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Their Dangerous Affairs

Their Dangerous Affairs

Favour A


"Get your filthy legs,, off my desk right now!!" Ace yelled at the grinning Ava,, who crossed her legs ontop of his desk.. "Nope.. Why don't you make me to do it?" She uttered, flipping a strand of her imaginary long hair, back, making him to throw her a disguisting look and screamed "Guards!!" "Stop wasting your strength, mr Grumpy.. Your body guards are in wonder land,, at this moment.." Ava retorted,, chuckling,, at his puzzled look,, before what she meant clicked to his brain.. "You knocked them out.." He spat out with gritted teeth,, glaring at her.. "Yes mr handsome." She replied,, smilling,, showing off her white pearl of teeths, , not botherd by his death glares.. "Nathaniel!!" He yelled in anger,, clenching and unclenching his fists.. Nathaniel barge inside the office immediately.. "What is the problem, Ace? Do you wanna scream down this music company building?" The blond hair guy,, uttered,, licking a lollipop.. "Take this stupid boy out of my office now before I will lose my patience!!" Ace orderd,, making Nath to roll his eyes.. "Ho-ol-ig-an" He stuttered,, immediately his gaze fell on Ava.. "Hi Mr turtle.." She responded,, waving at him, grinning.. "Sorry man.. I want to live to see the next day,, so I get to go.." Nathaniel utterd and quickly dashed out of the office door.. "Coward.." Ace murmued.. "See if you don't remove your dirty legs from my table,, I will call the police.." He uttered,, smirking.. "You are free to. Even if hell come down to this place,, I aren't lifting down my foot from here.." Ava said snickering,, using her canvas to knock down some of the files on the table,, making them to crash on the floor.. "What do you think that you just did?" Ace asked in anger.. "I fall your files on the floor.. And I can do it to the others too.." She replied,, shifting her foot to where the others are.. "Do that and i will call off the contract.." He threatened and she halt her movement.. "If you do that, I will also expose your lovely secret to the world,, honey.." She said,, laughing,, making him to gritt his teeth in anger.. His patience is about to snap as his fingers are itching to bring out a pistol from his drawer and sh*ot her dead, on the forehead.. But he don't know why he is restraing himself, from eliminating the pretty boy, sitting on his chair, with his legs, crossed ontop of his table fearlessly.. "Did I just think that he is pretty? Gosh!! What is wrong with me? I hope i'm not turning gay." Ace soliloquies. "But he looks feminine, like a girl. Or is he hiding something from me?" Ace soliloquy, staring at Ava face carefully, and she squirm shyly on her chair at his intense gaze, making him to smirk, as he got the response that he is searching for. The guy infront of him, is surely hiding a secret from him and he will make sure to confirm his suspicious of him being a girl, by checking through his background again, carefully. Ace thought, leaning back on his office chair. "Why are you pissing me off? Why don't you go and disturb Nathaniel?" Ace questioned the blushing Ava,, calmly, gazing at her with a calculative gaze.. "Because that is my job and Nathaniel is easily scared,, he is not fun to be with.." Ava uttered,, checking her finger nails.. "Your fucking job is to dance for my music band and not to annoy the shit out of me..." He yelled at her,, hitting his fist on the desk but she rolled her eyes at him,, looking unfaze by his outburst.. "Troublesome idiot!!" He hissed out.. "Yes that is my middle name.." She said,, grinning.. "Psychopath.." Ace cursed.. "That is my real name." She replied,, sticking out her tongue at him and he glared at her,, wondering the kind of person that the boy or girl infront of him is.. Meet our male lead, Ace Ruo, the only son of the Chinese Emperor. He is a dangerous Mafia and drug lord, who disguise him self as a musician, to cover his underworld activities. To the media, his innocent as a dove. But in reality, he is cold as stone, heartless and the devil incarnate.. Whom all mafia dons and men are scared to mess with. What happend when an American tomboy and street fighter, stumble into his life, disguised as her twin sick brother, annoying and pissing the hell out of him, and his three music members, who also helped him to run his unwordly business. What will happen next in this story? Find out in this captivating book. Please this novel is not for the weak of heart. As it's 100% full with violence and smut scenes.

Chapter 1 Badass Saver

"Hey bitch.

Move your liitle ass over here."

A tattoed dark hair tug, orderd a brunnete pettite girl..

The girl footsteps halt and her heart flew into her stomach..

This is what she is avoiding..

She have quickned her footsteps, making sure to keep her head down, as she walked passed the notorious gangs, who are smoking away their lives.

But unfortunately for her, their leader Zach, noticed her.

"God why me?"

She lamented, shuddering at the thoughts of the disgusting things that they will do to her body, crossed her mind.

With resignation, she turned, and start walking towards them, with her head hung low, knowing that their is no need in disobeying him or trying to escape.

She will be dead, before she even succed to move an inch, as they will shoot her dead, without hesistation.

"Why are you dammn slow, like a turtule?

Are you trying to disobey me, huh?"

Zach asked, but the girl remained mute out of fear.

"Am I talking to a dammn statue?"

Zach questioned, and slapped her hard on her cheeks, making her to double over, crashing on the floor, while the other gangs members snickered at her whimperings.


She stuttered, treambling..

"She is such a pussy."

A blond hair guy, uttered, as he heard the gentle sobs that escaped from her lips.

He inhale the Indian hemp, on his lips and removed it with his two fingers, puffing out the smoke at the brunnete girl face, making her to start coughing violently,, and the whole gangs cackled with laughter..

"Get up bitch!!"

Another tug, uttered, pulling her hair, making her to scream in pain and the others watch with amusement dancing on their eyes.


Zach commanded her and she gape at him with horror..

"N-o ple-as-e do-n't d-o th-is t-o m-e."

The petite girl begging, wailing,, earning herself a resounding slap on the face..

"Do what our leader told you to do.

We aren't here, to negotiate with you.

Do you understand.."

The blond hair guy snarled at her face, dragging her hair and she nod her head frantically with fear as she saw the gun that their leader have pulled out, ready to cock the gun and pull the trigger, ending her life.

"I will do what you asked me to do.

Please don't kill me."

She mutter, making a dangerous smirk to appear on Zach face.

"Good girl."

He said, putting back the short gun in his side pocket and sat down..

They all watch with glee in their eyes,, as she removed her shirt.

Tears are rolling down her cheeks, as her treambling hands touched her skirt.

Just as she wants to yank it down, in public, a figure in hoddie, riding a bike, drove towards the gang leader with speed, distracting the girl for a bit as she stared at the rider with fear in her eyes.

Zack was quick to jump out of the way, before the bike could hit him.

His nostrils flail in anger and he bring out his gun, cocking it, to shoot at the rider, who is now driving the bike in circle.

"Don't you dare."

The rider yelled and jump off the bike in time,, samuersalting, dodging the bullet as he pulled the trigger.

And the bullet hit a nearby, building window glass crashing it, making the people who are near it, to run healter skelter.

The bike rider landed on her foots with style and glared harshly at Zach.

"Pull that trigger again and die early."

She uttered, smirking and yank away her hoodie from her face, making him to froze..


He stuttered in fear and she grinned happily at him.

"The one and only, sweet-heart."

She said sweetly, and he start scratching the side of his head nervously, while sweat drip down his forehead.


The other gangs exclaimed in shock and the brunnete hair girl sigh in sweet relief and wear back her shirt..

The blond hair guy did not waste anytime to quickly jump the nearby fence and dissaper away from trouble.

The other guys wanted to follow his foot-steps but her next word halted their movements and destroyed every hope they have of escaping from her..

"Step an inch and die miserably now.."

They mutter lowly curses, cursing their ill lucks of meeting the strong, crazy lady


"Boss Lady what did we do?"

The chorused at once, making the other girl to stare at them in disbelief.

"Y'all are asking me what you did, when you know huh?

Is like you guys don't value your teeths.."

She said scoffing,, and start pressing her knuckles, making them all to gulp down their saliva..

"We value it.

Please don't hurt us."

They plead, making her to smirk.


But you were trying to rape a naive girl now, which is a disguisting act.."

She responded codly, glaring daggers at them and they shivered, averting their case from hers.


We were only playing with her.

You know trying to teach her, how to swim."

Zach lied miserably and Ava smirked wickedly.

"Really as a teacher or guide you are right?"

She teased and he nodded his head positively continously like an agama lizard..

"Then where is the swimming pool, mighty teacher because I will like to learn."

She joked, grinning but the gang leader is not fooled by her act of happines.

Their is a dangerous glint in her eyes..

"It's invincible."

He uttered,, muttering "We doesn't need you" under his breathe, so that she won't hear him..

"So you want to tell me thar you have become a wizard?

Well don't worry.

It will come in handy,, through your punishments today."

She retorted, smirking,, and he frowned, squeezing his face as he asked "What punishments?"

"Oh!! You are already eager to start it.

Now let's begin.

Y'all should start frog jumping right now."

She replied, clapping her hands and they all froze.

"Frog jump!!"

She yelled,, codly.

Her playful side disappearing and she glared at them with all seriousness and hatred.


She is a chamellon.."

Zach mutter.

"You said what?"

She questioned him in anger.

"Nothing ma'am."

He quickly replied, with fear, realising that he is in a deep shit as she heard his nasty statement..

"Why don't I show you how a chamelon behaves?"

Ava said, stroking her imaginary bears thoughtfully and within a blink of an eyes, she kicked Zach, sweeping him off his feets..

His body rotate up high on air and finally landed on the hard concrete floor,, making him to groan in pain.


Who else wants the same fate as his?."

She asked the other guys innocently,, gesturing at the groaning Zach..

They nodded their heads negatively,, squat down, hold their two ears respectively and start frog jumping, quickly, to the two girls amusement..

"Faster, you bunch of idiots..

Don't be a snail!!"

Ava yelled at them after a few minutes and they increased their pace,, breathing heavily..

One tart collapsed, out of breathe but the others didn't stop moving, to avoid her wrath..

"Are you a man or a woman?"

Ava asked the hooligan, kicking his ass, with the heel of her booth to keep him moving..

"Please i'm tired, my lady."

He pleads, making her to hiss.

Just as she wants to drag him up,, a bike stop at where she is and she groaned in annoyance at the rider, knowing who he is..

He removed his helmet, reviewing the same identical face as hers.

"Hello sis."

He called, smirking and she rolled her eyes at him.

"What are you doing here Alex?"

She growled, trying to sound intimidating so that he will drive off in fear and not interrupt her but she is in for a ride awakening as Alex smirk widen..

"You can't scare me, Avy."

Her handsome brother uttered,, grinning, displaying off his set of deep dimples, making her to huff..

"You looks like a little cat."

He said, and she pout her lips at him..

"Hop into your bike and follow me to my dancing training.."

He uttered and she glared at him.

"I'm not your servant who you can order around.

Beside i aren't done with this tugs here yet.."

She said,, folding her arms in her breasts.

"Mr Daniel, will be there."

Alex said tricky, knowing that she will fail into his bait.

Her eyes gleam in happines and she smiled at the thought of playing pranks on the little old man, who hates her as much as she hates him..

"Sure let's go.."

She said and quickly hop ontop her bike, and drive off,, forgetting about the tugs making her brother to laugh heartily and drive after her, but not after glaring at the guys and warning them not to try and rape a girl again and they assured him they won't, , thanking him for saving them profusely..


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Born by an Angel and a Beast,, King Ariston Erasmos,, is what they called a hybrid abomination.. He is devilishly handsome,, huge,, very tall,, ruthless,, unforgiving and cold-hearted.. Countless horror stories are told to little children at night,, about him.. Everyone rumor that he did not have a heart and he believed it,, untill a certain beautiful,, timid,, human girl,, is sold to him by her parents in exchange for wealth.. Ariston find himself being fascinated by the little things that she do.. And to his awe,, he is sexually attracted to her.. Just within a few weeks that the girl stayed with him,, she succeded in pulling down the strong walls that he created in his mind and find a way into his heart,, unlocking the padlock that he locked it with... Making him to believe that he still have a heart and also to see the good in himself.. The devil was once an Angel right?? Well King Ariston find himself having strange feelings for her,, that he thought is only lust.. He is willing to protect her from danger and he also pardons her mistakes to the amazement of his servants,, because he don't forgive people neither is he merciful... But he shows mercy to the human girl.. To complicate the matter,, his beasts marked her as their mate a night before the red blood moon,, when the curse of the evil seer will manifest.. The seer placed a curse on him at childbirth, that he will turn into a beast forever on his 28th birthday. And she is ready to do anything to see that the curse remain unbroken and she fulfuils her revenge,, for what his parents, did to her. Will the curse be broken? And by who? What happens when ice and fire meet each other? Will fire melt ice or will ice be able to tame it?

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