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The Alphas Curse

The Alphas Curse



In her eighteenth birthday, Mariya fall asleep without the sign of life. It continued until the last day of the month, the full moon visit the night sky as she open her eyes. There she saw an unlikely visitor of the night, howling while a moon burned in flame behind its unlikely form. When the alpha realized she is his mate, the cursed of a thousand death visit her dream. However, as her cold lifeless gaze turned to the burning flame, she curse the alpha for co-existing.

Chapter 1 Prologue

In a faraway village, there live a folks that live a not-so-ordinary life. The Alpha who live in secret is thought to be the one protecting them and install peace for more than a years now, while the Elderly, the village council, are those who propose major changes inside the Village. Just like always, they are to be prepared to the curse that long circulated the village way back the three generation of the leading Alpha.

"Wouldn't it better to find our Alphas' Luna before the curse begun to pull our village to death?"

"The curse is not that simple to break. Especially if we are not know what really it is," Elera responded. She's a novice Enchantress, and was like try to disregarded the Elderly proposed concept to combat the crisis.

She show her respect and show them she's not just novice, smile devilishly as if own the Meeting Room. She added after the long pause, "We all know that curse is inevitable that cannot be lifted nor own just for display. It is strongly enough to bound the moment you least expected it. But the least we can do is to know when and where it begun...and why the Alpha's Luna is the one who will suffer-"

Iliyo grabbed her from the center, makes everyone in the room confused to what happen between them.

"What do you think you're doing, Elera?" Iliyo whisper angrily but smile as he faced everyone in the room. He is the Council's representative, and the fact that someone stole the chance for him to talk infront of every person in the room, is something he couldn't let aside. "Don't you see we're in the middle of discussion? I am trying to propose a change-"

Elera stopped him, "Of course, I'm not that stupid, Iliyo. Unlike you," she said, trying to sounds as if she is better than him.

They are whispering to each other, as if no one have watching their every movements.

"I mean it in the good way," Elera added, "so don't let everyone knows how short-tempared you are-"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm myself," he said, unconsciously pointed the deadly spear to Elera-- a weakness of every enchantress. "As if I'm not at all calm! I calm as lake, Elera!"

Everyone gasped in desbelief, especially those enchantress like Elera when Illiyo pointed the spear Their eyes shown impression of disappointment at Iliyo, they didn't expect someone like him to show such disgrace infront of their very eyes.

"Is that so? Are you really calm as lake, hm?" Elera couldn't contain her amazement to ever provoke someone like Illiyo as easy as weeds to wipe in her way. However, deep inside, when she realized the faces of everone in the room, she instantly feel her heartbeat getting crazy. He curse Illiyo for being such a foolish person to ever live! And it seem that he did not even realize the very eyes that pointed at him. She gritted her teeth. What she after is to persuade this people as high as heaven to acknowledge her words. But whatever way she try to communicate with Illiyo to remind her to calm himself, the foolish bastard drawn again in his foolishness, as if forgot the people around them.

Somehow she feel regrets when he deliever himself to his own humiliation. But she couldn't stop, not for someone like Iliyo, someone who don't have knowledge and yet...try something that may worsen a situation!

She calm herself and conclude that this foolish bastard deserve the hate that have pointed at him, pouring deeply within. As for her, she can easily disregard every gazes that pointed at her and smile as if shy and don't know why Illiyo grab her from the center.

With cooly voice, she said, "A calm as lake man wouldn't point his spear as a weakness of someone." She sounded as if lecturing the foolish person to ever grab her to such a difficult situation. She keep her devilish smile deeply within her as she got what she wanted, and even whisper, "Especially to an innocent, kindhearted me."

Illiyo eyes bulge, and blue veins started to appear in his face as he glared in response. "You..."

It was at this point that the two of them interupted, before Illiyo can even try to countereffect the situation. "Enough!" Arissa said with authorize voice. As a Council's Leader, she can't help but stared at the both of them, especially Illiyo, with disappointment. Together with her dismayed voice, her eyes shone a deadly warning before facing everyone with apolegetic but soliciting understanding. Voice serious, she said, "We're here not for our personal issue, but the issue that may hunt the Village to death. This two knows no boundaries on their own conflict, therefore they will keep their mouth as punishment during the whole meeting." She stood at the center, poise akin to a mother lecturing her children, then seemingly told everyone to be quite if not necessary to keep bubbling nonsense, and glared secretly after to the two that simutaneously behave themeselves.

"We're here for the Alpha's boundful crisis," she continue, and sigh heartfully as if thinking for something. She glance to the mountain afar that surrounded by fog, but in reality was a coolest mist that left over of a deadly blood-stained snow. "You know that the Alpha is our protector from unknown enemies. Therefore, I hereby declared to bestowed him with favor. Let our ability be have its purpose!"

The whole time, Elera felt like her purpose collapse to million pieces. He glared to the foolish bastard before finally sat next to a terrifying creatures. Though Elera don't even bother the true form of unidentified man but seems like a woman in appearance. As if she connected to him in some ways, and that she doesn't feel threatened. When her eyes met Illiyo, she hurrily mouthed,

'It's your fault.' Eliyo's face darkened and in response to her decisive action, heave a deeply sigh and curse the woman in multiple ways. He looks exactly the way an untamed wolf ready itself to devoured every inch of provoking prey.

Elera taken aback by sensation of deadly crise, as if being eaten by Illiyo. Before she could relax in her seat after looking away, she locked eyes with the man she seated with; the master of enchantress, her teacher who looks so disappointed but deeply strange glow can be shown in eyes, as if thinking for something. In response, Elera smile shamelessly at her master, and make a peace sign, and trying not to mind the disappointed in his face, she close her eyes to find the strength.


After the so-called meeting, Elera angered with the fact that the Council are trying very hard to pursue what they called the right way to prevent the-so-called curse.

"Curse them!" she exclaimed. "Why did they even believe about curses? It's a waste of time!"

"You mean the Council wasting its time for nothing?" Iliyo sounds curious. "Why do say such thing, Elera?"

She faced him, "You're nosy, don't you know that? Not suit you at all," she said, looks so disgusted seeing him. She smile when he looks like ready himself to smash her face once again, things that she is confident will never happen. That's maybe why she is brave enough to say what in her mind, like, "What a pity for a council representative. Oh, can I say a creepy one who don't know a thing? You're so stupid on agreeing to that nonsense!"

"You!" He growled, not at all please to hear what she babbling about. "Don't you ever insult me, nor the decision made of majority!" He almost hit her with the Spear.

She step back before that happened, gasped, and in shock. She very know how deadly the spear is, yet Iliyo try to smash it for real, for her?



She just waves her hand, step back, and try not to be affected at all. "S-see you around?" She gulped and move backward more. "And y-yeah, don't just tell me I haven't warned you at all," she added, not at all certain if she had to. But she said, almost a whisper, "that decision will dangered not only the Luna but the whole Village itself. But maybe...maybe I should not be bothered anymore." With that, Elera find herself almost not breathing, the line between life and death is almost in her reach. She trouble hiding the tension in her every step, the fact that everybody try to search someone that may not existed at all is something that she have to discover before anyone else.

"I have to find what the curse is all about," she whisper as she head the hill.


It was passed the midnight, the silence prevail. Every light in the house built in woods and bamboos are just disappeared. But one house near the hill is lighten by a visitor in black-hood, silently knock the door and whispered an enchantment to dissipated the noise it creates.

Inside, a woman who cover her shocked face, heard noises of the enchantment. It brings strange in her whole existence. She suddenly felt sickness, likely to throw up as she smell blood, a fresh blood that horrored her face. She have a thought that it's just a dream, but how can she smell if only it is just a dream?

She doubted everything she see, but at that moment, it is a new nightmare that she never have the chance to doubt of. It feels...so real.

But why...of all time, why now?

She try to reach for an answer, but situation couldn't let her. It is her birthday, but no one greeted her. She never have expected that nightmare is the only thing that remember.

Bloody Moon seen as the window open by the sudden wind. She startled, eyes bigger and gasped for air to breathe. She felt she couldn't breathe properly as something strange block the sight of the bloody moon that feels like burning. It is just suddenly that the window shut again, but sight of someone stared directly hunted her whole existence.

What is that thing? Not the only questions that cross her mind. It is something more deadly: Why that thing exist and makes her life miserable?

She heard voice as footsteps dissipitated after the window closed. It called her name, begging something as someone enchant a familiar enchantment outside the closed door. It was a familiar voices but she coundn't recall where she heard it. A familiar voice that touch her trembling heart to rest. It instruct her to just close her eyes.

Before she could find the strength to ask, a familiar scent invade the room, mixed the smell of blood that added and poured at the wooden floor. But she couldn't understand where the blood came from, she's not at all injure or have wound. Or she just don't know anymore?

Since she saw a flood of blood in her dreams, she have been trying to avoid to wounded herself to triggered it. She thought it is the way to not dream the bloodshed, but why...why it is happening again?

As she thought of it, her heart felt like beating weakly. That's when she notice a hole that open in her chest, directly reach her heart and weakened it more.

The voice become desperate, as if beg to let the door open, as if know what have happened.

"Please, do what I say..."

She felt the never-ending sensation, even her chest feel as if pulling her to death. "W-why?"

Now she cough blood, made her to smile bitterly. She want to reach those strange being whose voice is familiar, but she stopped herself to scream for help. She don't want a help of those being, a strange being who keep visiting her.

"W-what do you want?"

With a pain grew in her chest, she stumbled at her feet. As if the fire grew and escaped her body, she felt the flame burned everything around.

She silently scream in pain, not to let strangers find victory in her every scream is what makes her survived until this moment.

"Why..." She begged for answers, but silence is the answer she have continuosly received. Tears have dried out and blood continued dripping from her wounded heart.

"S-sleep," voice commanded after the silence, after the enchantmen. "That's the only way to end the pain..."

She tried not to closed her eyes but the pain is unbearable, she heard the voice but she don't understand at all.

"Why..." She try to ask for the last time but her wounded heart started to beat less and less...until it rest forever.

That very moment, the scream of agony wake the Village to a deadly uproar.

"I'll never forgive them!" Accompany by the voice that cracked with determination, tears rolled out together with the lifeless body that trumbled inside the peaceful home. "I'll makes sure they will never touch you ever again!"

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