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Rebirth Of The Pure Breed

Rebirth Of The Pure Breed

El JHay


"Accept your fate and become the Pure Breed, that's who you're meant to be" the voice said and Helen shook her head in disagreement. "No! No! You're not real, you are just my imagination, you're not real!!" Helen yelled as she ruffled her hair in frustration. "It is your fate and you can't run away from it so accept your fate before it's too late" ****** Helen Hobbs is an highschool girl who was birthed as the Pure Breed; the strongest creature in the supernatural realm. Helen's powers were locked in a necklace given to her by her mother, Vida. Helen knew nothing about her powers nor her fate. She continued to live her life as an ordinary girl until she clocked eighteen then, a Supernatural Saga began. Will Helen really accept her fate? What's the Supernatural Saga?

Chapter 1 Rebirth

Night time in a quiet street, the streets were dark and it was a full moon.

Suddenly, the loud sound of a car was heard as a man drew speedily on the road.

"Hold on Vida, we are almost at the hospital" Clyde said to his pregnant wife who was groaning in pains.

"Reduce the speed of the car Clyde, we must get to the hospital safely" Vida managed to reply.


"I can manage Clyde..our safety is more important, I am just feeling a little pain, it's not like I am going to give birth yet so drive safely" she replied interrupting her husband before he could complete his sentence.

"Alright dear" he replied as he looked at her.

"Clyde! Watch out!!" Vida screamed as she saw an oncoming truck.

Clyde steered the car to the left but the car crashed into another vehicle.

Then it started raining heavily the breeze blew vehemently.

Vida opened her eyes slowly as blood was dripped from her head.

She glanced at her husband and his was on the steering wheel with his face covered in blood.

"Clyde... Clyde wake up" she stuttered as she tapped her husband but she got no response.

"Clyde no....you can't die..wake up!!!" She screamed as tears streamed down her face.

The rained poured more heavily as Vida kept crying inside the damaged car.

"Wake up Cylde! You can't leave me.. I need you, our unborn baby needs you so wake up!" She said as more tears streamed down her face.

Vida managed to get out of the car and she glanced around the area looking for help then she sighted a house not far from where she stood.

She walked weakly towards the house as the rain drenched her clothes.

She got to the house and knocked on the door but she got no reply.

She opened the door slowly and it was dark inside then she roamed her hand on the wall as she searched for a switch.

She found it and switched on the light.

A loud gasped escaped from her mouth as she beheld the sight in front of her.

"Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed in shock and tears streamed on her face as she saw a lady lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"Help me!" The lady said weakly and Vida walked towards the lady slowly.

She got to the lady and she knelt beside her as looking at the body of the lady.

The lady's body was covering in blood and marks of claws were impaled on body.

Her face was beyond recognition the marks of claws were on her face.

"What...what happened to you? where you attacked by a wild animal?" Vida asked.

"I..need your help" the lady said weakly as she coughed out blood.

"How can I help you?" Vida asked in fear.

"Come closer" the lady replied and Vida moved closer to her.

"You're pregnant?" The lady asked in a weak tone.

"Yes" Vida replied then the lady raised her hand weakly and placed it on Vida's stomach.

The lady started chanting a strange language and a the room was engulfed in a bright light.

The sky rumbled as lightning struck in the sky. The breeze blew fiercely as it uprooted a lot of trees.

The lady continued chanting a strange language and her eye balls change colors repeatedly.

Vida screamed as the lady continued chanting then the lady stopped and everything returned back to normal.

Vida fell on the floor then she passed out.

(Five months later)

It was past midnight and the scream of a woman could be heard in a hospital.

It was raining heavily as the sky rumbled.

"The baby is about to come out, push a little more" the doctor said and Vida screamed as she pushed with all her might then the cry of a baby was heard then it stopped raining.

"Congratulations ma'am, the baby is a girl" the doctor said and Vida smile weakly.

The door opened and a lady rushed in with a smile on her face then she carried the new born baby.

"Congrats Vida, the girl is so beautiful" the lady said as she stroked the baby's head gently.

"Thanks Orphelia, I wish her father was here to see her beautiful face" Vida replied with a sad smile as she sat upright on the bed.

"I also wish so" Orphelia replied.

"But I'm am still still surprised that his body wasn't found after the accident; the investigators said they didn't find his body when they got to the place where the accident occurred but how is that possible?" Vida asked.

"I also used my magic to track his scent but I felt nothing, it was like his body, spirit and soul just vanished into thin air" Orphelia replied and Vida sighed.

"Maybe he is really dead" she muttered sadly.

"I feel a powerful aura around the baby" Orphelia said as she stared at the baby.

"Shhh, what if anyone's hears you" Vida cautioned and Orphelia chuckled.

"I have created a spell that won't allow anyone to hear our conversation" she said.

"You're are a witch after all" Vida replied.

"Yeah but the aura I feel is a strong one" Orphelia said and Vida told her what happened seven months ago.

"Your child has been given the powers of the Pure Breed" Orphelia said after Vida told her about the incident.

"Pure Breed?"

"Yes, a Pure Breed is a rare supernatural creature just like me, I am a Witch but the Pure Breed is far more powerful than that" Orphan explained.

"Really?" Vida asked and Orphelia nodded.

"Yeah, a Pure Breed has the the powers of four supernatural creatures; a vampire, a werewolf; a witch and a demon and that's why they are the strongest creature" she added.

"So you mean that lady I met in that house seven months ago was a Pure Breed?" Vida asked again.

"Yeah, she's Queen Ariana, the wife of the Vampire Lord, Miguel Beelzebub; she transferred her powers to your daughter when you were pregnant so your daughter was rebirthed as the new Pure Breed" Orphelia concluded and Vida sighed loudly.

"But if she was so powerful then why was she killed?" Vida asked and Orphelia rolled her eyes.

"You love asking questions" she said and Vida chuckled.

"That's why I'm a reporter" she replied with a smile.

"Anyways, the former Pure Breed was killed easily because she was ageing and she wasn't as strong as before"

"But she was a very young lady when I saw her so how was she ageing?" Vida queried.

"That's one unique ability of most supernatural creatures; take me for an example, I'm 500 years of age but I still look like I'm in my twenties" she said and Vida nodded slowly.

"Ariana was 1000 years old so she was getting weak and that's why she was killed but luckily, her witch powers sustained her till you found her then she transferred all her powers to your daughter" Orphelia explained and Vida sighed loudly.

"This is too much to take in" she said and Orphelia smiled.

"Don't worry, your daughter was chosen to carry on the legacy of the Pure Breeds so you should be happy; Pure Breeds are very rare supernatural beings" she said and Vida sighed again.

"But how will she grow up with these powers, I mean she'll feel weird and would not be able to mingle with other kids; I want my daughter to live a no life" Vida said and Orphelia smiled.

"That's not a problem" Orphelia replied then she started chanting some magic words and a necklace appeared on her hand.

"Take this and wear it on her neck, the necklace will seal off her powers" she said and handed it to Vida.

Vida stared at the necklace with a smiled on her face.

"Thanks a lot Orphelia but what if my daughter takes the new off?" She asked.

"You don't have to worry about that; once she wears the necklace on her neck no one will be able to remove it but the necklaces can only be removed in two ways. Firstly, by chanting some magic words of which I'll teach you" Orphelia explained.

"But I'm human so how will I be able to chant spells and magic?" Vida asked

"I'll give you a magic wand of which will grant you some magic powers so you'll be able to chant spells" Orphelia replied.

"Okay but I won't be needing that soon because I want the necklace to remain on her neck till the appropriate time; so what is the second way to take the necklace off her neck?"

"Her powers" Orphelia replied.

"Her powers?"

"Yeah but she is still a baby so her powers are not strong enough but when she clocks eighteen, she'll possess her full powers and potentials but the necklace will seal the power off and she won't be able to make use of it but when she gets angry, the sealing powers of the necklace will become ineffective and your daughter will be able to make use of her powers"

"So you mean the necklace won't be of much use when she clocks eighteen?"

"It will if your daughter is able to control her anger because emotions are the source of a Pure Breed's power" Orphelia replied.

"Thanks a lot Orphelia, it's a good thing I have you as a friend" Vida said and she smiled.

"Yeah, so what are you gonna name the baby" Orphelia asked as handed the baby gently to Vida.

Vida looked at the baby with a smile as she remembered her dead husband.

She wore the necklace on the child's neck and the necklace glowed for some seconds.

"Helen, her name will be Helen"

(Seventeen years later)

/Helen's POV/

"Grr!! Grr!!" The alarm noise made me open my eyes and a bright light almost blinded my eyes.

"It's mornings already" I yawned as I checked the time.

"Oh my God!!!!. I will be late for Mr Steve's class, that man is very strict when it comes to late coming; I hope he does not take me to the principal's office.

I dashed inside the bathroom and I had a quick bath then I dressed up for school.

I checked the mirror and I smiled as I saw my reflection.

I am really endowed with a perfect body and my shape is so curvy; sometimes I wonder if I am actually 17 years old.

I touched the pendant on my neck. It's so beautiful and that's why I am never gonna remove it for once.

I immediately rushed out of the room and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning mum" I greeted.

"Morning sweetheart and how was your night?"

"It was fine mum but mum why didn't you wake me when you know I was gonna be late?" I asked.

"Helen, you are soon gonna clock eighteen so you must learn to wake by your self and learn to be responsible" Mom said.

"Whatever" I replied and rushed out while eating a cupcake and holding two more in my other hand. I must hurry up.

/Felix Pov/

I was inside my room preparing for my search. I am still searching for the Pure Breed.

A taste of the Breed's blood will make me even more stronger.

I didn't know the blood of a Pure Breed would make a being even stronger, I would have taken the blood of the previous Pure Breed.

That's the only thing I regret up till date but if I find the new Pure Breed and I'll be the strongest creature on earth.

I grinned at the thought of getting stronger then I will wipe out every other creatures especially those Vampires then I'll rule the world.

A knock on the door interrupted my thought.

"Come in" I replied.

The door opened and Claw, my most trusted guard walked in.

"Greetings my Lord" Claw bowed.

"I am leaving for the search" I said.

"Should I follow you my Lord?" Claw asked.

"No, I am going alone as always, you all should watch out for Vampires and if you sight any one of them...kill them brutally" I said and dashed out in a great speed.

I can't trust anybody to help me search for the pure breed, they might to keep the power for themselves.

"I must find the Pure Breed first"

/Helen's Pov/

I got down from the cab and paid the driver without waiting for my change.

"Oh my God! I am late already" I said as I glanced at my wristwatch.

I rushed towards the school's gate but it was

locked then an idea flashed into my mind.

I started scaling the school's fence till I got to the top then I jumped down the school compound.

"Yes!! I said and bumped my fist in the air.

"Stop right there Miss Helen Hobbs!" I heard a familiar masculine voice then I turned around slowly.

"Mr Steve!!" I screamed in fright as my eyes came in contact with his angry face.

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