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The CEO's Redemption

The CEO's Redemption



Pearl Augustus never knew being rebellious at home would lead her into the arms of the notorious psycho named Lucas Anderson and not only did he manage to frustrate her but he also got into her heart before he disappeared from the surface of the world. Seven years later, he's rumored to have returned to town and now, Lucas Anderson, ruthless, domineering, and powerful never expected Pearl to seek a job in his company but once she did, he knew his obsession just included one. Now he wants more than money, influence, and power as he also wants Pearl Augustus at all costs. This book transcends between the past and the present, narrating the tale of two lives that got intertwined more than a time but for almost three decades.

Chapter 1 2019

Author's Note

This book is narrated in two different years (2019 and 2012). Note that as a heading, the year will be mentioned. Please, do not get confused by the event of this book. keep reading, and keep the questions coming as well. Thanks.



The weather was drizzling as the clouds seemed to be in a sad mood. I stretched my hand into the rain through my window and watched attentively as the droplets of water fell on it. I smiled when a petal fell on my hand coincidentally as well. It must be from one of mom's trees.

She had started planting those trees after her favorite horse died of an unknown illness. My mom had wailed seriously while holding the foal in her hands, asking how the foal was supposed to survive without her mother.

My father had angrily put the foal up for adoption to a neighbor who owned a stable and for years that followed, we would visit the stable to see how the horse was doing and my mom couldn't go with us because my dad had forbidden her from seeing the horse ever again. I've always known my mom to be dramatic but what she did that day wasn't in any way dramatic, it was scary as hell.

My mom soon picked up another hobby of planting trees and flowers. She also loved gardening and my twin sister, Aurora, got it from her. They both enjoy doing that almost all the time.

"Hey," Aurora walked into my room wearing her infamous smile on her pretty face.

"Hey, you," I climbed out of bed and cleaned my hand on a cloth I could find on the dressing table.

"You didn't say anything yesterday," She stated and I raised an eyebrow, confused about what she meant.

"Yesterday?" I asked, still confused.

"Yes. I told you about Sebastian yesterday, remember?"

My family had gone out yesterday to dinner with an uncle and his grandson. The Granddad was obviously trying to match his grandson with one of us and unfortunately enough for me, I was the chosen one since my sister was considered fragile to the family.

After the dinner had ended, Aurora told me she knew the grandson. He was the psychopath she had met at a vacation a year ago.

"It doesn't matter, Aurora. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. It sounded just funny and crazy at the same time. I mean, the guy I've been matched with was a guy you had a history with last year. Moreover, I don't like him," I explained, rolling my eyes.

"Do you think you have a choice in this?" She asked.

"I don't think, Aurora. I know. If they want to force him on me, the worst thing I can do is leave the house for good,"

My parents are very controlling and this is why we are still living in our parent's house at the age of 24. I've made plans to move out of the house very soon but I have to put my twin sister into consideration before making any move.

"You'll leave me here,"

"I'm not leaving today, Aurora. It's just something I could do if things go haywire," I explained, hoping she would understand me.

"Alright, Pearl. I'll trust you enough not to leave me here," She added.

"I won't, I promise," I lied.

I've been searching for a job for a while because I want to stop working for my dad and do what I want for myself. I've been staying in this house all my life and I bet, it's about time I get my own space and freedom. I know my father would never allow it but once I get that job, I'm leaving.

"Aren't you going for the reunion anymore?" Aurora asked.

"Once this rain stops, I'll go," I looked up to the wall clock to check the time.

"Look," She pointed to the window. I turned to see it had actually stopped raining.

"That was fast. I wasn't expecting it to have ended so quickly," I stood up from the bed instantly to pick a dress so I could get ready.

"Are you sure you don't want to go," I asked Aurora.

It was our high school reunion and I'll be seeing a lot of old faces today. Thank goodness that our best friend, Lyla would be attending, I would've died from boredom.

"No, I don't want to. I prefer to stay indoors,"

"Typical you," I stuck my tongue out at her and she glared at me.

"You shouldn't be so excited you know," She suddenly said.


She scratched the back of her ear, hesitating a little.

"Aurora," I yelled.

"I heard through the grapevine that Lucas Anderson is back in town," She smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"It's true, Pearl. I heard someone saying that at the store yesterday,"

I held her by her shoulder and began pushing her out of my room.

"Oh yee, bearer of nightmares and bad things, leave my room,"

She giggled.

"I'm serious, Pearl,"

"I don't trust that. He's been gone for seven years, Aurora. Nothing can bring him back, trust me," I assured her while she stood outside my door.

"What if he is really back and you saw him at the reunion?"

"Then, I'll run,"

"You sure you can,"

"Go away, Aurora,"

I closed my door as I heard her laughing again. She must have found the whole situation funny but I don't.

The thoughts of Lucas Anderson being back in town gnawed at the back of my mind but I ignored it and got ready for the reunion.

It was a blue maxi dress that got my attention and silhouette heels. I don't know why but I just love the colors blue and pink as well. It makes life bright and beautiful.

I finished my makeup and hair in twenty minutes before I put on the dress and walked down to stairs to meet with Lyla, who was coming to pick me up.

My mom yelled from the kitchen, telling me to return before ten, and I raised my eyebrows at the possibility of actually doing that because it was already 7:30 pm.

"Hey, girl. You look amazing," Lyla gushed as soon as I got into her car. She had promised to pick me up and it's so surprising that she isn't late as usual.

"First thing, is Lucas Anderson back in town?" I asked her.


"Your answer is too fast. I think something is wrong,"

"Calm your horses, woman. Even if he's back in town, trust me, he won't come for the reunion. He's got too much pride for places like that," she assured me

"Give me a straight answer, is he back or not?"

"What will you do if he's back?" She asked and started driving towards the reunion party.

Her lack of an answer riled me up. I don't have the confidence and courage to face Lucas Anderson all over again. Moreover, I still hate him for goodness sake.

We got to the venue; a hall that was chosen across town and the first person we saw was Jerry.

Jerry was our male best friend in school. We usually walk around then like a group, close-knitted one but after high school, everyone fell off. He's now married.

"You girls look fantastic," he kissed both of our cheeks as soon as we got closer to him.

"You look great," I told him.

"It's so good to see your faces again. It's been how many years now, seven years,"

"Dude, we were at your wedding last year," Lyla reminded him and he laughed.

His laughter is contagious and back then, once Jerry starts laughing, the rest of us pick it up.

"Let's get a drink,"

We moved closer to the bar and each of us got a drink. We sat on those small tools and watched as everyone walked in twos or threes but no one walked in alone.

I called the attention of my friends to that.

"A certain devil will still walk in alone," Lyla added.

"Who?" I turned to her.

"Him," She raised her head in the direction of the door and when I turned, I could really see that certain devil walking in.

A reasonable number of people went up to meet him. I didn't wait for him to look up or anything before I ran into the bathroom, hitting my shoulder with that of five others on the way.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry," I kept apologizing.

I stayed in the bathroom for more than thirty minutes, trying to escape reality and at the same time, gather enough courage.

He's back, he's back! I cried out mentally.

He can't recognize you, Pearl. It's been seven years if not eight. You've grown and you look more beautiful! My subconscious self-assured me.

*Get out of that bathroom* A text came in from Lyla.

I breathed in and out in a consecutive manner before I opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Lyla asked.

"Nothing. Just had to receive nature's call quickly," I lied.

"Are you running from a certain someone?" She asked.

I glared at her. "Nope. I don't run from people," I assured her.

"Okay," she replied.

We both walked back into the party and I quickly took a stand at the bar, turned my back to everyone as I took a sip of my drink. I was glad Lucas didn't approach me till I decided it was time to leave.

Lyla wasn't ready to leave, so I went outside after ordering a cab online.

As I stood there, the smell of smoke hit my nose and when I turned, someone was smoking in a corner. I looked up and our eyes met.

I almost froze in shock. He smirked at me before looking away. He dropped his cigarette on the ground.

He doesn't recognize you, Pearl!

"Is this your first time seeing someone smoke?" He asked.

I ignored him.

I could hear his footsteps moving towards me.

"Are we acting as if we don't know each other?" He asked again. "Because I need to get the memo,"

I ignored him since it was the best way to avoid the devil.

"Sil," Shock ran its course through my body at the mention of that name.

Sil! Sil! Sil! I heard that horrible nickname throughout high school and it was only bad things that accompanied it.

He was the one who called me that. The only person in the whole school.

I hate that name with so much passion.

"You should've run when you saw him," he used a finger to lift my chin. "You should've tried everything possible to avoid me, Sil but now that I've seen you, ooh, the things I want to do to you. You'll shiver with so much fear and you'll beg for me to stop with so much passion from these plump lips"

His face moved closer to mine, his lips a few inches away from my quivering lips. His eyes kept on dashing from my lips to my eyes. He finally dropped my chin and I moved back, away from the devil in the black suit.

My eyes were becoming swollen with tears but I won't let him see that part of me. He's just a bully, a liar, a manipulator, and a tormentor.

"I'll see you soon, Sil. Till then, stay alive,"

He whispered into my ears, his lips making contact with my cold ear and disappearing the same way he had done seven years ago.

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