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"I, Alpha Draco of the Peony pack hereby reject you, Helena, as my mate. I refuse to have anything to do with you anymore. You will be banished from this pack, never to set foot on this land anymore or you will pay for it with your life" his thick voice boomed through the cold and dark cell where I was kept all day with no food or water. My chapped lips parted painfully as the flesh drew each other tightly. I couldn't even beg or plead for mercy. It was a miracle that I was not even killed because I was probably the most hated person in the pack at that moment. He didn't allow me to utter whatever I had in mind before he turned his back on me. My finger grazed his cold hand as I tried to hold onto him, I was late. The warm eyes that had always behold me now look at me with disdain. There was no hope anywhere, his extreme sadness was visible even through his back as his footstep retracted into the long distance. At the loud clunk of the prison's door kissing its hinge, my whole world crumbled. The only thing left in me was the small life breathing in my womb, something Draco never knew of. Right there, I made the resolution to live for my baby and find out the truth behind what happened in the pack that night.

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

The Peony pack is the most powerful pack to ever exist among all the other wolf packs. It is known for its extremely organized system with hierarchies that uphold the smooth running of the prestigious pack. With twelve tribes guiding the pack, each tribe represents a pillar that supports the affairs of the pack, with the tenth tribe as the biggest tribe of all.

The tribes have walked hand in hand for years with understanding until the need to take over a certain power arose, which led to a big fight between the tribes and also caused the wipe out of the entire tenth tribe.


Just like every other full moon, the eerie feeling clouded everywhere as the wolves were getting ready for the shifting party. For generations, they had been ordered to shift together and enjoy the ambience that the full moon creates for them to draw the energy they can before it rolls over to another day.

The tribes' elders were busy holding their usual meetings in the pyramid room while other wolves were getting ready for another big night. Hums of happiness were heard from all the corners of the pack from the expectant wolves who couldn't wait to display strength and beauty in few hours.

"I think we should induct the wolves that will be of age into the adulthood circle soon. They are now many in number and should not be left hanging", the leader of the tenth tribe proposed, and everyone supported his suggestion. "Make every preparation for the induction". Alpha Ricky commanded the first tribe, which was in charge of the induction.

"I will make sure to set everything in place, My Alpha" the leader bowed without any further countering.

"The other tribes should get ready to play their parts too. Our pack has always set a good example over the centuries. We can't afford to lose our faces" grunted the Alpha, and they all agreed to his words.

The meeting was wrapped up on a good note and the elders dispersed to get ready for the great night, but little did they know that the night would never come. One of the wolves that was sent to bring in food from the warehouse ran to inform them that a strange entity had invaded the pack and bitten one of them.

"What do you mean by a strange entity? What are you talking about? Explain yourself this instant!" the elder of the fifth tribe countered with a scrunched nose, but before the wolf could reply to him, the said bitten wolf showed up with huge vein marks all over his body.

Piercing screams filled the pack as everyone ran for their lives. The wolf had bitten the other wolves who tried to help him and before anyone could blink, the pack was filled with strange poppy vein sickness which drained the wolves of their powers and took over.

"Can someone explain what is going on?" questioned Alpha as he staggered back.

The situation at hand was terrifying and ominous. No one understood what the strange and frightening situation happening was not to talk of proffering solutions to it.

The elders gasped in shock as one of the wolves tried shifting for strength. With a loud and long grunt, his claws popped out and the visible veins began to stretch further. His furs were sprouting out at a very fast rate, his bones were cracking loudly with his eyes bulging more than usual. He finally shifted and was torn into pieces before he could do anything after letting out a powerful but painful howl.

"What is this disturbing situation?" the elder of the fifth tribe blurt out as the blood splashed on everyone around the lifeless wolf.

"We are doomed!" exclaimed the leader of the tenth tribe as everyone gasped in horror.

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Other books by MHIZDARHMEY





“Yes, we thought we would love each other to death but I must have been mistaken. I don’t think I can do this anymore” I muttered as my lips trembled in pain, fear and anxiety, my eyes were glowing my hurt as water welled up in it, I could not believe what I had heard. He had succeeded in taking away a happy part of me, will I ever heal from this pain? I don’t think my life can ever have any meaning at this point, it is too late for me to go back. I had loved him a little too much. What would be the fate of a shattered heart that had only known how to love for as long as it could remember? There are no words to mend such a shattered fragile piece, once broken will always have to carry the scar even if it finally heals. Love, they say is a beautiful thing but what if mine was actually a nightmare? A turnaround that changed my entire life, a pit that trapped me in endless agony? I might never be able to love again. **** Gwen is the only daughter of Omega Fred and Ariana’s family but she was lucky to get a Beta as a mate, attracting envy from all sides. She loves Larry with all her heart and dreamt of being his wife for years but her male best friends, Dan soiled her plan and turned her life around when he raped her and stole her virginity some days to her wedding and even told Larry about it but lied that they were having an affair. She was rejected by Larry without given a chance to explain herself and ran away from home in embarrassment where she found another fate where she had to live as another entity who is surrounded with evil people all her life. Will she be able to visit her past? Will she even be able to find another mate? Who exactly was the person she had to replace? Will Larry ever found out the truth behind what Dan did to her?

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