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Alpha's Pet

Alpha's Pet



SYNOPSIS Met Simon Vickers He is handsome, sexy and the Werewolf-vampire hybrid Alpha of his Pack. He could best be described as ruthless, or even twisted. However, no one could blame him. Witnessing the murder of both parents at a tender age, Venom undoubtedly grew into a living stone. Nothing could move him. Then came the spy who disguised as his assistant. The two live for nothing but revenge. Unexpectedly, Sirena Walton began to stir inexplicable emotions in Venom. Before the two could warm up to each other, a common enemy resurfaces in their lives once more. Life is very hard when you're unaware of your surroundings, especially one filled with a bunch of enemies. What would the two venomous people do to keep each other safe? With a past so twisted, do they even have a future together?

Chapter 1 Lost to find you

Sirena kept smiling openly as she kept on taking pictures of nature, she loves anything called nature .

"Hey " someone patted her and she gasped out in fear.

"Oh my Gawd , Linda are you crazy ? "Sirena ruffled her hair saying.

"Missed me? "Linda said giggling .

"And would I? "Sirena rolled her eyes .

"Don't ever sneak out of your mansion without telling me."

"How did you find me? Sticked a spying device on me? "

"Maybe I did , so what are you gonna do huh?"

They two kept discussing until something ran through the woods.

"What was that ? "Linda asked, holding sirena's hand tightly.

"What's going on? "Sirena turned around , looks like she didn't notice anything.

"Shhhh , I heard something ", Linda whispered while looking around.

" Hey it's nothing okay let's just continue what we are doing ,stop imagining stuff."

"Sirena is serious, okay , I heard something ".

Just then something also run in a very speedy way in the woods , this time around guess sirena must have heard it.

" Who is there?" Sirena asked, almost shaking in fear .

"We have to leave right now ."

Before sirena could say anything , Linda ran holding her.

"Easy girl , I don't want to have a cut" , sirena said as they kept running.

"Well I guess you would love to be fed to the wolves right ? ."

After running for some minutes they both stop panting heavily .

"What was that ? "Sirena asked, turning back to the direction of the woods .

"You probably wanna find out right ?" Linda asked.

"Never ever going back there" , sirena replied, still shaking in fear .

They quickly ran into their car and zoomed off with a very high speed


Venom ran his hand through his neck as he walked into the clan , like he was looking for something .

"Shit , where is my necklace?" He growled searching his pocket.

"Looks like I forgot it in the woods , shit how did this even happen ".

That necklace was the only thing he had of his mum .

the only thing that brought back the good memories of his parents.

He turned back , about returning to the woods again and he bumped into BLade..

"Where are you heading to?" Blade asked with his hands tucked in his pocket.

"I think I lost my necklace in the woods , I need to get it back."

"You lost it in the woods, do you think you will find it ?"

" I have to try my best , '' Venom said as he made a move to leave.

"Excuses me boss" , a guard said from behind

"What is it? " Venom asked

"God father sent for you" , the guard replied

"Okay you can leave now" , the guard gave a slight bent.

"Find the necklace and get it back to me" . Venom said leaving.

Is that all? No please or help me huh? Blade scoffed while ruffling his head .

" And why should I be the one to find a necklace which I know nothing about , I mean I can't tell where he dropped it ."

" Such an asshole" , he muttered before leaving

You sent for me , venom answered as he stepped into the godfather's room with his hands in his pocket.

godfather suite★★

"Five minutes late" , godfather muttered as he puffed out smokes from his mouth and nose

"I came as soon as they told me you sent it for me." Venom sighed sitting down.

" you so much remind me of your father " godfather smirked turning to face Venom

" Seriously ? I have no time for that right now??"

" A package will be arriving at dark tower by 8pm today , I need you to get before it reaches there" he said pouring a bottle of liquor into his glass

Venom seemed not to be paying a slight attention to what godfather has been saying.

All his attention was on the necklace and how he was gonna get it back .

"Are you okay vee? You look lost , are you alright?"

" Maybe he needs a babysitter" , Trace said, coming in while Venom scoffed.

"Watch your tongue asshole." Venom said with a frown

" Good evening father, " Trace said, giving a slight bent .

"Welcome back son ". the godfather replied to him with a smile.

"Is that the way to welcome your elder brother huh?" so mannerless. He turned to Venom saying

"Elder brother my ass" , Venom muttered .

"I will be taking my leave right now" , Venom said as he left and Trace followed.

godfather tried calling Trace but he left before he could open his mouth to say a single word


"Hey" , Trace called as he caught up with venom.

"What is it? " Venom said, facing him.

"I missed my younger brother , is that considered a crime?

"Your what?" Venom scoffed.

" what now ?? Don't tell me you want to older huh?? Fine I will let you be older with just one minute " Trace giggled and Venom rolled his eyes

" you haven't even changed a bit , still childish"

" what?? , childish ?? That's absurd" Trace muttered.

" Boss vee " someone called from behind as they both turned to see who it was

" Good evening boss " Juipter greeted with a slight bent " here is the files you ask me to get"

Venom took the files and went through them , he sighed as he went through the files .

" you may leave now" he said and Juipter smiled walking away

" see you around" Venom muttered as he hit Trace a bit

" when on earth will he stop being an asshole " Trace thought kicking the pole right in front of him

" could you please pity that innocent pole " Blade smiled as he walked towards Trace

" I guess you missed me so badly " Trace smiled as they hugged each other

" you didn't tell anyone that you're coming home"

" then I guess you're surprised to see me ?"

" Not really , that's always your style. So how did Italy treat you."

" Good , looks like you are the only one that cares about me . Trace said and blade chuckled.

" Let go grab a drink " Blade said dragging Trace by his right hand as the walked off

Getting to the DON'S bar , they saw Venom already seated with his drink.

The Don's bar was specially for the four boss known as the SUPERIORS

" Venom , here you are ??" Trace smilled sitting down

" can you at least be quite for a damn second"

Where is it? Venom asked blade ignoring Trace's question.

" Where is what ? Blade answered by pouring his drink in a glass cup .

"The necklace "

" I didn't see it , how am I supposed to find it huh ? " Blade rolled his eyes.

"You are such a waste,'' Venom muttered, taking the last sip from his glass cup before he stood and Left the bar.

He entered his power bike and drove off the clan with a massive speed

He drove through a lonely road and then came out to a bridge , he suddenly stopped when he got to the bridge

He checked his wrist watch , luckily for him , he was three minutes early

He exhaled as he removed his helmet , he used his power bike to block the bridge.

After some few minutes , the Van showed up driving with full speed , Venom knew very well that the Van was gonna stop half way

The Van roughly stopped making the driver inside hit his head on the wheels

" get the fuck out of the way " the driver shouted getting down from the Van

HE walked towards Venom who was still on his power bike and pointed his gun

" am gonna fuckingly blow off your head " the driver yelled

Venom smirked kicking off the gun , he gave him a double rabbit pouch and the man staggered falling into the sea

Venom jumped on the Van , he broke the back door , Just as he did that , four men were pointing guns at him , ready to shut and end his Life

Venom let out his wolf fang , his sharp vampire teeth out , ready to devour

" what the fuck !!" one of the men said as he pulled the trigger at Venom , Venom dodged the bullet

" you're a monster" the guy yelled with a cracky voice , just by looking at his face one could see clearly that he was fuckingly scared

Venom moved with speed , it was blurry. Not even a keen observer could see him . He was trained for this , designed with the grace , agility , and speed of flash .

Before two minutes , Venom had killed the four men , he sighed, dropping the last man down.

" I hate to say this , but you blood taste damn awful" he rolled his eyes as he took a suitcase and jumped down the Van

He entered his power bike and drove off speedy.

HE drove to a nearby club and stopped. He removed his helmet and walked in

He sat on one of the couch watching the strippers dance.

From the look of his face one could tell that he was heavily troubled.

" hey sweety " a girl said walking to his seat " why's a man like you alone ?" she smiled naughtily taking in her lower lips seductively.

Venom ignored her and kept smoking heavily . He sure wasn't in the mood for that now .

The girl scoffs and bent down , rubbing his dick seductively.

" uhh" Venom moaned softly as he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to his laps

Now she just unlocked the fucking inner beast in him.

" Easy honey , thought you were trying to be tough huh ??"

" Really ?? Are you in or not ?? " Venom rolled his eyes

" I can't decline you " she smiled naughtily as Venom took her to the room section

" Fuck !!" Venom said tearing her cloth off

" get on the bed , wide your those bitchy legs of yours,

"They're all yours Daddy, she smiled spreading them widely

"Now that's a good girl, '' he smirked deviously, invading her roughly and she screamed like the bitch she was.

"ahhh....Fuck!...harder " she moaned as Venom kept banging here roughly

At every moan of her's he increased his pace

" Fuck !! Right there , more ...fuck !!" she screamed loudly as Venom sparkled her ass hardly.

Venom ran his Left hand on her boobs , pressing it hardly

" uhh , gosh " she moaned as Venom started sucking her right boobs while running his other hand at the left boobs.

He kept banging and banging , still he released his cum on her

" suck it , suck my dick " Venom ordered hitting her ass

" with pleasure" she smiled getting down

She slowly ran her hands on his big long dick , damn it was breathtaking

She put all her mouth and started sucking it

" uhh ,Fuck ... harder" Venom said and she increased her pace

Venom held her hair and started banging in her mouth , almost hitting her throat.

" uhmmm" Venom said as he reached his orgasm.

Venom Released his spam on her , and she quickly licked everything

" so sweet " she smiled

Venom widened her legs , he inserted his finger on her juicy pussy and started fucking her with his fingers

" Fuck ...." she moaned , Venom took off his finger and inserted his dick right into her honey pot

She was totally wet , she held the blanket as Venom started banging her hard

" ouch " she moaned while Venom hitting her ass

" say eat me up Daddy " Venom ordered as he banged her heavily , every pace of his was breathtaking

" Eat me up Daddy ..." she said as Venom banged her strongly , he's almost hitting her womb .

He opened her legs more wide , giving him enough access to her juicy pot . She was really wet

As Venom fucked her , he sucked one of her boobs

He pulled out his dick and the girl breathed out

" Are we done yet ?" she said and Venom scoffs

" don't tell my those fucking pussy of your are tired ??" he said

" no , I can still take another heavy round " she smiled as she got on Venom

Venom held her ass and started another set of banging

" fuck !!" she moaned loudly as Venom gave her a killer bang on her sweet pussy

He suddenly stopped when he heard his phone ring out.

" What the fuck is it now" he answered picking up the call.

" Get your ass out that fucking bed or I will get the bed up " Blade replied over the phone and Venom scoffs.

" We have a mission 8n the next one hour , so hurry up" he said ending the call.

Venom immediately wore his clothes and threw bundle of dollars at the bitch who was still laying down on the bed.

" Nice pussy" he said hitting her ass as he went out if the club and drove back to the Clan.

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He pinned her on the wall, and she could see a monster standing in front of her. "On your knees Mirabella" He sneered. "No,no…you're angry" She stuttered and for the first time, tears rolled down her cheeks. "Very Correct,and that's why I need you to suck my dick or I will lose it. On your knees!!" This time he half yelled and she visibly flinched ★★★★ Coming back from school one fateful day, the brothers witness their home engulfed in flames, claiming the lives of their beloved parents. Devastated and alone, they have no one but Antonio, their father's best friend, who takes them under his wing. Antonio, a seasoned and ruthless man, trains Salvatore and Lorenzo, shaping them into formidable monsters with an insatiable thirst for revenge. Driven by the burning desire to avenge their parents' deaths, Salvatore seeks to dismantle the Viper's Clan, the mafia territory responsible for the tragedy. The Viper's Clan, ruled by a notorious gangster, stands as an impenetrable fortress that Salvatore is determined to breach. However, amidst the turmoil, a twist of fate introduces Mirabelle D'angelo, a fierce and unyielding woman with her own vendetta. Mirabelle runs her family's mafia business as the enigmatic Mafia queen, harboring a deep-rooted enmity with Salvatore. As she contemplates forming an alliance to strengthen her position, her pride and ego cloud her judgment. But the past haunts Mirabelle, causing her pain day in and day out, and the only way to ease this burden is by submitting herself as a puppet to the ruthless Mafia lord, Salvatore Vincenzo. What will their fate be like when two egocentric people collide?? "Would he be able to tame her into being his pet? Or will fate bring another thing?

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