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Heaven's Pen


"_How would you like to be on a journey where you get to live the life you choose, rather than the afterlife. ~~~ Molested by those she claimed were her family. Human Blair opted for Suicide as she couldn't bear the shame and guilt. She always wished she had the powers to live in a new world revolving round her commands. And then the opportunity came knocking with a price. With no option, she accepts the offer, but on opening her eyes discovered she was reincarnated into a new body, not just an ordinary body, but that of the most powerful wolf, mated from birth to the ruthless Alpha surrounded by a dark cloud, do you think she would be able to survive in the powerful body? And what happens when secrets are revealed and the kingdom thrown into chaos? Would she be able to choose wisely or would flow to the will of fate.

Chapter 1 LEAVING


Life is like a ball of disappointment. It's also a hazel because it combines Pain, joy, and hardship. What is more to life than death? Though they're opposing words, but they work in handy.

It was funny how man isn't contended with his life and would be expecting to live an easier life than it actually is.

During Childhood days, Death was the greatest enemy of man, even before the devil. Kids would find it difficult to sleep with the fear of not waking up the next day, it got worst after some weird men told them a story of hell with a video to back their claim, scaring the little ones.

Men would shudder and go about their daily activities lazily with shoulders hung beneath, Knowing that death was lingering and would strike any moment since it came without warning.

But now, she sees it from a different perspective, death is rest. There isn't Sorrow in death, just that your loved ones who are very well alive would miss you, but of course, she doesn't have any, as the only ones who showed her love was taken by the cold hands of death.

Peace was definitely in the great beyond, there was love and joy after death as everyone got to do what they wanted, and there isn't pain or suffering as one has the opportunity to reunite with loved ones again without the fear of losing them.

Wouldn't that be the best thing to do, than living continuously in this dark world, where without money and love you would be seen as nobody?


"Blair." Her seatmate called out to the young girl who was seemingly lost in her thoughts not noticing the teacher who walked into the class.

"Is she always like that?" The new student probed adjusting his glasses.

"Miss Blair!" The teacher called strictly as he walked to her seat jolting her out of her thoughts.

"Meet me in my office after this class, I'd love you to share a little of your thoughts with me." He said heading back to the board as some students sneered at her.

"Is everything okay? You might be suspended or worst expelled if you continue drifting in your thoughts." Her seatmate Bell who had been trying to befriend her whispered, but as usual didn't get any reply from the Placid Blair.


The school was over for the day, but the English class had stretched as they were preparing for their final exams. All Blair could think of was the long haul, if only her aunt was kind enough for her to have attended the same school her cousins were, it would have been more easier picking them up as the grown twins Dan and Eva doesn't care but derived joy in her being punished.

Despite the family of six surviving on her aunt's meager salary, the kids still attended one of the best schools in town as her aunt had to work hard to feed them and her abusive husband.

As expected, the students had been dismissed an hour ago, and Bliss her youngest cousin had again gone home alone. She knew she was in for trouble.

"No, this can't be happening; they can't get home before me." She said to herself as she dashed off the lonely path home.

On arrival, her aunt who always came home late was in the sitting room, heaving heavily, and hands under her bosom as she muttered some inaudible words.

Dan was sitting comfortably on the sofa eyes bored into his phone, while Eva was trying to placate the teary Bliss.

"What is happening?" Blair thought as she watched everyone silently, hoping it was what she was thinking and that her evil uncle who had been filling her aunt with deceitful words was dead, but the reverse was the case when he walked out of the room with a smirk at the corner of his lips.

"Finally, the queen has arrived." He said taking a light stroll towards her as she immediately thought of running away, but where would she run to? It's either the Cop would be lied to concerning her and she might end up being in prison or worst.

Before she could consider running, she felt a sting on her face as her brain resounded with the slap he had given her.

He had just hit her!!!

"Where are you coming from?" He probed pulling her hair as she let out a loud cry.

"You've been suspended from school again because of your absence in class, I know how much my wife spends on you daily, I'd always tell her she's wasting the money, its better I feed my pigs with the money than spending it on you." He said spitting on her face as her cousins stared on with so much pleasure.

"Enough! Enough Kyle, that's enough." Her aunt said walking towards her.

"To your room now! The Cops would be here tomorrow to pick you up." She said as she turned to leave.

"What have I done?" Blair who was uttering a word for the first time whispered in a cracked voice.

"You'll get to know in custody," Eva said as she assisted Bliss out of the sitting room.


She sat, eyes bored into her laptop as she tried completing her MAB, even if the world was against her, the only thing that made her happy was writing, and she wouldn't pour out her anger on her innocent readers by keeping them in suspense.

She stared at the pills as she increased her typing pace; it was the last chapter of her book, the last chapter before she would take the pills and inject the syringe with its poisonous substance into her system.

But the creaking sound of her door made her close her laptop and tiptoe to the bed, she never wanted them to know she was a writer.

"You know it's me, so what's the point of acting to be asleep?" Her uncle Kyle asked romantically as he crawled into her bed.

"Not again!" Her inners screamed in horror as she felt his hands on her arms.

"If you give in to me freely tonight, I can stop your aunt from calling the cops on you tomorrow and you get to live your normal life." He said seductively, stylishly taking off her clothes.

But what could she do? That was why he had made sure her door was soundproofed. Who would she tell? Who would believe her? Every night, the same trauma, is that the normal life? Is that the life every girl child gets to live?

"Uncle Kyle please, if aunt finds out, she would be heartbroken." She pleaded with tears running down her eyes.

"How would she find out? Only if you tell her, and of course, you know, she won't believe you. Just give in to my demands and see your life get better." He said as hot breath protruded from his lips.

"I can't!" She said hitting him hard on his groin as she made to run, not this night, he won't have his way.

But unfortunately for her, he was smart to grab her as he gave her a terrible blow which made her pass out, and had his way with her.


"This was the right time, the right time to rest.'

It was 6:45 am and the cops would be here any minute, she needed to act fast.

She sat pondering on her life; it had done more harm than good to her.

What more is there to live? A life of being raped daily by a father figure or being harassed and abused by those who ought to be your family? _

__With the pills in her left hand and the water in her right hand, she slowly brought them to her mouth as the fear of being dead any minute lingered.

Suddenly from her PC emanated a strange noise, which caught her attention. Turning towards the direction to know what was wrong, she was awe-stricken as a figure she couldn't really fathom in the darkness stepped out of the computer.

"Hi Blair, I'm Boris." It said introducing himself.

"How would you like to be on a journey rather than the afterlife?" He offered.

Stricken with fear and surprise, she dropped the pills and glass of water as she tried to let out a scream, but realized that there wasn't air in her lungs.

It was surprising to Boris as he let a short laugh, she had wanted to kill herself earlier and here she was being scared.

"How would you like my offer, you'd get to live the life you choose on some few conditions."

"How, Why?"She said stuttering as she surprisingly found her voice.

"Let's say your prayers were answered."

"Am I dead already?"

"Not really, but you're about to leave the human world, I don't have much time on this planet, are you interested?"

"This is an opportunity of a lifetime and you're one of the few in ten decades to get this offer." He added as she stared at the unbelievable figure before her.

The banging on the door brought her back to reality, the cops were already at her door, and the effect of the poison might not work since the authorities were available. All she wanted was leaving this world, not minding where she was headed.

Turning to the figure, "I'll do it." She said pleadingly as it nodded and she immediately fell into a deep sleep.

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