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The Loop of the Fairy Queen

The Loop of the Fairy Queen



Betrayal, despair and loneliness, these are the emotions felt by Queen Cassiopeia when she was accused treason to her own kingdom. She was very disappointed because no one knows who was the one frame her up this kind of sin to her beloved kingdom. When the execution took place, her friend Marcus saved her from the edge of death. Marcus decided to hide her into the woods where no one can go because of some magical reason but unfortunately Cassiopeia was met by a fairy man and one of her old servants when she was the queen. The great news was spread throughout the kingdom that their lovely and kind queen was still alive. In this declaration the new queen set her eyes again and wanted her to be dead and Marcus heard this he immediately went back to the woods but its too late. Her beloved Cassiopeia was in the hands of the soldiers and ready to kill her. He chanted a spell that can made a portal through time. Can he able to save her love one or it will be the end of everything to them?

Chapter 1 The Queen was Executed

A blue eye fairy was on the judgment court, bowed her head very low that no one can see her face because of the so much shame and her hands were chained, "What should I do?" her tears was dripping on her lap on the feeling of so much despair.

The male winged judge held his final decision, "you will be hanged by morning in the sacred forest" he announced

She held her head up in shocked and stood up immediately though she had no strength to do it, "I'm not guilty! I didn't commit any sin in our kingdom and also I'm your queen!" she shouted in all her strength that may echo to the whole room

The fairy judge raised his forehead against her, "You are the only one knew about the secret of our kingdom and how your human friend knew about it if you didn't told it to him?" he wanted to justify his decision

She looked at him fiercely, "No! I will not be punished for the sin that I did not commit" she shouted, she started a ruckus. She tried to fly as fast as she can but the soldiers are faster than her.

When they caught her, they chained her again and put it on the dungeon, "We're very sorry your highness, but the evidences are all about you" they locked the room and left

She can't believe on what is happening to her right now, she has no idea what was happening. She hugged herself in the dark dungeon, whispering some songs of happiness before the time she will be hanged to death. She reminisce the good memories of her father and mother before the time they died on the accident, "I'll be with you by tomorrow mother and father" then she cried bitterly thinking that it was the end of everything. She lay down on the hay, closed her eyes with tears and she fell asleep.

The ray of the sun hits her face, she get up and trying to calm herself because that is the last day of her life in the kingdom of the fairies.

The three guards went there to get her but before that they give their last greetings of respect to her, "Your highness" they knelt down and trying to suppressed their tears, "You'll be the most noble queen of our kingdom" the fairy shoulder said

Tears drips to her eyes while looking to her guards, "Thank you for being loyal guards for me, I'll wait you in the Paradise when your time has come" she answered and give her last bow to them

They unlocked the gate of her dungeon and chained her hands and then they assisted her to walk towards the sacred forest. She just walked heads up because she knew that she was innocent and even they sentenced her to death she knew that the truth will prevail.

As they assumed, everybody was on the sacred forest to witness the punishment for their queen. Many got sad and some were grieving, "Our queen is going to die today" an old woman fairy said

The fairy judge walked forward, "This queen was guilty for the crime treason and theft!" he said "She will be executed to this place, this is a proof that our government is equal in judgment" he motioned the soldiers to put the vine on the queen's neck

Everybody was there, but there are men n a black hood like merchants. Cassiopeia the fairy queen can't do anything, her eyes were closed, "Someone help me! Please" she said loudly on her mind while she can felt the vine that was tied on her neck little by little. They just watched until the queen was nearly to be hanged but the time suddenly stopped.

After a few minutes after, she was confused because she thought she was already dead with a painless death but in her surprise she was on the arms of Marcus, a male dwarf who help her to escape.

He looked at her and gave her a sweet smile, "Are you alright my queen?" he asked, he was seemed to be very happy when he saw that her friend fairy queen was safe

She can't say a word at first but when she realized that she was still alive she talked to him, "What have you done? My kingdom will be declare war when they knew that you help me to escape" she said worriedly

He brought her down and lie down on the shade of a tree, "Don't worry, Queen Cassiopeia was already dead" he looked at her then he closed his eyes again

She can't comprehend what he told to her, "Pardon me? How come that I am dead if I am still alive with you?" she asked with astonishment

He gave her a smile again, "We made a craft on your image and then we gave it a little life so that we can make them believe that you are already dead" he said while his eyes are closed

She felt a sudden sadness to his words, "So it means everyone will forget everything about me?" she sat down on his side

"No my queen, they will never forget how kind you are and what kind of queen they have for three years" he answered

Cassiopeia sat down a little and held her knees, "I don't know what happen, why did they accused me for something that I did not know?" she asked him sadly

"I don't know either, maybe someone envied you so that they set you up for a crime" he answered "so that when you are punished to death they can have everything that you have" he answered

She was being silent for awhile and her tears was dripping little by little, "I don't know everything was good, I don't know if someone held grudge for me" she said with a sob

Then Marcus sat down, "You can stay for awhile in my house but you need to change your clothes" he said then he gave her a common clothes for a dwarf "when we go there, please don't put off the hood unless we are inside" he remind her

When she held the clothes, she looked at it and frustrated "Will I wear this?" she asked as she looked at him

He nodded, "Yes, Cassiopeia" he answered "At the present, the queen of the fairies was already dead" he said it again

She didn't argued at him anymore, she hid herself to a tree to change her clothes and she assured that Marcus will not peek on her. When she was done, she show herself again to him "Is it fine with me?" she asked

He suddenly chuckles, "Cassiopeia, did you forget that you used to wear that kind of clothes when we are young?" he asked

She looked at him then she suddenly laughed, "Oh yes, I already remembered it" she can't her laugh "I used to wear this to escape from the guards" she said as she reminisce the childhood memories with the friend dwarf

"So shall we?" he pointed to their way

She nodded then she held his arm. When they are on their way they talked different things about the kingdom, about their families and the things that they missed to do when she was married to a royal fairy prince. When they got home, no one was there. She was confused on the things she can saw around her;

"Where is your mother?" she asked

He went to the kitchen, "My mother was died on the day of your wedding" he answered "someone gave her food with a poison" he added that made her sad

She bowed her head, "I'm sorry" she said "I thought you are mad at me that day because you didn't come to my wedding" she added

"I'll just prepare some food for us" he said as he chopped some vegetables "you can sleep for awhile on my bed while I'm cooking" he said

She looked at his bed, she thought that it was not beautiful as her bed in the castle, "I'll just rest Marcus, please wake me up if the food was ready" she said then she lay down on the bed and fell asleep immediately. She was very tired on her sleepless night on the dungeon.

Marcus on the other hand prepares the food on the table then he noticed that Cassiopeia was crying while she was asleep. He didn't know what to do because he knew that she was very tired then he came up to the decision that he will wake her up, "Cassiopeia, wake up" he said while he shook her gently "the food is ready" he added

She opened her eyes and noticed that she has tears, she just wiped it and smiled at him "Let's eat, I'm hungry already" she said then excitedly got off in the bed and walked towards the table. "Are you a good cook?" she asked when she saw that the foods are seemed delicious

He pulled a chair for her, "Not so my princess, but you can taste it and tell me if that was a good food" he said

She looked at him, "My princess huh?" then she chuckles and sat down "Maybe you are hungry, let's eat" she get her spoon and started to eat

Marcus on the other side was just looking at her like dreaming on something.

Cassiopeia noticed it, "Is something on my face?" she asked then she tried to wiped something on her face

"Nothing, I just missed to be like this" he answered then he continued to eat "We always used like this when mother was still alive" he reminisce the good memories

She just looked at him; "Is that so?" she became sad when she remembered that they didn't met again when she needed to marry the royal fairy prince "but we can make good memories again, since Queen Cassiopeia was already dead" she said

He felt so much happiness when he heard it, "Yes, we can made another happy memories" he said "let's start today" he smiled at her then they finished their food.

Marcus taught Cassiopeia to cook food for them because she will be the one who will stay at home while he is the one to work for their living. He is a merchant of some fancy things and some foods that he learned from the world of the humans. Day after day, they used to live like a married couple and Marcus love that way because he was fell in love with her for a long time but because he is a dwarf he can't be with a fairy. The night comes and they need to rest;

"Have a good night sleep, Marcus" Cassiopeia said then she lay down on the bed and fell asleep

He just looked at her, "Good night my beautiful princess" then he lay down on the floor with a mat.

After an hour Cassiopeia suddenly woke up when she heard that Marcus was shouting, she immediately got off on the bed and wake him up, "Marcus, Marcus wake up!" she shook him very hard

Then Marcus suddenly got up like he was woke up from a nightmare and gasping for air.

She caresses his back, "Are you okay?" she asked "wait a minute, I'll get a glass of water" she stood up and pour some water to a glass and she gave it to him

He drank it and calm down, "I'm fine, thank you" he put the glass on the floor

"Are you sure? You are screaming awhile ago" she sat down next to him

He forced himself to smile to her, "I'm fine, I'm just having a bad dream" he answered "I'm sorry if I interrupted your sleep" he said

"Are you sure that you are fine?" she wiped his sweat on his forehead "you looked scared" she said

He stood up and assisted her to go back to the bed, "I'm fine, don't worry" he said "You can go back to sleep" he added

Even though she was not convinced to his statement, she went back to sleep "You go back to sleep also" she said then she closed her eyes again

He simply kissed her on the forehead, "Sweet dreams" he said then he lay down to his mat again and think about his dream, a warning for his death. He closed his eyes, "I'll protect you, even my life will be at cost" he said then he fell asleep.

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