happy with each other. He is one of the reasons why I want to move to New York. He said that he can't do a long-distance relationship but even I'm not dating him, I still going to be here.

"Can I go with you, Eva? Let me go with you." He said.

"Seriously Thomas, you and Josh are not in the same term, and if I bring you along with world war 3 will erupt. Besides, you need fresh air, right? Or maybe you want to add your stress when you meet him?"

"Fine fine but if anything happens, remember you need to call me first no matter what. I never trust that guy to be with you, like ever. I mean, look at him, he is ugly," I laugh. "It's true. You are just too pretty to be with him but whatever, things happen," He said to me.

"You keep telling me the same thing since I and Josh first met. It's been two years already and nothing happened. We are happy and we didn't have any argument or anything. We're cool. If you said that he's not good for me, who do you think will be good for me? You?" I ask. He sighs and leaves the kitchen. I know he just wants me to be happy but I am happy. He just being so overprotective sometimes. I follow him outside.

"Thomas, I'm so sorry okay if what I said back there hurt your feeling but I just want you to know that I am okay with Josh," I said and look at him as he locks the door.

"I just feel responsible for you since your parents trust me to take care of you," Now, he is being so soft-spoken. How come there no any woman melts with him even I some time feel so lucky to have him by my side.

"Alright, Thomas. Thank you and I do appreciate your concern but I can take care of myself because I am an adult already," I said to him and give him a big smile.

"I know but IF anything happens you know that I'm here for you. You're my best mate and I love you girl." He hugs me. "Take care,"

"Awe Thomas being so sweet today. Love you mate." He always address me as a mate and speak like a British people. Let me be honest with you, his accent is so weird. LOL.

"Okay, then I will go now. See you at home but if already sleeping, See you tomorrow Eva. Bye."

"Bye-bye." I wave at him and we walk in a different way. I chuckle thinking about how protective he is. He acts like my dad some times and even worst.

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